I am a god in another world

Chapter 573: Dragon Coast Unification Plan

"The Asaba River broke its banks upstream of the Black Feather Bridge. The merchants in Sambia are planning to destroy the embankments in the direction of the Feather Feather Valley and release the flood water to the low-lying frozen land." Fengdahast said with a solemn expression.

"How dare they?" Gavin stood up in confusion.

The Frozen Land is also called the Cold Land. It is located on the north bank of the lower reaches of the Asaba River, north of the Scar Valley and south of the Plow Valley. It is an uneven and low-lying land.

In fact, Gavin once had indirect contact with this place. Before the relocation of the Tessel Refugee Camp, it was close to here.

The reason why this place has this name is that in addition to being colder than other places in winter, some of the largest battles in the history of the valley have also occurred here. More than 100,000 people have died here one after another, making this place wandering all year round. A large number of ghosts. Over time, this place has naturally been soaked with negative energy. It is closely connected with the shadow plane. The colder air is heavier and the number of undead is greater. Many of them are not native to the winter land, but came from the shadow plane under special circumstances. Came over from face to face.

But that doesn’t mean there are no people here at all. Many shepherds come here to graze during the day, when the undead are afraid to come out and move around. There are also a large number of herb growers and herb collectors, who are very soaked in negative energy. , naturally means that it is easy to produce unique herbs related to negative energy, which are usually valuable.

As for the outlaws, there is no shortage of places like this.

"For their own benefit, there is nothing those evil businessmen can't do. Not to mention a sparsely populated frozen land, even a densely populated city, they dare to release floods." Vengdahast said to the businessmen in Sambia, There was deep disdain in his words.

"Thank you Archmage. This information is very important to me. I need to return to the valley immediately to see if I can stop this thing." Gavin said with some burning in his butt.

"I'm afraid it's already too late. There was a delay of nearly half a day before the news was delivered to us. Flood discharge is something that cannot be delayed for a moment. It is estimated that they made a decision on the front foot and implemented it on the back foot. It did not take a day for them to prepare for this matter. It’s been two days.” The palace mage was very unfavorable about this matter.

"Even if there is no way to stop them from releasing floods, we must try our best to help the people in the disaster areas." Gavin said firmly, "No matter what, I have to take a look for myself."

It sounds somewhat utilitarian, but this is also a great opportunity for him to earn a lot of favor from the people in the valley. He must turn disadvantages into advantages.

"My friend Da Yi, please help yourself. I still have some personal matters to deal with. After I have dealt with them, I will return to Cormyr. I hope to see you again in Susar next time." Vengda Hast stood up and said goodbye.

As for Ms. Catherine, the first elector who came with him, including Yalusel and Karadenai, who had been entrusted to Ms. Strategy, through a brief contact, she discovered that many of the other party's perceptions of war were brand new and subversive. Once used on a large scale on the battlefield, it will inevitably have a huge and far-reaching impact on the battle situation. Yalusel, who believes that he has two brushes in combat command, whether it is sand table deduction or wits, Yang or They were actual combat commanders, but they were completely crushed by Catherine. They were kept obedient and acted as her little followers honestly.

He must go back and tell King Asan that they should continue to increase their investment in Yinhong War College and Ms. Strategy to give them an advantage in this regard.

"Then I won't send the Archmage."


Vengdahast didn't give Gavin a chance to send him. He opened the portal and teleported away. He was going to the west gate. He still had a secret mission that he had not yet completed. As for what kind of bloody storm he would cause in the west gate, Only he and those who need to face him know.

Before Gavin could leave to return to the valley, he was blocked by the two leaders of the Avengers Resistance, Yeshandara and Fan Ruina.

Yeshandara looked at Gavin solemnly and said: "Your Excellency, Baron, I think we should sit down and talk about the reconstruction of Ivanso and the resettlement of citizens."

Regarding the cooperation between the Conqueror Army and the Avengers Rebel Army to overthrow the Ivanso Undead Regime and replace it, the two parties had reached a certain degree of consensus before that, but at that time, it was just a general intention, and the real division of interests would have to be Wait until now, after they have really defeated Ivanso City and won the final victory.

"We should indeed sit down and talk a long time ago. It's just that these days, I have been busy fighting with the city lords and mayors, and I haven't been able to find time. But please give me five minutes. I have something to arrange. Come inside. Wait a moment." Gavin replied.

"Okay." Yeshandara was not the kind of unkind person, so she took the initiative to step aside.

Gavin hurriedly found Veranika, shared the information he had just received with her, and arranged the task: "You take Luna and return to Vizeme Manor immediately to summon sailors who are proficient in water-based skills, especially Those mercenaries whose homes are around the frozen land have priority and rush to the frozen land as quickly as possible to rescue people. By the way, take Regina back with them and collect as much information as possible about the tragedy and our rescue efforts. Memory image, pick me up in two hours."

