I am a god in another world

Chapter 533: City Granting Ceremony

With the two special abilities of the Kobold Queen and the Dragon-Dog Mutual Assistance being activated, Sanoba could clearly feel that she had established a mysterious connection with the Kobolds. In the process of ascending the dragon, she not only brought them more magic power and purified their blood, but also could sense their deep desires and know what they really wanted.

This will be of great convenience for capturing them and ruling them.

Gavin gave full affirmation and encouragement: "Just go ahead and do it. If you cause any problems, I will help you back. Even if it is the ancient red dragon, it is provoked, and there is no way to deal with it."

Sometimes people's courage is equal to financial resources.

Suddenly, with a net worth of tens of millions, Gavin's courage has been raised to a higher level, especially when facing a giant dragon. At most, he can just knock him out with golden coins.

Faced with mountains of gold and silver, even the greedy five-headed dragon queen Tiamat has room for negotiation, not to mention those red dragons - of course, before that, you must show your force appropriately to let the other party realize that if they are not careful, they will break their teeth when eating you.

Otherwise, they prefer to use force to take what they need directly.

"Don't worry, lord, I will control the degree. What we have to do is to get as much benefit as possible." Although Gavin said so, Sanoba herself must be aware of the importance.

"They are almost ready, it's our turn to enter." Gavin pointed down.

In the Blood Canyon City, at this moment, it is not a busy construction site, but all the population gathered on the huge Blood Canyon Square. According to their affiliation, they were divided into squares and sat neatly in front of a huge generals' platform.

Before the migration army set out again, Gavin and his team still had one thing to do - to hold a ceremony of granting a city, a flag, and a title to Blood Claw and the Blood Claw Corps he led, to further clarify the subordinate relationship between the two parties, and to let Blood Claw lead the Blood Claw Corps to reaffirm the blood oath of the true god, and include all the newly joined earth elves into the Blood Oath Army.

Gavin believed that this was a matter of course.

Although the war to destroy the Troll Kingdom did not open the Destiny Milestone and could not provide the law blessing, what he did was real, and those earth elves were not blind, and they would definitely be affected accordingly, especially when their own Blood Oath Army was mixed in.

As for the Destiny Milestone, it was not that it was not opened, but that it was forcibly suppressed by Gavin.

Now is not the best time to open it. For them, the destruction of the Troll Kingdom is just an episode on this journey.

The Destiny Milestone will have to wait until they have completed the entire migration route and arrived at the valley to open it.

Although the fate milestones can be merged and upgraded, the things born in this process are relatively one-sided, focusing on a single event rather than the whole thing.

Gavin believes that the top fate milestones that are achieved in one step will help him more. He also has reason to believe that as long as these immigrants are successfully brought back to the valley, the fate milestones opened will be unprecedented, even surpassing the enemies of the undead goddess of vengeance.

Gavin flew towards the generals' platform under the protection of the Black Wing Guards led by Shanoba.

As soon as they made a move, more than 20,000 eyes were focused on them. Even Gavin, who was fully prepared mentally, was a little excited, but he was controlled by his powerful control.

When have Shanoba and the dragon-like big dog-headed people led by her ever seen such a scene? Some of them forgot to flap the dragon wings they had just obtained on the spot, and almost fell from the air. They flapped the dragon wings quickly and hurriedly to stabilize their bodies. There were several uncontrollable snickers below, but they were restrained immediately due to the overall serious scene.

In this situation, the only thing they can do is to bite the bullet and fly down as if nothing happened, all the way to the generals' stand, and the rest is just like a sculpture, just standing there, because the protagonist today is not them, but the young half-elf in front of them, their kobold king.

Gavin folded his wings and looked over the whole place. He could not help but feel proud because he created everything in front of him. He said loudly to the crowd below: "Today, please allow me to announce to you the news that Blood Gorge City has been officially established. You have created a miracle with your own hands. Building a city in ten days is something that has never happened in the history of Faerun.

In fact, since leaving Dalaoma, we have been creating miracles. What we have walked out of is not just a migration road, but a miracle road. We must not only change our own destiny along this miracle road, but also change the destiny of all creatures along the way. Today, let us completely change the destiny of all creatures in the Giant Plains.

This is not the end, but just a beginning. My previous promise remains unchanged. I will take all of you to the valley safely and build our own city there. Believe me, believe in yourself. Since you can build a city for the Blood Claw Legion in ten days, you have the ability to build a city of your own in a short time."

"Long live Lord Baron Gavin." This is the cry from the Blood Claw Legion's hobgoblins.

"Long live Lord Baron Gavin." This was the cry from the migrating army.

"Long live Lord Baron Gavin." This was the unanimous cry of everyone.

There may be elements of artificial arrangement in this, but more of it comes from the heart. As Gavin said, they are creating miracles, and they themselves are the creators of miracles, whether they are building roads while walking, In just ten days, they built a hobgoblin city based on the terrain, not to mention that they had just defeated an army of demons from the abyss.

