I am a god in another world

Chapter 6 Planning for the Future

"Do you know how to use this thing?" Zalanda's eyes pointed at the dwarf fire controller on Gavin's left waist.

"I played with my father when I was a child. It's very simple. Just aim at the enemy and pull the trigger. It's almost the same as a one-handed crossbow." Gavin was vague. Influenced by Zhang You's life, he was sensitive and fond of this kind of thing. When he saw it on the collection shelf, he instinctively put it in his pocket.

"Don't use it unless it's a critical moment. The things made by the dwarves are famous for being strange. I only saw Master Tesen use it once, and I never saw him use it again." Zalanda kindly advised. There were still a lot of things that needed her to worry about, and she didn't have much energy to stay with Gavin.

"Remember to leave me a warhorse." Gavin reminded Zalanda as he walked away.

"I know." Zalanda waved his hand.

Not only was Zalanda busy, but Gavin also had a lot of things to do.

After taking the opportunity to fix his equipment, Gavin found a spacious corner, running and jumping non-stop, occasionally doing a few punches, sword swings, and stretching movements.

Getting familiar with the equipment on your body is only one of the things.

The most important thing is to evaluate the current condition of your body and how much combat power you can exert.

Combat skills and combat experience are important, but physical fitness is equally important.

Without a strong enough body to support it, it is simply a fantasy to want to use powerful combat skills such as whirlwind attacks and large cleavages.

Fortunately, he has the foundation of a militia trained with Zalanda for eight years. Although he looks a little thin and weak on the outside, in fact, there is solid tendon meat under his clothes, and his strength, physique and agility are much greater than they look.

Roughly estimated, the strength is between 12-13, which is a little stronger than ordinary people, similar to most Nott militias, and ranks in the middle and lower reaches.

The physique should be above 13, which barely reaches the upper and middle level among the Nott militias.

The best is agility, at least 15. In this aspect, he has always been outstanding in the Nott Militia and can be ranked in the top five. This is related to the silver elf blood flowing in his body. Those who are better than him are all half-elves with purer blood than him.

Fighting skills that rely too much on physical fitness cannot be used, but some small fighting skills, with the current physical fitness, are definitely very good.

For example, small retreat, such as swinging left and right to dodge, such as butterfly steps, etc.

Many of them are not even legendary warriors, but the free fighting skills of Zhang You's second life.

Compared with the legendary warrior in that life, Zhang You's second life is definitely not comparable in physical fitness. Without the cooperation of the magic network and the enhancement of magic power, the upper limit of physical fitness in that life is too obvious, and there is no way to break through. It is easy to lose your life if you force a breakthrough, and you must not get injured, especially internal injuries.

With such a serious injury before, a bottle of treatment for minor injuries was drunk, and he was alive and kicking in a few minutes.

If it were on Earth, it would take a year or two to recuperate, and it is likely to have permanent consequences.

The warriors on Earth generally put their energy into the study of skills, especially in the aspects of grappling and fighting. There are many things worth learning from, especially when physical fitness is limited.

"Master Gavin, it's boring to practice alone. Why don't I accompany you to the next field to spar." The lingering voice of Oster came from not far away.

At this moment, Oster has changed into a full body armor, but he is still very agile when walking, showing great strength.

"Not interested!" Gavin didn't even turn his head.

"Could it be that Master Gavin is afraid?" Even a fool can see Oster's provocation.

Being played like a monkey is not a pleasant experience, especially since he is a person who will take revenge for any slight.

Gavin stopped, turned around, looked at Oster and said seriously: "I can't kill you in front of so many people, it's meaningless. If you really want to spar, when you are free, let's find a place where there is no one, preferably in the wild, where we can let go and fight to the death, isn't it more enjoyable?"

"You..." Oster was almost choked by Gavin's blockage. He had seen arrogant people, but never seen such arrogant people, "Believe it or not, I can kill you with one punch!"

"Do you dare to hit me here?" Gavin sneered, his face full of arrogance.

"Okay, okay, okay, I will give you a chance to fight to the death in the future!" Oster gritted his teeth viciously, no longer looking for trouble, turned around and left. Now there are people everywhere, he can't touch Gavin half a finger.

After sending away the uninvited guest who was looking for trouble, Gavin also lost interest in continuing to practice.

These skills, whether from legendary warriors or Zhang You, have been integrated into the soul. After a little familiarity, they will come back. The rest is to adapt to the battlefield.

He has more important things to plan - how to go in the future. The original plan has been disrupted.

Now there is a very embarrassing problem. In the last life, he was calculated by Luo An and Oster, captured by monsters, and sold as a slave to the Zhentarim. After that, there were few opportunities to return to Tesser. The main activities were in the North and Heartland.

He had the first-hand information on the situation over there, and there were many foresight cards to play. In Tesser, he racked his brains, but except for the future Queen Zalanda in front of him, he really had no other first move.

Holding on to Zalanda's big thigh, Gavin thought he had an innate advantage. As long as he made sure that he would not be calculated by Roan and Oster, even if he did nothing and just lay flat behind Zalanda, he could become a duke in Tethyr in less than ten years.

But if he wanted to stop the conspiracy of the goddess of night, Shar, and the fall of the goddess of magic, Midnight, and thus stop the catastrophe of the arcane, then forget it.

Therefore, he had to race against time and go to the north as soon as possible, using his foresight to establish his own advantages, because only with enough strength and power could he do what he wanted.

He had already thought of a very good place - the rocky land of Cormier.

There was a lot of land and few people there, with enough space and resources for him to show his skills.

After figuring this out, Gavin felt a lot more relaxed. Looking at Roan, who was showing off his power with five guards armed to the teeth not far away, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

Even if she leaves, she can't leave so quietly. She must first repay the favor she owes to Zalanda and clear the first stumbling block for her future path. Without this thing that holds her back, I believe that with Zalanda's ability, she will be able to go more smoothly in the early stages.

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