I am a god in another world

Chapter 522 Who else can be the best assistant?

"Quick, quick, quick, help me trap him, help me trap his end, I need time." The six-armed snake demon Ye Ying screamed loudly. This is a great opportunity to cut off an arm of the Lord of the Abyss.

What a great honor this is!

This is a temptation that all demons cannot refuse.

As for him being the King of the Abyss, hehe... It is precisely because he is the King of the Abyss that this temptation is so great.

Could it be that you think the demons are absolutely loyal to Demogorgon?

Demons control their subordinates, never with loyalty, but fear, endless absolute fear.

In this emotion, hatred is always born.

As for the six-armed snake demon's object of help, it is naturally Gavin who has been watching the battle outside the room.

This kind of battle situation is not something he can intervene in at all.

Not only is the problem of insufficient attack power, but also because the opponent's attack is too brutal, Ye Ying's damage reduction is ineffective against it, not to mention his own combat armor.

The size difference between the two sides is too large, and the opponent can slap him into a meat pie with a slap.

The scene where humans can still jump around after taking a punch from a Titan only exists in fantasy movies. Large size has a crushing advantage in terms of strength.

Gavin himself is not qualified to participate in the battle, but the six Night Shadows are now qualified.

In fact, before the six-armed snake demon Night Shadow asked for help, they had already rushed in, three in a group, rushing towards the forked tentacle arm, with the obvious purpose of preparing to grab it and restrict its movement and attack.

If they did this at the beginning, it would definitely be a suicidal act.

Not to mention that the tentacle arm was so fast that it could not keep up, it could wrap up and strangle the Night Shadow with a backhand.

But now, when its strength is severely limited, it can play a role.

Demogorgon also realized the danger, dodging and trying to fight back.

It's just that there are too many enemies and their speed is severely limited, less than half of their peak period.

He avoided the first, second, and third attacks, but couldn't avoid the fourth, fifth, and sixth.

When one of them grabbed it, stepped on the ground and began to exert force, the rest of the things were easy.

Although these crouching night shadows barely got close to the super-large body, they could still cause great trouble to the tentacles under their combined strength, making it impossible for them to harass and attack the six-armed snake demon night shadow.

At this time, the exciting BGM sounded in the field at the right time.

This naturally came from the singing stone.

"This is... legendary power." The six-armed snake demon night shadow screamed in disbelief.

An option was clearly placed in front of her.

Legendary power reward (choose one of three)

1. Strength attribute +4.

2. Crushing and tearing (special ability) - In the power confrontation, your size is regarded as one level larger. When two swords or even multiple weapons hit the opponent at the same time, it will cause tearing damage and an additional 1D8 points of bleeding damage.

3. Fatal Decapitation (Special Ability) - When your weapon hits the enemy's neck, joints and other vulnerable parts, there will be a certain chance to cut it off directly. The bonus value of multi-arm combined force is increased to 0.3 per arm. For each additional arm used, the chance of fatal decapitation will increase by 10%.

Compared with the shock of the six-armed snake demon Night Shadow, Gavin was very smart and took it for granted.

The six-armed snake demon Night Shadow itself has 26 points of strength. After using the giant transformation, not only has the size doubled, the weight increased eight times, and the various bonuses brought by the same strength value are doubled.

Strength will also increase by two points, while agility will decrease by two points.

This is an internal adjustment from the change of body size, a typical internal bonus.

The attribute adjustment brought by the Singing Stone is not only an internal bonus for Gavin, but also for other people affected, even undead creatures like Night Shadow will be affected.

Because this is the power from emotions and music, it arouses the inner soul power and has no direct relationship with the body.

Faced with these three choices, without Gavin's help, the six-armed snake demon Ye Ying made the most advantageous choice for himself - fatal decapitation.

I hadn't felt it before, but the enemies encountered this time were a bit unusual. The six-armed snake demon Ye Ying had a clear understanding of her lack of instant fatal explosive power.

Especially this kind of legendary power that was not achieved by her real strength, she should choose the ability of instant burst rather than the more conventional ability of crushing and tearing. Her ability of group attack is already outstanding enough, and it doesn't matter whether there is additional damage or not.

Once the ability was selected, whether it was the six arms of the six-armed snake demon Ye Ying or the snake-shaped sword in her hand, all burst out with unusual light, which was the blessing from magic and law.

What was originally extremely difficult became very simple at this moment.

The six-armed snake demon Ye Ying exerted force again, and the tentacles of the King of the Abyss were cut off at the roots.


What echoed in the air were all crazy and unbelievable roars.

Demogorgon would never think that he just wanted to take this opportunity to establish his power.

He failed to establish his power, but lost one of his arms.

How is this possible?

When did such a powerful being appear in the material plane?

Shouldn't they retreat when they saw his tentacles?

