I am a god in another world

Chapter 22: Transformation

Just a few short sentences.

Gavin seemed to have said nothing, but he also seemed to have explained everything. At least in Zhalanda's heart, there was already a clear answer.

None of these sentences expressed his feelings, but the passionate feelings contained in them, even Zhalanda, who was slow and afraid in this regard, could clearly feel it. She was surrounded by this warm feeling all over her body until she was about to burn.

What do you mean don't get married before he comes back? Pah! What does it have to do with him whether she gets married or not?

Especially the part about the knights of the people of Tethyr, which made Zhalanda feel so touched. It seemed that the whole person was ignited. A bright light appeared in front of her life, guiding her in a new direction of life.

Zhalanda didn't know how many times she read the letter over and over again, as if she wanted to imprint every word on it in her mind, and then carefully folded the letter and stuffed it into the most intimate place in her chest.

When facing the book again, Zhalanda's attitude became much more cautious. Even when he saw the strange name of the opening chapter - the Seven Books of Military Strategies (the name translated into the common language of Faerun), he was not too surprised.

As Zhalanda calmed down and began to read deeply, his surprise and doubts became more intense, and finally turned into shock. He could no longer put down the manuscript in his hand.

There are a thousand Hamlets in the hearts of a thousand readers.

Not to mention, a book that gathers thousands of years of wisdom of the ancients has different feelings.

Especially for people like Zhalanda who come from a knight family, she has been exposed to this aspect since she could walk. When she was able to ride a horse, she began to follow her father and fought in the south and the north. Especially in recent years, she was forced to take the lead and has accumulated rich practical experience.

When compared with the things in this book of military strategies, she often feels like she has suddenly realized something.

In some places, she was even more amazed. It turned out that strategies and tactics can be done this way and can achieve such an effect.

Zalanda didn't realize that when she was reading, she couldn't help but resonate with the magic network. Her whole body, including the seven books of military strategy in her hand, began to emit a faint light. The ordinary words on it were gathering with her thoughts and began to glow little by little.

If Gavin was present, he would definitely be shocked to see this scene.

The scene in front of him was clearly the resonance of the magic network - but it was not Zalanda who was resonating, but the seven books of military strategy. Something that Gavin didn't expect was happening.

When Zalanda forced the book to close with great willpower, she found that she was sweating profusely. I don't know how long it has been.

There is definitely something wrong with Gavin.

At this moment, Zalanda can be 100% sure that the book of military strategy in her hand is the best proof. How could a little guy who has grown up with her and taught most of the things by her suddenly write such a thing? He is just using an excuse to escape from here and escape from himself.

But the question is, if you want to escape, why do you have to do so many thankless things? Doesn't leaving the book of military strategy prove that there is something wrong with you? Why do you have to leave a letter saying that you are coming back?

This made Zhalanda fall into a dilemma again. She must find that guy and find out what happened to him, no matter whether he escaped to heaven or hell.

At this moment, Zhalanda made up her mind.

When she got out of Gavin's carriage, Zhalanda found that it was already dark, and the core figures of Notburg gathered outside the carriage.

Zhalanda said with a gloomy face: "Have all the people who went out to chase the assassin come back?"

"Not yet, Captain." Nora replied.

"Due to Master Gavin's carelessness, the goblin captive escaped, which led to the tragedy. Master Gavin, out of self-blame, has personally gone to hunt down the goblin captive and vowed not to return until he kills the goblin. Before that, I will serve as the acting baron of Notburg and handle all related matters." Zaranda said in a deep voice, "Do you have any objections?"


"Everything will be arranged by the captain."

In the eyes of everyone, this is a natural and reasonable thing, and no one raised any objections.

"The most important thing for us now is to bring the men, women and children of Nottburg to Dalauma safely. Other things will be put on hold for the time being. Therefore, I order the militia chasing the assassin to withdraw all of them. The bodies of Master Roan and Captain Oster will be buried on the spot."

"Nora, you take your team to choose a suitable location and dig a grave. It must be large and deep."

"Alger, you lead your team to collect wood, the more and the faster the better."

"The rest of you, arrange the convoy to set off, enter Kami Village as soon as possible, rest for one night, and set off tomorrow morning. Action!"

"Yes, sir."

Zaranda arranged a series of tasks in the blink of an eye.

The Nott militia team once again demonstrated their high efficiency. When the moon was about to rise to the middle, a giant grave that was one and a half people deep was dug, and a huge open-air funeral pyre was set up next to it. The bodies of Roan and Oster were already placed on it.

Zalanda nodded to a middle-aged man in a priest robe beside him and said, "Priest Abel, let's get started. I'll trouble you with the rest."

Priest Abel's face twitched slightly, and he asked again to confirm: "Captain, can't we wait until tomorrow noon when the sun rises to the highest point to hold the funeral? It is not a wise choice to cremate at this time."

Zaranda glanced at the two bodies on the pyre, and the corners of her mouth twitched involuntarily. The black mist wrapped around them was already very obvious, especially the severed heads, which were almost condensed into the shape of a head. She thought to herself that she knew that cremation in the middle of the night was not a wise choice, but the problem was that these two bodies had to wait with you until then.

As mentioned before, in Faerun, death is not the end, but the beginning of another form. The undead have never been legends, but are close at hand.

If it were just two murdered bodies, it would be fine.

But if these two people were murdered by their relatives, especially their blood relatives, the probability of problems would increase significantly.

If the heads of these two bodies were cut off again, anyone with a little common sense would know that the probability of problems would be 100%.

Even when facing a war group of hobgoblins, Zalanda rode his horse and charged without changing his expression. However, when she faced two undead spirits of unknown species and full of resentment, her heart was beating gongs and drums, and she tried her best to strangle them in the cradle.

