I am a god in another world

Chapter 501: Farewell with Wine (End of this Volume)

"If you need bricks and stones, if it's close to Anfield Village, just ask Goss to coordinate the solution. If the distance is too far and the transportation cost is too high, just buy it nearby." Gavin turned to Goss. , "If you have any problems that cannot be solved here in the future, you can directly consult Ms. Gauser. Her orders must be strictly implemented."

Goss is smart, but you can't count on him for big things.

What Gavin valued most was his loyalty and his unhesitating execution of his orders. This one advantage was worth tens of millions.

"Yes." Goss responded loudly, "I will definitely treat Ms. Gowther as the lord's wife, and her orders are second only to the lord."


Gao Se's mother couldn't help but laugh out loud, "I found that I kind of like this little guy. With him here, it will be a lot more fun, haha... Your abacus is really meticulous. The renovation construction team has it themselves. Now that you have your own quarry, if you open more logging sites, no one else can make a penny off of you. "

"This is exactly the other thing I want to say next." Gavin kicked a huge head out from under the table, "I have killed the roc, and its lair has been occupied by me. The kobold servants They have all been incorporated by me, so I really don’t need to worry about wood in the future.”

Telling Craven and Gowther's mother the news that Ji Peng was killed was the result of Gavin's careful consideration.

He not only fully considered the character of the two people, but also fully considered the emotional and interest entanglements between himself and the two people. Generally speaking, the advantages outweighed the disadvantages.

Because this Southern Clapt is priceless only in your own hands.

If it were placed in the hands of Mother Gothel and Father Craven, it would be tasteless and worthless.

They lack the means to effectively control the kobolds, and they do not have the ability to develop and utilize the garden farm. Don't forget that it is wrapped deep in the Krept Garden Forest, and there is also a wild magic area shrouded in it. Periphery.

If you want to move people into large-scale development, it can be said to be full of difficulties. After a long time of work, it is likely that in the end, the harvest will not be as big as the effort.

This is also the reason why many seemingly valuable mines and industries have been abandoned.

If Gavin had no kobolds or fey in his hands, and relied entirely on humans, he would have no other options. He would loot the place, take the heads of the rocs to the racecourse owners in exchange for bonuses, and then abandon the place.

Craven, who had been eating and drinking leisurely, couldn't help but put down his knife and fork at this moment, and said in surprise: "You've hidden yourself deep enough, and made a big deal quietly. How did you do it?" Arrived?"

"His abilities are mainly to twist and hijack spells. Just avoid this. I happen to have a weapon that can restrain it." Gavin took out the Death Roar, slapped it on the table and said, "Those kobolds before The defector is not really a defector, but a play arranged by me to lure Ji Peng into taking the bait. Once he comes out of his territory, he will never want to go back. "

"What? Did you arrange for the kobold defector?" Gowther's mother stared at the boss with bright eyes, "You guys really acted like one. You even deceived me. I still felt sorry for you because I lost so much. What a kobold craftsman!”

"It's not that I want to hide it from you, madam, but I'm afraid that someone in the village who colludes with Ji Peng will tip him off." Gavin defended himself, then continued, "But I hope you two can keep this secret for me. , don’t tell outsiders for the time being, I will send someone to pretend to be Ji Peng and keep everything as it is.”

Mother Gowther and Craven were both smart people, and they knew everything. They asked at the same time: "Do you want to occupy the Swift Roc's lair?"

"Yes." Gavin admitted generously, "There is a dwarf castle called South Klept, and there is a silver mine that has been mined again by Ji Peng and the kobold servants. Its value far exceeds The owners of the racecourse are offering a reward of 100,000 gold coins, so I have selected people to run it there. "

"I am really old, and my thinking cannot keep up with the development speed of you young people." Craven couldn't help but sigh, "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would be unimaginable that you, in just half a month, They renovated a large hotel, rebuilt a quarry with kobolds, killed a troublesome dragon-veined creature and occupied a silver mine. Many horse farm owners who have been operating in Amphier Village for a lifetime, no, have been operating for several years. The racecourse family of the past have all been overtaken by you. If they knew about it, they would definitely die of shame. "

"It's not that your thinking can't keep up with young people." Gao Se's mother said with a smile, "It's that the young man in front of you is not an ordinary person. For this reason, you should come to Anfeier Village on his first day. You should feel it when you go to the pub.”

"Yes, I will never forget what happened that day." Craven's thoughts unknowingly returned to half a month ago, when the young man in front of him entered the Xuanlu under the leadership of the female mages. Everything was blurry. Like yesterday, it seems like it happened a long, long time ago.

"We got married over wine, so today let's say goodbye over wine." Gavin said as he began to make preparations, and soon he was in an extraordinary state.

Damn it!

Craven shivered uncontrollably and bent his knife and fork. For a would-be legend, this was a sign of serious emotional loss.

Gao Se's mother jumped up from her seat.

Neither of them were ordinary people, and they recognized Gavin's current condition at a glance.

A demonic person with six attributes that reached the extraordinary level actually appeared in front of them alive.