He is the king of the abyss.

But it was real that his arm was cut off.

Even if the tentacle arm of the King of the Abyss was cut off, it did not immediately turn into a dead thing. Instead, it struggled and twisted like a big fish on the beach.

Especially at the fracture location, the devil's blood that spewed out was not red, but black and smelly rotten water. The smell was similar to that of an aqua toilet that had not been cleaned for a hundred years. The smell of it made people go crazy.

As the severed arm swings wildly, demon blood is sprayed everywhere. After splashing on the broken flesh and bloody corpses on the ground, these filthy things squirm and gather uncontrollably.

Especially the body of King Kodikoli stood up unsteadily and ran towards the tentacle arm.

After the King of the Abyss's tentacle arm was cut off, there were signs that his consciousness pieced together a brand new body for himself.

At Demogorgon's level, even a drop of devil's blood can sometimes cause some trouble in the material plane, let alone a tentacle arm cut off directly from the main body and turned around. Being a monster is nothing unusual.

"Control it, I have a way to completely eliminate it." Gavin ordered to the six-armed snake demon Yeying.

"Do you have a way to completely eliminate it?" The six-armed snake demon Yeying's eyes were full of disbelief.

This is the arm of the King of the Abyss.

Where does a little guy who has just stepped into the realm of transcendence have the confidence and ability?

Then I thought again, the ability of the guy in front of me cannot be completely measured by extraordinary. After all, it is because of him that he became what he is now.

The swords of the six-armed snake demon have always been faster than her brain. Before she could think about it, the six snake-shaped swords had all been inserted into the broken-arm tentacles, firmly fixing them in place. The other end was tightly suppressed by six Fu Xingye Shadows, and the broken arm was naturally unable to be the same as the main body.

Gavin walked into the room cautiously, as if he would run first if he saw something was wrong.

Fortunately, the control of the Immortal Revenge Domain is quite strong. The six-armed snake demon Yeying did not rebel. Although the King of the Abyss roared angrily, he did not dare to act rashly. Previously, he could directly reach out, except for the remaining people in this room. In addition to connecting his power, he was also pulled by the soul of King Kodikori who had the devil's mark on him.

Reclaim your loot, the divine power protected by the power of the laws of the entire multiverse.

Now that this trophy had been destroyed by his own hands, he naturally couldn't stretch out his second arm. Even if his own broken arm was right here, he couldn't get it back.

Even if he could stretch it, he didn't dare to stretch it again easily. Who knew if they could cut off his other arm?

When he walked in front of the severed-arm tentacle, Gavin's hand already lit up with a bright light - destroying evil.

The demi-god's severed hand and the stomach of the nightmare snake.

Both examples prove that this ability has extraordinary lethality even against biological materials, especially evil biological materials. The more evil the opponent is, the more lethal this ability will be.

As for the operating rules to be followed, Gavin has not fully understood it yet.

But this ability is indeed very useful when dealing with evil beings.

This time is no exception.

No one is as evil as demons and demons in the world, and Demogorgon, the King of the Abyss, is the evil among evils. His body, his blood, and even his breath and existence are all synonymous with evil.

When the blazing white light in Gavin's hand touched the severed arm tentacle, it was like sparks touching gasoline, and with a bang, it fell into a burning state.

Ouch, ouch, ouch...

On the other side of the plane barrier, a terrifying roar of pain came again.

The bloody vortex that was still looming exploded with a bang and disappeared without a trace.

Gavin's destruction of evil destroyed the last link between the two.


Not only the severed arm tentacles were in a burning state.

Even the six-armed snake demon Yeying and Fuxing Yeying who suppressed it were affected, entered a burning state, and screamed in pain.

This pain does not originate from the body, but from the soul.

The sins they have committed and their evil obsessions seem to have become the nourishment of this unique flame, making it burn even more vigorously. Many things that were once taken for granted are no longer taken for granted, like poison, corroding their hearts. With the soul, this condition in turn causes the body to enter a burning state.


The six-armed snake demon Yeying and Fu Xingyeying released their control on the severed hand tentacles at the same time.

When out of contact with it, the blazing white flames on the body naturally and slowly extinguished.

Even if evil is destroyed, it will not really burn or destroy some evil. Gavin's own power is also needed as an accelerant, especially the part of the power of destiny extracted from him is irreplaceable - destroying evil This ability is not to be used casually, especially when destroying extraordinary things, the power of law, the power of destiny, or, more generally speaking, experience points will be used.

This kind of experience value is not extracted directly from Gavin, but the experience value that should be obtained in this matter will be consumed in advance.

Simply put, once you use this ability, the experience points you gain afterwards will be greatly reduced.

This ability can be used on living things, but there is a prerequisite, that is, both parties are in contact, either directly or indirectly as just now.

