I am a god in another world

Chapter 44 You can make a fortune by picking up trash

They have been exploited by this guy for more than a year, and he has eaten several of their people. It is impossible to say that they have no resentment towards him.

Especially Goss, every time he deals with him, he is always trembling, fearing that he will bite off his head in one bite and eat it as a snack like he did to the last Black Well leader.

Now the situation has changed, and he has fallen into his hands. Naturally, he has to recover some of his costs and rub him to death, rub him to death, rub him to death.

The dog-headed man who was previously named by Goss, seeing that Goss was fine, immediately moved, took the initiative to run over, took a horse brush, and joined the bathing business.

Whether it is goblins or dog-headed men, these small humanoid races are bullied by large creatures most of the time, and have accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction in their hearts. Once they have the opportunity, they like to bully large creatures very much and release their years of accumulated hatred and malice on them.

Even if the ogre is born with thick skin and flesh, the feeling of rubbing the horse brush made of hard pig hair on the body is definitely not pleasant.

If it were normal times, the ogre would have been furious and would have crushed these three little guys who were jumping around like little fleas.

But now, the ogre could only put his head into the cold river water to make his mind clearer and not do stupid things.

He no longer wanted to experience the feeling of being unable to live or die.

The hair removal side effect of Anna's previous healing magic saved a lot of trouble for this bathing work.

Even so, after rubbing for most of the day, when the ogre came out again, his skin was rubbed red, and the smell on his body was obviously much lighter.

The smell on his body was not formed in a day, and naturally it could not be driven away in a day. For the time being, he could not see all kinds of parasites crawling in and out of his broken animal skin clothes, which was much better.

The large sack that the ogre had carried before was also dragged over by other dog-headed people and presented to Gavin.

As soon as it was opened, the smell inside almost made Gavin fall over.

This is simply a large garbage bag, and the ogre stuffed everything into it.

Half a deer, a dozen tattered goblin daggers, a few pieces of inferior iron, and a few pieces of shiny crystals.

The most valuable thing should be a fist-sized piece of gold ore.

Gavin basically didn't care about these things, including the gold ore. What really attracted his attention were the crystals.

Gavin waved at the ogre, and the other party immediately ran over and half-knelt down to look at him - not because he was polite, but because he was subconsciously protecting his heels.

Gavin showed him the washed crystal and asked, "Where did this thing come from?"

The ogre scratched his bald head, tried to recall, and said uncertainly, "It should be given by the goblin tribes in front... I can't remember which one, anyway, it wasn't installed when I came out."

"What about your home? Is there any more?" Gavin knew that it was useless to ask, because the guy in front of him didn't look very smart.

Ogres are known for being stupid. This guy is relatively smart among ogres. Most ogres can't think of exploiting other intelligent creatures. This should be related to his mixed blood.

The first time he saw him, Gavin knew that this guy's blood was not pure. He should be mixed with orcs or goblins.

His skin was a little green, which was secondary. The main thing was his size. He was shorter than the authentic ogre and his waist was thinner.

The height of a pure-blooded ogre was generally close to three meters. This guy in front of him was only two meters and five or six meters, but among the dog-headed people with an average height of about one meter, he was a super giant.

"Home?" There was obviously no such concept in the roaring mind.

"Cave, where you live, where you put things."

"I don't remember." The half-ogre scratched his bald head again. He was not used to the sudden light, and he always felt a little cold.

"Take us there." Gavin was not very interested in the half-ogre's junk pile at first, and planned to let Gos take a few kobolds to find an opportunity to clean it up.

What good things can a bandit who squeezes things from kobolds and goblins have in his hands?

But those crystals changed his mind, and he decided to go there himself - maybe he could really find treasures in the junk pile.

This kind of crystal is called spiritual crystal.

In the hands of ordinary people, it is not really valuable. It is just a beautiful stone. At best, it can be made into jewelry, and its value is not very high.

But in the hands of spiritual professionals, it is valuable.

Its spiritual affinity allows it to contain spiritual energy. If it is infused with spiritual energy, it is a spiritual body. If it is infused with spiritual skills, it becomes a spiritual energy stone.

The former can replenish spiritual energy for psychics like Gavin, and the latter can release the spiritual power in it without consumption, just like a magic scroll.

Another use of it is to make a spiritual crystal servant, which has the same function as a magic pet of a wizard. Gavin's specialty as a psionicist is to make spiritual crystals with affinity, but he has never obtained enough spiritual crystals, so he can only put it aside.

Now that he has the opportunity to get a large number of spiritual crystals, how can Gavin let it go?

The cave of the half-ogre Howl is not close to the Black Well. It took a long time to go around. Fortunately, Howl's ability to remember the way is not bad.

He is considered a bully in the surrounding area. Usually he harasses others. No one dares to provoke him. With him leading the way, no one dares to come out to cause trouble.

It was just that the mountain road was a bit difficult to walk, and Gavin was driving a truck, which made it even more troublesome to walk. Fortunately, the half-ogre was strong enough, and combined with the horsepower, it was enough to push and pull it over.

Gavin knew he was there when he was still a hundred meters away from the half-ogre cave.

The smell was so strong and overpowering that it went straight up to the head. Goss and the other kobolds rolled their eyes at the smell.

Gavin didn't blink an eyelid. Compared to the pile of dead bodies in June, this smell was nothing.

He was right in guessing that raiding the half-human ogre's cave was like searching for treasure in the garbage.

Here are not only the scraps and scraps that the half-ogre plundered from goblins and kobolds, but also his daily household garbage, all kinds of broken bones and feces, piled all over the world.

Fortunately, he had foreseen it and brought a small group of kobolds over.

This kind of dirty work is naturally done by them, and Gavin is only responsible for counting the goods.

If you dig too much in the garbage dump, you can still dig out treasures.

The garbage pile that the half-ogre roared to was very old, and had been accumulated since his mother's generation.

However, his mother's savings accounted for less than one-tenth, because his mother was not as smart as him and relied entirely on her own brute force to plunder from other races.

Although the number of his mother's garbage dump is small, the treasures unearthed are more than what he shouted, because many of them are equipment left by the adventurers who attacked his mother. Although they are in disrepair and are a little tattered, they are still in good condition. It's better than most of the tributes collected from goblins and kobolds.

Although it was scrap metal, Gavin was not ready to let it go now that it was here.

There is still value in refining them, and their value is higher than that of most raw ores.

The spiritual crystals that Gavin valued most were basically collected by Half-Ogre Roar, but this guy with no taste has too unique aesthetic point of view.

This kind of small thing, which is beautiful in the eyes of most intelligent beings, is just useless garbage in his eyes. He is willing to bring it back purely out of greed. In addition, it is small and does not take up space. After returning, Along with other garbage, he dumped it into the storage pile in his cave.

This made it difficult for Gavin and the others to collect, just like sifting through sand, sifting through the half-ogre's garbage pile inside and out.

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