"Time waits for no one, Abel priest, do it!" Zalanda said firmly.

In order to appease the priest's heart, Zalanda immediately followed up with a sentence, "Don't worry, we are here. Wait a minute, if something really happens, you can leave first and don't worry about us."

It would be better if Zalanda didn't appease him. This appeasement directly made Abel priest stagger and almost cry out. He is a servant of the guardian god Torm, mainly engaged in protection and medical treatment, not a follower of the god of death. Purifying the dead is not his professional field.

But now he has to rush the duck to the shelf, who made him the only priest priest here?

When Abel the priest began to recite the holy prayer, the fear just now was swept away, and there was only endless solemnity. The magic net around him began to vibrate, and a soft light emanated from his body. A huge gray left-hand iron glove was looming in the light. It was the holy emblem of Torm the Truth.

All the people bathed in the holy light felt that the darkness in their hearts was swept away, and the whole person became warm.

The corpses on the funeral pyre were another situation.

In the holy light, they were like boiling kettles, sizzling, and countless black smoke came out of them.

Ao! Ao! Ao!

The faint anger and shrill roars were looming in the ears of everyone.

This resentment that had nowhere to vent seemed to communicate with another world and attracted countless attention. Pairs of invisible eyes lit up in the darkness around them, but they were afraid of the bright holy light and did not dare to get too close.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The two headless bodies soon turned into two fish on the shore, and began to frantically flutter.

Zalanda and his men had obviously anticipated this situation and made full preparations. What lay under their bodies was not scattered firewood, but a whole big tree, and a rope as thick as a thumb tied them together.

"Now, now, pour holy water, pour holy water." Abel priest shouted nervously.

"Pour!" Zalanda followed the order.

Rather than pouring holy water, it is more appropriate to say pouring.

The holy water in front of them was not measured in bottles, but in buckets, a full five buckets, and each person held a wooden ladle and poured it on the two bodies frantically.

These holy waters were like being poured into boiling oil, most of which had no chance to fall on the bodies and vaporized directly.

The black air on the two bodies was no longer as simple as black air, but turned into black flames. The resentment on them soared into the sky, especially Luo Ang.

The dark product of the undead has a lot to do with the strength of the deceased before his death, especially the soul, but it is not absolute. The other is the emotions accumulated before death and the price paid for it. His soul is willing to take revenge and compromise with the darkness, and will obtain amazing dark power.

Obviously, Luo An is now in the latter situation. Once it is formed, it is not as simple as a ground-bound spirit, a ghost, or a zombie. It is very likely to directly turn into a headless knight, forever wandering on the road to find his head and enemies, and cutting off the heads of all living beings he encounters.

Zalanda was furious and directly lifted up the whole bucket of holy water and poured it on Luo An's black flame head that was about to materialize.

Zizi! Zizi! Zizi!

In the face of absolute numbers, this ball of black flame was still a little insufficient and was completely submerged on the spot.

Zizi! Zizi! Zizi!

The other captains followed suit, picked up the wooden barrels, and poured all the holy water on them.

The two bodies were motionless on the spot.

"Light it up, light it up quickly." Abel the priest collapsed on the ground, his whole body was like he had just been fished out of the river, completely soaked.


Zhalanda pulled out the two-handed sword on her back, and the next second it was blazing with flames. With a leap, she thrust the sword directly into Luoang's heart.

A hotter flame rose up, completely enveloping Luoang, and ignited the pile of firewood under him.


A more shrill scream came from deep inside Luoang's body, sharp and thin, as if to pierce a person's soul. A black shadow struggled to crawl out of Luoang's body.

Zaranda held the hilt of the two-handed sword tightly, half-knelt in the fire, and let the flames lick her body.

Miraculously, she seemed to have an invisible armor on her body, blocking the burning of the flames, and could not hurt her at all. Her long red hair fluttered in the whirlwind caused by the burning flames, making her look like a female war god descended to the earth.

People who avoided the hot flames far away looked at Zaranda with respect from the bottom of their hearts.

This credit should probably be attributed to the two-handed sword in her hand.

This weapon was seized from the hands of the earth elf warlord before. It is a powerful magic weapon that can not only release fire attacks, but also provide powerful fire defense for the user.

The earth elf warlord was also unlucky. He was blinded by Gavin's physical attack as soon as he got started, and he had no chance to exert the true power of this magic weapon. Now it is in Zaranda's hands, and it is of great use.

No matter how the shadow in Luoang's body struggled, it could not break free from it, and then was swallowed up by the flames emitted by the magic weapon and the pyre bit by bit.

Due to the catalysis of the magic weapon in Zhalanda's hand, the burning speed of the funeral pyre was far beyond imagination. It burned out in just over ten minutes, and the two bodies were completely turned into dust. The only remaining bones were crushed with a pinch.

Zhalanda, who came out of the fire, not only did not show any sign of fatigue, but on the contrary, she exuded a faint red light from inside to outside, especially her eyes, which were like dancing flames. She walked from afar, and a heat wave rushed to her face, as if she had absorbed a lot of heat from the raging fire just now. She seemed to have gained some incredible benefits from this special purification ceremony.

Zhalanda waved his two-handed sword heavily, and a whirlwind rolled up, rolling the ashes into the grave pit next to him, and then he said lightly: "Fill it up and step on it."

"Yes." Everyone responded and waved the tools in their hands quickly.

It won't be long before this place is filled up and leveled.

Zalanda, whose red glow had not dissipated, looked at the direction where Gavin left, holding his chest where the letter was, and said in a voice that only he could hear: "Little bastard, this is all I can do for you, don't die out there, I look forward to our next meeting, whether you are synchronized with an angel or possessed by a devil, I will find out your true face."

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