They would have never dared to think about this kind of scenario before, let alone experience it in just half a month.

And all of this was brought to them by the man in front of them.

They fully believed in his promise to bring everyone to the valley and build their own city. No matter how great the difficulty was, could it be worse than the demon army? They have survived this level, what else can they not face?

Seeing that the atmosphere was easily ignited, Gavin said loudly and solemnly again: "Where is the Blood Claw?"

"Here are my subordinates." The tall and sturdy hobgoblin warlord walked up to Gai Wen at a fast pace, knelt on one knee, and put his hands on his bowed knees with great respect.

Gavin pulled out a long sword and pressed it on Bloodclaw's head and said: "In the name of Gavin Nott, the supreme ruler of the Tesselnot family, I canonize you as my knight and officially name you Bloodclaw Nort." Special, are you willing to accept it?”

The knight canonization ceremony using Teser is discussed in advance at a special meeting.

Doing so will, on the one hand, allow the migrating soldiers and civilians of Tethyr to have a deeper sense of identification with these hobgoblins. Although they are monsters, their rulers have also become members of the Tethyr knights.

The second is to set a dividing line for the Blood Claws. From now on, they are no longer a pure monster army, but an intelligent life army with belonging. They can no longer simply use the monster army to demand themselves, but towards the As a truly intelligent race moves forward, they, the hobgoblins, do not lack wisdom to begin with. They are not classified as an intelligent race, but as a monster race, just because of their monster-like behavior.

"I do." Bloodclaw said loudly.

They have no taboos in this area. Whether it is a human surname or a human knight's name, it is just a form, a symbol, which represents that the relationship between them and Gavin is getting closer and closer, and the bond is getting stronger and stronger.

This way of acting is still the same as that of a monster.

But this kind of thinking ends today, because from now on, he is a hobgoblin with a surname and belonging.

"From today on, you are my sword, and the direction my arm points is also the direction your sword edge points. It's done." Gavin tapped the long sword on Xueclaw's shoulder twice, then continued, " Flag comes.”

Shanobah immediately walked to Gavin holding a flag.

After Gavin took it, he fluttered in the wind, and the flag floated directly as if it had no weight, unfolding above his head. What's even more amazing is that this flag actually has its own phantom effect, directly turning its own The size projection is magnified ten times, enough for people in the entire Blood Gorge Square to see clearly.

If it had been in any other place, it might have caused some exclamations and whispers.

The immigrants below seemed to take it for granted. They were the first viewers of the Pioneer Phantom. In comparison, the situation in front of them seemed a bit childish.

This flag is an improvement on the dragon oak leader flag, but it has been deepened. The background is still the mother dragon oak tree, and the flying dragon and the man wearing battle armor have become the second layer of virtuality. The background is light, leaving only a bloody paw in the center of the flag.

Gavin solemnly introduced: "This flag is called the Dragon Oak Bloodclaw Flag. From now on, it will be your symbol, take the flag."

"The people are here and the flag is here." Xue Claw said in the same solemn voice.

As he responded, the Dragon Oak Blood Claw flag automatically moved from behind Gavin to behind the Blood Claw, completing the handover ceremony.

"Now, as the lord, I will grant you the protection of Blood Gorge City. This city will serve as the foundation for your development and growth. I hope you can do your best to protect, develop and strengthen it, so that it can become a shining pearl. Today it rises as a hobgoblin, and tomorrow the hobgoblin is proud of it." Gavin said impassionedly, "I hope you can renew your old vows and let the mighty Magrubit witness our sacred relationship."

Bloodclaw recited the oath he had already prepared without hesitation: "I, Bloodclaw Nott, am willing to accept the canonization of Lord Gavin, use the Dragon Oak Bloodclaw flag as the leader flag, and guard Blood Canyon City for him. I I would like to swear in the name of the mighty Magrubit that his wish is my wish, his anger is my anger, his enemy is my enemy, his friend is my friend, and I will follow him throughout my life, forever. If you don’t break your promise, your soul will be eternally silent.”

Compared with the last time, Bloodclaw's oath has changed a lot.

The last Blood Oath of the True God was just an ordinary oath of allegiance. This time the Blood Oath of the True God has been upgraded to a soul oath. The soul will be eternally silent, which means it will be wiped out. It is not even qualified to enter the Asura Hell. For the hobgoblin, there is no comparison. This is a more serious punishment.

"I swear by the name of the mighty Magrubit..."

“I wish that through the Mighty One…”

Under the leadership of the original Bloodsworn Army, all the hobgoblins knelt on the ground, then knelt down and repeated the same oath of Bloodclaw.


A strange phenomenon suddenly appeared in the sky, accompanied by thunder out of thin air.