"Understood." Veranika is now somewhat following Gavin's thinking pace. What he just arranged seems to be one task, but it is actually two tasks. One is to provide disaster relief as much as possible, and the other is to collect publicity materials. Some are beneficial to themselves, and some are detrimental to Sambian businessmen, turning this disaster into a sharp weapon to attack Sambian businessmen.

After sending Veronica away, Gavin returned to the conference room and smiled at Ye Sandala and Fan Ruina: "Even if you don't come to me, I will come to you next. I have a draft of in-depth cooperation here. Take a look. After reading it, we can talk again."

Gavin certainly did not consciously ignore the Avengers, but was always looking for a point of convergence that would benefit both sides.

"Hiss..." Ye Sandala and Fan Ruina just glanced at Gavin's draft plan and couldn't help but gasp.

They knew that Gavin's ambition was great, but they didn't expect it to be so big.

Because the name of the draft plan is called the Dragon Coast Unification Plan.

But the main body of this unification plan is not the Conqueror Army, but their Avengers.

Compared with this huge plan, the things they wanted to argue with Gavin before directly became small calculations that could not be put on the table and could not be brought out at all.

Gavin spoke up at the right time: "I believe that after this incident, you have a deeper understanding of the situation in the Dragon Coast. The power here is actually controlled by a group of dark forces. The mayor who just negotiated with us is just a group of puppets they pushed to the stage.

If you want to completely change the situation here, it is not enough to rely on one's own strength or the strength of one city. Instead, you have to change the ruling mode of the entire Dragon Bay, change people's inherent concepts, and completely eradicate those dark forces from here. What do you think is the most important thing about this matter?"

Fan Reina answered without thinking: "Force, powerful force."

"Powerful force is indeed a method, but I think this should not be what the Baron wants to ask, because once pure force is used, it will inevitably involve a lot of bloodshed and conflict. Our current situation is a clear proof. If they are forced into a corner, those dark forces will also unite in an uncharacteristic way." Rather than analyzing for Fan Reina, Ye Sandala took the opportunity to clear her own thoughts.

Although she had not been in contact with Gavin for a long time, she gained a lot. The most important thing was that her horizons were broadened, and her thinking pattern naturally followed suit. Especially when Gavin put this cooperation plan in front of her, all the things that she had only dared to think about in her dreams came to her mind.

"That's right." Gavin affirmed Ye Sandala's idea and added a precondition to his question, "What is the best way to eradicate these dark forces when you don't have absolute force?"

Ye Sandala had already come up with her own answer at this time, and replied: "Eradicate the soil where these dark forces exist. There are many reasons why dark forces are now in power on the Dragon Coast, but the main reason is still caused by the special nature of the industry.

First, pirates are rampant. Their rampant activities have severely hit the development of the Dragon Coast's own maritime trade, and at the same time attracted a large number of young and strong people to this high-risk , high-income industries, thus giving birth to more villains.

At the same time, it will also give birth to land-based stolen goods agents such as Purple Mask and Chaohua.

The second is the existence of the slave trade industry. This kind of industry that makes money without work is most likely to foster the development of these dark forces.

If these dark industries are not eradicated, and there is enough interest to drive them, the dark forces will not be able to be banned.

But everything is back to the starting point. If you want to ban this dark industry, you must have a strong military force as support. "

"Attack nearby and make friends far away." Gavin replied with a smile, "Fighting pirates is not just the business of the Dragon Coast, but the whole This is a common matter for all countries along the coast of the Fallen Star Sea. In this matter, you can reach a consensus with those countries and cities and jointly promote it.

Let’s not talk about other things for now. I believe that the Kingdom of Cormier will be your most steadfast ally in this regard.

Moreover, these dark forces are not necessarily completely evil. For example, the Light of Persku in Persku is very interesting. It is indeed a thieves guild, but it has now surfaced and directly controls the city. Although many of its methods are the same as those of the Thieves Guild, it can already see the embryonic form of management, and its efficiency is far higher than that of ordinary cities, because they are simple and direct enough, and leave no room for other dark forces to survive, because they are experts in this area.

As long as they are given a certain degree of guidance and development space, this Thieves Guild will transform into the ruling class of the city. Who can still say that they are the Thieves Guild at that time? "

The cities on the Dragon Coast are studying Gavin and the Conqueror Army. Gavin and his men are also collecting information on these cities on the Dragon Coast, especially those dark forces, which are the focus of attention. They know these forces well, but they dare not say that they know who their real opponents are this time.

Ye Sandala simply closed the plan in her hand, stared at the young man in front of her and said, "I have to admit that this is a very tempting plan, but I only see the benefits to us Avengers. What do you want to get from it?"

Any plan is mutually beneficial, especially when the other party takes the initiative to propose a plan, but there is no benefit to the other party, Ye Sandala has to be cautious to prevent traps.

"Does the benefit have to be written on the surface?" Gavin sighed slightly in his heart.

Wanting to support Ye Sandala to unify the Dragon Coast is not a decision he made on a whim, but a strategic plan jointly formulated by gathering his own think tank team and inviting two voters of the strategy lady, Catherine and Zalanda, to participate.