Even if it was accumulated by magic and special abilities, it was not something that ordinary people could do.

How old is this young man in front of him? His professional level is not even extraordinary?

How is this possible?

Could it be that they were wrong, and the person in front of them was not a person at all, but a powerful dragon, or a similar legendary creature in disguise?

Gavin ignored the shock of the two people and focused on mixing drinks. What he was mixing now was naturally the emotional wine brewed by making friends with wine.

His hands kept mixing drinks, but what he recalled in his mind was the bits and pieces of contact with the two people after arriving here.

Although his cheap teacher Craven did not teach him too much, he did lead him into the door of bartending without too many selfish thoughts. It was because of the bartending technique as a stepping stone that he quickly integrated into Anfei Village. Even the special ability he was using now was also thanks to this matter.

In the following days, Craven basically did not do much for himself, but his shadow could be seen in many places.

For example, when he was doing free maintenance and had a conflict with Pyrost, he stood silently at the door of the Antler Pot Tavern.

For example, when Anfield Village questioned his promise to repair the road, he stood up without hesitation and put his own tavern on the line.

He was like a silent father, not good at expressing his feelings, but just paying attention from a distance. When he encountered difficulties and setbacks, he would lend a helping hand without hesitation. When you succeeded and achieved glory, he would just raise a glass in the corner to celebrate silently.

This long-lost way of expressing feelings made people unconsciously indulge in it.

And the selfless help of Gowther's mother to herself, that is, even a fool can see, is definitely not a simple friendship of interests, but if it is a love between men and women, it is far from that step. It can only be said that the two are very compatible and naturally congenial. As for Gavin's extraordinary charm and special abilities, how much role they play in it, even Gavin himself can't tell clearly, after all, these things have become part of him now, inseparable, and it is impossible to see them separately.

All in all, it is a very pleasant thing to get along with or cooperate with Gowther's mother.

He did not want to put an end to this relationship, but to take it as a beginning, to start more cooperation and establish a deeper relationship.

When Gavin finished his recollection, the wine was prepared, and he pushed it in front of the two and said: "This wine is called Afterglow, which contains my most sincere feelings for the two of you, but there is one thing I must say in advance, this wine is made with one of my special abilities, and it has a real magical effect, which will deepen the bond and feelings between us, so please consider carefully whether to drink it or not. No matter what choice you make, I will have no objection."

"It would be better if you didn't say it. Now that you said it, I have to drink this wine." Gowther's mother couldn't help laughing, and raised the wine glass heroically and drank it all.

"My student's new wine, no matter what, I have to taste and evaluate it myself." Craven also did not hesitate.

The special ability of making friends with wine is not to directly blend finished wine, but to blend it with the finished wine that Gavin is proficient in.

It can be integrated into the mind-watching and the aftertaste.

In Gavin's opinion, if you want this kind of wine to play the greatest role, you don't have to go to a roadside tavern and invite a stranger to drink, because the magic effect will work, but it is the worst kind, and at best it can reverse half of the favorability level.

On the contrary, after the two sides have established a certain emotional foundation and experienced countless ups and downs, sublimation on this foundation can make its effect reach the maximum.

Many things in Faerun are quantified, including comparative sensory cognition such as favorability.

In daily life, few people mention this kind of thing. After all, it is not immutable, but changes constantly according to the interaction and emotional interweaving of two people.

Sometimes, a small thing can make people turn against each other, while a glass of wine and a chat may warm up the relationship between two people, but as time goes by, it may deepen or fade.

This quantitative level is mainly prepared for magic.

Many magics can directly manipulate people's senses and emotions, and the spell level is usually not high.

For example, charm humans, charm monsters, etc., are all first-level or second-level spells.

They can often change the perception of the recipient, directly turning from an enemy into a close friend or guardian.

Although they are strong, they are usually time-limited, generally not more than 24 hours, and there are very few that last until they are lifted.

Some will also serve as a trigger to make the victim become their followers. When the barghest manipulates those wild wolves or earth spirits, it is usually a combination of special abilities and intimidation.

Emotional attitudes are roughly divided into nine levels: extreme hatred, hatred, hostility, unfriendliness, indifference, friendliness, cordiality, respect, and reverence.

People who meet for the first time are usually in the middle of the strange and cold stage, with no good feelings or bad feelings. As your words, deeds, and actions, you will begin to show diversity, either good feelings, bad feelings, or no feelings at all.

The place with the highest favorability towards Gavin is undoubtedly the Nectar Village, even more so than the kobolds in the Dragon Oak Territory. Because of his high starting point, a milestone in destiny sent him directly to Respect, and it was a mandatory lock.

No matter how much Gavin behaves, even if it breaks through their bottom line, this attitude will not change, but there is no hope of improvement.

Gavin was certainly not stupid to that extent. Although he used Picklings in the future, he tried his best not to exceed their bottom line, or used roundabout ways to make full use of their own characteristics to mobilize their enthusiasm.

This made his reputation in Huami Village grow slowly and continuously. Even if he didn't reach the level of respect, he had reached the peak of respect.