Strands of blood, drifting from these goblins, from the Blood Gorge City, from the battlefield ten days ago, and even from the direction of the Giant Plains, all gathered in a blood cloud directly above.

This blood cloud is so huge that it directly covers the entire Blood Gorge. The ferocious murderous intent revealed in it is so suffocating.

This is not just the ability of the goblin race god, the mighty Magrubit. This is the blood claw army's repeated battles in the Giant Plains over the past period of time, leaving its own war marks. These blood colors are the soul essence fragments left by those dead, including those of the natives of the Giant Plains and those of the Blood Claw Army.

The scale of the True God Blood Oath this time is also incomparable to the last time.

The number of goblins participating in it exceeds 5,000, and the goblin vassals are not counted directly.

The number alone was five times that of the last time, and the quality was also very different. Even the mighty Magrubit attached great importance to this blood oath. He not only witnessed it in person, but even used his powerful divine power to look at the past actions of the Blood Claw Legion, which naturally triggered a series of chain reactions.

This naturally made the god of the goblin race even happier, because the past actions of the Blood Claw Legion were a kind of supreme respect and glory for him, worthy of divine grace.

With a sound of the contract being completed, the blood cloud in the sky turned into blood rain and fell again.

However, this blood rain did not fall evenly on the ground, but fell on the goblins who took the blood oath. Those humans who were watching on the side were not stained at all.

Even the amount of blood rain that fell on the goblins was not evenly distributed. Some were just a few drops, some were dozens of drops, and some were more than blood pillars.

The thickest blood column undoubtedly fell on General Blood Claw. As the blood column was injected, he roared uncontrollably, and his muscles were creaking. His body began to grow again at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, he broke through three meters and continued to expand until he broke through four meters, then he stopped completely. Fortunately, the armor he was wearing was magic armor, which could change in size according to his body shape, so he did not burst on the spot.

Blood Claw was not the only one in this situation. Similar situations occurred among the earth elves one after another. In the roar, the body size increased to varying degrees, but it was far less amazing than Blood Claw. Most of them stayed at about three and a half meters, which was the average height of the earth elves produced in the Giant Plains.

Gavin immediately retrieved Blood Claw's attribute panel to observe his attribute changes - this was done through the True God Blood Oath.

HP: 145 (2D8+11D10+78)

Size: Medium

Attributes: Strength 17, Agility 15, Constitution 18, Intelligence 15, Perception 12, Charisma 16.

This is the original attribute of Blood Claw, which is a relatively conventional extraordinary warrior. His personal combat power is average, which is outstanding among the hobgoblins, but compared with the monsters around Gavin, it is really not good enough.

Gavin mainly values ​​his military talent and influence in Blood Claw, rather than his personal combat power.

But after this blood oath infusion, he is a little different. His current enlargement is not temporary, but has grown into a hobgoblin giant.

HP: 182 (2D8+13D10+105)

Size: Large

Attributes: Strength 22, Agility 15, Constitution 20, Intelligence 17, Perception 14, Charisma 18.

Bloodsworn Warlord (Extra) - Under the witness of the Mighty Magrubit, you made a supreme oath and got enough hobgoblins to follow you. You grew into a true warlord. You gained the advantage of the army and blood oath inspiration, and all attributes +2.

Army advantage (extra) - For each hobgoblin within 18 meters of you, you will gain an extra point of damage each time you hit the enemy, up to 20 points.

Bloodsworn inspiration (extra) - You can inspire the courage of the hobgoblins within 18 meters through the blood oath. They will gain the healing effect of curing fatal injuries (restoring 4D8 + professional level of vitality). Each hobgoblin can only benefit once a day and cannot benefit repeatedly.

The Strength of an Army (Special Ability) - Extraordinary Strength Reward. When there are more than ten hobgoblins within 18 meters around you, your strength will receive 4 points of intrinsic bonus, and you will have an advantage in strength confrontation. Even if you face a creature of a larger size, you will not be easily shaken. When you are in a hobgoblin army of 1,000 people, your strength will reach its peak, and you will receive 6 points of intrinsic bonus.

The Body of an Army (Special Ability) - Extraordinary Constitution Reward. When there are more than ten hobgoblins within 18 meters around you, your constitution will receive 4 points of intrinsic bonus. When you are in a hobgoblin army of 1,000 people, your constitution will reach its peak, and you will receive 6 points of intrinsic bonus.

In just a blink of an eye, Blood Claw opened up five special abilities.

Let's talk about the attribute changes first, which come from three aspects.

First, the Bloodsworn Warlord's all attributes +2.

Second, the size adjustment value strength +2, agility -2.

Third, the occupation level is increased by two levels, and the free attribute gained is added to the strength.

Among them, the Strength of an Army and the Body of an Army have not been activated because there are not enough hobgoblins around him, otherwise the attributes would be even stronger.

This series of changes directly made him stand out from the crowd. In the final analysis, it was still the problem of that special template.

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