After losing control, the broken hand tentacles naturally entered a state of crazy struggle, burning and crackling everywhere.

But the strange thing is that no matter how it twitches, it will actively avoid the place where Gavin is standing, as if there is an invisible force protecting him.

In the end, not only the broken hand tentacles of the King of the Abyss were ignited, but the whole room was ignited.

Everything here is regarded as filth and synonymous with evil.

Gavin, who was in the center of the white flame, was unharmed. Although this kind of flame can destroy matter, it starts directly from the inside. It is not a real mundane flame and does not release heat.

The six-armed snake demon and the six crouching night shadows had no way to gain a foothold in the room and were forced out of it.

Looking at the figure in the center of the white flame, even the six-armed snake demon couldn't help but show a trace of awe in his eyes.

The attack method just now directly broke her cognition. It seemed that it was not very aggressive. The aggression came from its own sins and evils.

Self-blame, shame, repentance, this series of emotions that had never been experienced before, entangled her like a nightmare, making her fall into self-doubt and disgust.

Even those angels who claimed to represent justice had never heard of such a unique attack method.

How could there be such an extremely evil method in this world?

What is the origin of this young man in front of her?

Is he the illegitimate son of a god?

Before, she felt that it was unfair for her to take this fall, but now it seems that it is not unfair at all.

It is necessary to have an in-depth communication with this young man afterwards.

Gavin focused on the purification in front of him without distraction.

Although Demogorgon is not a god, his ability is comparable to that of a god, at least comparable to that of a powerful god.

Therefore, although both are broken limbs, Demogorgon's broken arm tentacles and the half-god broken palm of the undead goddess of vengeance are not comparable.

Last time, in order to purify the demigod's broken palm, he used the power of the Dragon Oak Mother Tree and the Vizeme Manor.

This time, facing a more powerful existence, he has not used external power until now, because his own strength is far from the last time.

Borrowed power is borrowed power after all. Ten points of power can only be used as one point, while one's own power can be used as ten points.

When Gavin used all his strength to destroy evil, he just discovered the true use of the Oring Soul Tower.

This thing actually has the same effect as the Tower of Domination of Misnoel. It has the effect of amplifying spells, but it is far less significant than the Tower of Domination.

One layer can amplify the power of spells by 10%.

It seems inconspicuous, don't forget that this thing is built up continuously with the level of the profession. Now it is only four layers, and it can already allow him to cast spells at 1.4 times the normal level.

What if his Oring profession is upgraded to level 10? Level 20?

With this ability, what other super magic expertise do you need?

The spells he cast automatically have it.

The key is that this ability is not only useful for the spells and abilities he casts, but also for the special abilities obtained through the milestones of destiny.

Including destroying evil, which makes him more handy when he casts it.

Even though this is not an ordinary fire, the burning speed is extraordinary, but the broken arm tentacles of the King of the Abyss are also extraordinary. They burned for nearly an hour. The light from here can be clearly seen even by the cavalry stationed several kilometers away. They only know that something unusual has happened here, but they don’t know what happened.

"Come in." When the white flames faded, Gavin's voice came out.

The six-armed snake demon Yeying not only did not feel the weakness of excessive power consumption, but was full of energy. He carefully leaned in, and the white flames that made him afraid had gone out.

The broken arm tentacles of the King of the Abyss have disappeared, and with them, there are also filthy things in the room, as if they were all burned clean by the white flames.

Instead, there was a huge ball of light in Gavin's hand.

This ball of light was golden, not very big, only the size of a normal person's head, but the power contained in it was as vast as the ocean.

The eyes of the six-armed snake demon Yeying fell on this ball of light, and he could not move his eyes away.

This was the essence of the broken arm tentacles of the King of the Abyss.

With just one glance, the six-armed snake demon Yeying was 100% sure of this.

"Tell me your real name, and it's yours." Gavin didn't waste any words and directly offered his conditions.

He knew very well how tempting this thing in his hand was to the six-armed snake demon Yeying.

This was the extracted, pure and harmless energy essence of the most powerful demon lord in the bottomless abyss.

Hidden in it was not only powerful energy, but also Demogorgon's understanding of the laws of the abyss, that is, his special ability.

As expected.

The greed that burst out of the eyes of the six-armed snake demon Yeying was like the flames of hell, capable of engulfing Gavin and the demonic essence in his hands.

The smooth throat kept moving, and the flaming red lips opened and moved several times continuously. A name rolled around her lips countless times, but she suppressed it with her strong willpower.

She could certainly feel the help of this ball of demon essence in front of her. If she could swallow it, she would probably transform and grow into a true demon lord.

But using her demon real name as the price, she had to think carefully, which was equivalent to handing her life and property into the hands of others.

For a demon who refused to trust anyone except herself, this was the most unacceptable condition.

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