Gavin's reputation in Amphail Village is now barely friendly. Craven's friendliness is at the early stage, and Mother Gothel's friendliness is at the end of the stage. It's close to friendly.

This is just Gavin's personal rough estimate. I haven't heard of any magic or tool that can directly see other people's affection for me.

Gavin had a special purpose in developing and mixing the Aftertaste cocktail.

He wanted to make full use of Filancini's absolutely lonely life of imprisonment and take advantage of it. The aftertaste of the five cups would make her repeatedly recall the feeling of the two of them getting along for five days. Not only would they not be separated by a month, It becomes lighter, but continues to heat up.

But after the cocktail was prepared, he found that it was a more suitable vehicle for the special ability of meeting friends with wine than observing the mind.

This concept of meeting friends over wine follows the principle of life of exchanging sincerity for sincerity, and Yu Yun interprets this to the extreme.

Gavin gets as many responses as he puts into it.

After the aftertaste of the cup, both Craven, who was extremely reserved, and Mother Gowther, who looked like she didn't care about anything, couldn't help but burst into tears.

Because the emotion contained in it directly touched the softest part of their hearts.

By the time they recovered from this emotional shock, Gavin was gone.

Gose's mother couldn't help but ask Gose, who was crying on the side: "Where is your lord?"

"Lord... Lord Lord... has left... He said, he said, what he wanted to say is already in the wine... There is no need to say goodbye in person... Tusheng is sad, and it is not a separation of life and death. He can do it at any time They will all come back. If you miss him, just let me know and you can come to our territory as a guest." Although Goss choked up, his words were conveyed clearly.

As for why Goss was crying, you would know without asking.

Because he was also holding a wine glass tightly in his hand, Gavin obviously mixed him a glass of Yuyun.

After all, drinking with friends can be used three times a day, while the extraordinary state can only be entered once a day, so it is wasted if not used.

The superior-subordinate relationship between him and Goss destined Gavin's feelings to be magnified tenfold with Goss.

Gavin just recalled how the two parties got to know each other and what happened, and added a little care and attention to him.

It was enough to make Goss shed tears of gratitude, and his affection for Gavin directly reached the peak of reverence, full of the kind that he would not hesitate to die for him.

"How can people dislike such a considerate and good boy?" Craven sighed quietly, "He is afraid that we will lose our composure after drinking and be embarrassed to face him."

If you have deep feelings for a person, you can't help but help him to beautify and defend him.

Gavin's farewell without saying goodbye has now become an out-and-out advantage.

It doesn't matter whether he thinks so or not.

The key is that Craven thinks so. After his explanation, Gowther's mother also thinks so. She nodded involuntarily and said: "It seems that we didn't help the wrong person from the beginning. In this world, such an innocent young man It is indeed rare for people to have the aftertaste of a cup to realize that their feelings have not been in vain. How good is this cocktail to yours?"

"Little girl, are you laughing at me?" Craven glanced at Gowther's mother angrily, "This cocktail is far beyond the upper limit of my ability. I will never be able to make this kind of drink in my life. You have also seen the state of his mixing. It is an extraordinary state. This is an extraordinary cocktail. If he is not in that state, even he cannot make it. "

As a top bartender, Craven has a very venomous gaze and can see the secret of Yuyun at a glance.

When Gavin's previous state was mentioned, Gowther's mother couldn't help but fell silent.

The extraordinary state is an existence that they can only look up to in this life.

They had only heard of it before, never seen it.

Even if there are, most of them appear in those extraordinary or legendary races, rather than in a human being.

This incident somewhat broke their cognition, leaving them shocked and speechless, further catalyzing the effect of the aftertaste cocktail.

A man less than half her age has become someone she needs to look up to. Perhaps, it won't be long before he grows up to be that legendary figure.

This realization made Gao Se's mother's heart become hot again, because they now have a good relationship foundation and have cooperative projects.

If anything, Gao Se's mother was originally only prepared to invest a lot of energy in this cooperation project.

So now, she is ready to invest in it regardless of all the investment, and the Happy Hall as the foundation will be pushed to the back.

After the idea came to her mind, Gowther's mother couldn't help but instigate: "Dad, we are going to open a new hotel model. Once successful, it will be an unprecedented big business. Do you want to get involved?"

She knew that Craven had many friends in the City of Glory. Even many of the secret lords had close relations with him. With his joining, some things would be much more convenient.

Craven shook his head and said, "Don't think about me. I have many friends and many enemies. It may not be a good thing for you to join rashly. But you can take care of the girls in my tavern. They may have been able to stay in one place peacefully before. Now that their horizons have been raised and opened by Gavin, it is difficult for them to keep their hearts."

After thinking about it, he suggested: "Since you are going to open a hotel, my bartending and knife throwing skills are more or less useful. If your girls are willing to learn, you can send them to me."

"Okay." Gowther's mother naturally would not refuse the kindness of a quasi-legendary warrior.

The lingering aftertaste of a cocktail requires the taster to savor it slowly afterwards.

Gavin, the instigator, had already officially started a two-month-long plan thousands of miles away - a thousand-mile migration.

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