I am a god in another world

Chapter 40: Cooking for the Kobolds

"They all returned to the cave one after another, as if they were going to mine." Anna whispered back, "I didn't stop them when I saw they didn't run away."

"Smart decision." Gavin gave the young priest a thumbs up, "From now on, it's not us who change them, but let them adapt to our existence. I just saw that there are a lot of good herbs around. When you have time, take those little guys to pick them. When we grill the meat later, I'll leave you ten pounds as a prize for them. I see that several dog-headed people are injured, and some have obvious disabilities in their arms and legs. Next, you do what you are best at."

"Understood, we call this building goodwill." Anna laughed like a little fox who had successfully stolen a chicken.

Gavin's conciliatory tactics were very much in the heart of the kind-hearted young priest.

When she first heard about Gavin's dog-headed people conquest plan, she was really worried that Gavin would whip the dog-headed people with a whip like those slave owners.

If that happened, she would be very embarrassed.

At present, it seems that her worry is unnecessary. How could Mr. Gavin, such a kind and good man, use such despicable and shameless means?

I doubted Mr. Gavin in my heart before, which was a big mistake.

Gavin didn't know that the young priest had given him another good card in his heart. He listened carefully and heard the sound of mining in the cave.

He secretly praised in his heart. He had heard that the dog-headed people were born miners, especially those in the tribe. In addition to eating, drinking and sleeping, the rest of the time was mining. They were more conscious than the slaves whipped with leather whips. It was said that this was their racial nature to like mining.

Previously, Gavin was worried that these dog-headed people would go out under the sun after eating and drinking. What should he do? He couldn't whip them with leather whips. Doing so would certainly make them work, but it would also create hatred, which was not a wise move.

Now, don't worry about them, just be your own cook.

In a few minutes, these two lean mountain goats were pulled out of their tendons and bones by Gavin.

One was pierced from head to tail and roasted on the fire. Instead of sharing all of it with them, a portion was selected as a prize to lure them in the direction they expected.

One was chopped into large pieces, and the bones were ready to be thrown into a hanging pot to make braised meat, and the broth would be used to make noodles later.

The bones were thrown into another pot, and then mixed with other vegetables to stew.

This time, Gavin didn't need to call them. Those who were idle, especially the dog-headed people, took the initiative to help collect firewood.

After Gavin rewarded them with a few meaty bones, they were more motivated.

It seemed that they were hungry and seemed to smell the fragrance of food. The dog-headed people who had previously entered the mine came out one after another.

They were very conscious and lined up with their wooden bowls.

After two meals, the day was dark.

Gavin didn't intend to let the hanging pot idle at all. He turned around and hunted another wild boar.

One pot couldn't hold it, so two pots were just right.

Simmer slowly over a low fire, and by dawn, the wild boar feast will be ready.

This went on for three days, with two meals a day.

One after sunrise and one before sunset.

Every meal was different.

Although stewing was the main method, the flavor was absolutely amazing.

Especially for a group that was originally on the poverty line, this kind of life was simply heaven.

The fragrant aroma did not fail to attract the peeping of hunters, but when most hunters became prey and became the next main dish in the stew pot, the peeping eyes were significantly reduced.

What was even more amazing was that when the meal was distributed on the third day, Gavin habitually counted the number of people, and found that the number of dog-headed people had changed again, and two new faces appeared behind the team that received food.

Although they pretended to be calm, their words and deeds seemed a bit sneaky. The two dog-headed people pushed each other and followed the team that received food forward.

Many of the kobolds in the Black Well just looked back at them and ignored them, and lined up in their own queues.

Are all kobolds so open-minded?

Gavin was a little confused and decided to suppress his curiosity for the time being, ready to let things take their own course and see how these kobolds would handle the matter.

So, when the two kobolds squeezed in front of Gavin, Gavin naturally took the wooden bowl next to him, filled a bowl and handed it to them.

The two kobolds who received the food were so excited that they almost overflowed on their faces, and they barked at Gavin politely, which was the dog-headed language for thank you.

For this breakfast, Gavin's main focus was on these two kobolds.

While eating, they barked and communicated with other kobolds, especially Goss, and naturally integrated into their ranks.

After the meal, he didn't run away, but followed them into the Black Well Mine. I don't know if they went to mine together.

So far, Gavin has not interfered with the normal life of the Black Well Kobolds except for cooking, and has never entered the Black Well Mine.

As famous as their cowardice is the Kobolds' traps. Who knows how many traps there are in the Black Well, which they use as a work area and a nest.

Goss, the leader of the Black Well Kobolds, did not go into the Black Well Mine immediately after the meal this time, but lingered in the distance. Even Vic, who is not very sensitive to this, can feel the tangled atmosphere emanating from his body.

Gavin certainly knew what the other party was struggling with. Although his kobold language was not very good, he could still understand part of the barking quarrels that occasionally came from the depths of the Black Well Mine. Coupled with his own reasoning, the situation Have a basic understanding.

No matter whether the other party really surrendered at first or pretended to surrender.

After three days of Gavin's tolerant policy, many kobold camp trends began to shift towards him.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

Although Goss has never heard this sentence, he still understands the truth.

After Gavin's troubles, the Black Well Tribe could never go back to the past.

Goss decided to have an in-depth discussion with Gavin on how he planned to deal with the Black Well Tribe.

It’s not an option to always have such good food and good food!

Other kobolds can eat without any thought, but Goss eats with fear every time.

He has never seen a human being who is not evil-hearted. Now that he is raising them with big fish and meat, there must be a bigger conspiracy. He is afraid that it won't be long before the entire Black Well is in ruins, and his stupid tribesmen will have to count their money. .

"If you have any questions, come and talk to me. If you keep digging, you will dig out a new mine." Gavin cleaned up the hanging pot, refilled it with water, washed his hands, and waved to Goss. .

"I've seen Sir Wang." Goss walked up coquettishly and said angrily, "On behalf of everyone in the Black Well tribe, Wang, I would like to thank you for taking care of Wang these days, but I advise you, in the end, It’s better to get out of here quickly.”

"Oh?" Gavin said with an interested expression, "Aren't you already loyal to me? Why did you suddenly drive me away?"

"I'm sorry, sir, I deceived you before." Goss said very honestly, "Because we didn't know your nature before, and we were afraid that you would hurt us like other humans, so we used this method. I'm trying to appease you, but in the past few days, not only have adults not harmed us, but they have also given us good food and drink. We can't live without heart and lungs. Now we have to tell the truth to adults. Our tribe is protected by someone. In a few days, God, he might come to collect taxes. If he meets you, I'm afraid he will harm you. "

"No wonder!" Gavin said with a look of sudden realization, "No wonder your minerals are so good, you work so hard, and your life is so difficult. It turns out there are people who are exploiting you. Who is your guardian? Tell me in detail Come and listen.”

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