In her, Gavin saw the shadow of Zalanda, who was equally strong-willed, full of fighting spirit, and equally selfless for the benefit of the people.

However, their origins determined that they had many differences.

Zalanda was a standard Tesser knight. She preferred to solve all difficulties with the sword in her hand, and to seize everything she needed with her own hands. She was indomitable and never gave up easily.

This was caused by the general environment of Tesser. Once compromised, it would be easy for those greedy warlords and nobles to swallow up everything. It would be better to fight to the death.

Yeshandala would make full use of all the resources around her to win the final victory for herself. This can be seen from the fact that she came to borrow troops from him. Doing so would certainly make it easier for her to win, but it would also leave serious sequelae, making it easy to be controlled by others, resulting in a low upper limit.

This is why the final achievements of her and Zalanda in her previous life were so different.

Zalanda conquered the entire Tesser and seized control of the entire Tesser. With non-royal blood, she ascended to the throne of queen.

And Yesendala only seized control of the city of Avanso, which was incomplete, and did not change the situation of the entire Dragon Coast much.

This is only the internal cause.

External factors cannot be ignored either. Tesser has been passed down as a complete country for thousands of years. The royal ruling model has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In recent years, it has suffered from warlord melee, and people's hearts are in peace. When Zalanda rises, it is naturally easier to attract support.

In addition, there is another factor that cannot be ignored. Tesser's two major neighbors, the Kingdom of Amn and the Calimshan Empire, have all fallen into civil strife for various reasons. They are too busy to take care of Tesser, so they gave Zalanda an opportunity.

Many things are never isolated, especially for countries with wide interests.

The Dragon Coast has been a chaotic place since ancient times, and it has never been unified. People have no concept of unification at all, so naturally no one will actively respond to and promote this.

The kingdoms of Cormyr and Sambia, which are across the sea from them, will maintain stability and strength in the next few decades, although there will be constant internal problems. They do not want to see a powerful neighbor rise, so they will naturally make small moves.

Kindness is relative, especially when it comes to national interests. When you do something that is good for your country, it is often evil to other countries and the people there. There are very few win-win cooperation, and it is rare to be able to carry it through to the end.

In terms of external factors, they have no choice but to make changes to the internal factors, that is, to change Yesendala and the Avengers she leads.

But she is just a little similar to Zaranda in one aspect, but she is not Zaranda, especially she lacks the deep feelings with Gavin, and many things have reached the point where there is no need to ask the reason.

Of course, it is nonsense to say how deep Gavin's feelings for Yesendala are. If there are any, it is just coveting her beauty and her body.

Where is there love at first sight in this world? There is only lust at the sight of beauty.

Because those love at first sight have only happened to handsome men and beautiful women, and I have never heard of two ugly people falling in love at first sight.

In comparison, Ye Sandala believes more in the binding of interests.

After figuring out the joints, Gavin simply took out a large map of Faerun, spread it in front of Ye Sandala, and circled it several times on it, saying: "Here, here, here, are all my territories, and the Battle Valley will be my core in the future.

However, the sparse population in the valley is an important reason that restricts its development and growth, so there will be this thousand-mile migration and the conqueror army.

But these populations alone are far from enough.

This kind of immigration will become a normal thing in the future, not only in Tethyr. If necessary, I will even encourage the residents of Amn, Calimshan, and the cities around the Steam Lake to immigrate, and they will go north along the Conqueror's Road.

But this time we went to the Goblin Border, which was a last resort. After they arrived at Avanso, they no longer needed to go by land.

In comparison, sea transportation is undoubtedly more Convenient and less troublesome, I need a relatively stable and safe port.

This is just one of the reasons.

Second, you also know my two major industries in the Giant Plains.

Let me briefly introduce the situation there. The Dwarf Statue City now has more than 5,000 kobolds, and it is still increasing rapidly. If nothing unexpected happens, it will reach 10,000 to 15,000 by the end of this year.

Although their main product is iron ore, troll gems are the unique companion ore of iron ore here, and the annual output value here will reach 10 million next year.

The hobgoblins in Blood Gorge City are mainly responsible for controlling the monster tribes on the Giant Plains, squeezing profits from them, and then opening ranches here to strive to breed better and more stable giant mounts.

It is preliminarily estimated that the output value next year will be around 5 million. After stabilization, it should be on par with the Dwarf Statue City. "


After listening to Gavin's introduction, Yesandala and Fanrena kept sucking in cold air.

They knew Gavin was playing a big game, but they didn't expect that this game was so big. It involved not just one city or one place, but countless cities and countless places.

Once they successfully opened up the Conqueror's Road, there would be as many as seven or eight cities connected by it. With subsequent development, more cities and villages would be expanded, because people are driven by interests.

Not to mention the distant past, the Dwarven Statue City and Blood Gorge City were born along this road. Although they are monster cities, it cannot be denied that they are an important part of this road.

What they did not expect was the terrifying development speed of these two monster cities. In such a short period of time, there are so many people, and the output value is even more frightening.

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