I am a god in another world

Chapter 63 Blood Claw (Please read on)

The current Blood Claw of the Blood Claw tribe looked at the situation below with a bit of complacency.

A large number of goblin servants, as he blew the war horn, were rapidly gathering towards the Blood Claw tribe. In just two days, the number of goblin servants had exceeded one thousand.

There were more goblins gathering here.

This fully demonstrated the absolute authority of the Blood Claw tribe here.

When his war horn sounded, no goblin tribe dared not to respond.

In this battle, even if all these little fools were filled in, the group of little reptiles who only dared to nest in the caves and dig holes must be turned out of their holes.

As long as this doghouse is not overturned, he will not be able to walk out of this mountain nest with Blood Claw.

It is said that there is a doghouse not far to the south, which is developing rapidly. It is said that it has established connections with human traders outside the mountain, and the food transported from outside is piled up as high as a mountain.

That would be his second target of conquest. As long as they had a lot of food, the Blood Claw Tribe would gather more goblin slaves, and it would not be impossible to march outside the mountain.

It was just that the doghouse in the mountain was unexpectedly small in response to their gathering of troops. If it weren't for the occasional barking of dogs from the depths of the doghouse, they would have thought they were all dead.

They must be digging holes desperately again, but this time, no matter how many holes they dug, he would let those goblin cannon fodder flatten them. This time, no one could save them.

"Begin." Blood Claw had a cold face and waved his hand heavily.

There was a burst of sheep bleating, cows moaning, and pigs snorting below. All kinds of livestock were driven by the goblins and rushed towards the small mountain pit where the Pit Tribe was located.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Various screams came one after another.

Those animals that rushed in disappeared while running.

Seeing these places, the goblins immediately rushed up with bags of earth on their backs and threw them to the place where the animals disappeared.

Although the bag of earth on the back of a goblin was not big, it was too big for them to hold up. In a few minutes, a pit was filled up.

However, it was not easy to grasp the distance of these pits covered by illusions. Many goblins took a wrong step and fell into them.

Other goblins ignored his screams, and no one pulled him up. The falling earth quickly buried him and the pit together.

This stupid method was slow to advance, but it was very effective.

Even if the dog-headed people dug out the entire valley, the area was limited.

Every step they took, their activity space would shrink. Blood Claw believed that according to the current progress, it would take less than ten days to fill the entrance of the doghouse.

"Leader... Leader, it's not good..."

A goblin stumbled in.

"Bold." Before the goblin got within ten meters of Blood Claw, he was kicked to the ground by a big goblin.

"Wait." Blood Claw waved his hand, interrupting the big goblin guard's continued abuse, "Let him finish, what's going on?"

"Yes... yes... yes..." The goblin's kick just now directly kicked the goblin out of breath, and he recovered after a long time and said, "We found a... a secret passage, the kobolds... are on the other side of the hillside... They... the kobolds, all... all escaped from there."

"What?" Blood Claw stood up and said angrily: "Escaped? When did they escape?"

If it were in the past, Blood Claw would have been overjoyed to know the news of the kobolds' escape, and finally got rid of a big worry.

Now, after he has put in a lot of manpower and material resources, isn't this a slap in his face?

"The traces left on the ground... on the ground... are still fresh, they should... should... have just escaped not long ago." The goblin stammered in response, a little timid, fearing that Blood Claw would vent his anger on him.

"Chase, chase them all, order those idiots to chase them, the dogs have already run away, and they are still filling the dog holes there, what's the use... Chase them all, I want to turn all those dogs into dead dogs..." Blood Claw roared, and chopped down the goblin who had just reported the news with a knife, "Idiot, who told you not to report the news earlier..."

The goblins who saw the blood immediately withdrew from the valley as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and began to search for the traces of the pit dog-headed people all over the mountains and plains.

"Here, here, they fled in this direction..."

This group of goblins fully demonstrated the truth that there is strength in numbers, and soon tracked down the traces of the escape of the pit tribe.

Without Blood Claw's order, those goblins began to chase them in the direction of their escape.

The goblins' nature of bullying the weak and fearing the strong came into play again. Chasing the fleeing prey was their favorite job, nothing else.

Especially a group of dog-headed people who had just been forced out of the dog hole by them.

The dog-headed people of the pit tribe, with their families, especially with eggs that had not yet hatched, were relatively slow.

They were soon bitten to death by the goblins who caught up with them.

"Charge... Charge... Kill them all, and the Blood Claw leader will reward you..."

"Kill... Kill..."

A dozen goblin wolf cavalrymen took advantage of their speed and rushed up first.

But they rushed fast, and they also ran fast, and fell into the five or six meter pit in unison. Broken bones and broken tendons were the least of their injuries. Several unlucky guys broke their necks and died on the spot.

The pace of the goblin pursuers behind them suddenly stagnated, especially those big goblin wolf cavalrymen who came after hearing the news, who braked and retreated behind the goblins obediently.

They were so excited about the pursuit just now that they forgot the best skills of the pit tribe.

But this time, they obviously couldn't fill all the pits with the clumsy method of filling the soil.

Blood Claw, sitting on the back of the giant dire wolf, waved his long knife to the goblins next to him and said: "You, charge forward."

The goblins immediately shrank their necks, pushing each other, and moving forward little by little.

"Charge, or I'll chop you off." Blood Claw didn't waste any words, and chopped down a goblin who tried to retreat.

The remaining goblins screamed and ran forward.

Plop! Plop!

Ah! Ah!

For a moment, the two sounds intertwined into a unique symphony.

This symphony paved the way for the goblins and the big goblin wolf riders behind.

The number of pits hastily laid by the pit-trapping kobolds along the way was relatively limited, and the goblins quickly explored them with their lives.

The way of exploring the way with one's life will eventually waste time.

Those goblins who are afraid of death will slack off from time to time.

This allowed the goblin pursuers to always catch the shadow of the pit-trapping kobolds, but they could not catch up with him.

After dawdling for nearly six or seven kilometers, they finally caught up with them in a valley, and could see their slow pace from afar.

Blood Claw suddenly became energetic, waving his long sword, and desperately urged the goblins: "Those who retreat will die, and those who advance will be rewarded."

The big goblin wolf cavalry behind Blood Claw drew their long swords at the same time and shouted in unison: "Forward."

Forced to do nothing, the goblins could only rush forward with their heads down.

Maybe they were too close, and the ogres had no time to set traps, so the goblin charge was unexpectedly smooth.

Boom! Boom!

The hillsides on both sides suddenly shook violently.

Just as the goblins looked around in surprise, countless boulders rolled down.

"Boulders... they are boulders..."

"Run... run forward..."

"Retreat, retreat quickly, there is an ambush..."

The entire group of goblins was in a panic, some ran forward, some turned around and ran back, and some fled in all directions.

For a moment, it was like a pot of porridge.

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