I am a god in another world

Chapter 71 Dragon Hunting Conference

Since the re-establishment of the underground team operation system, although two-thirds of the dog-headed people still need to go to the open-air canteen to eat every day, the meal time is staggered, and only three or four hundred people eat at the same time each time. Although the scene is not small, it is not the same as when nearly 1,500 dog-headed people gather together.

The sunset is still hanging on the hillside, and the big square of the Black Well Tribe is intertwined with the sound of dogs barking and barking, which is very lively.

The news spread quickly, and the dog-headed people in the square basically knew about the Dragon Hunting Conference, and they couldn't hide their excitement in their words and expressions.

The worship of dragons is engraved in their bones.

The Dragon Hunting Meditation is a legend known to every dog-headed person.

Finding your own real dragon and opening your own dragon ability is what every dog-headed person dreams of.

Unexpectedly, one day, this dream is so close to them.

Thirty-five huge bonfires illuminated the Black Well Square as bright as day. In thirty-one large pots, the wild boar meat was already tender and mixed with various vegetables. The tempting aroma filled every inch of the square.

In the wilderness outside the square, there were also countless uninvited guests attracted by the aroma. From time to time, screams were heard. It was probably because some unlucky guy accidentally triggered the traps set by the Pit Tribe around.

Except for the dog-headed soldiers on duty, who held their weapons tightly and stared at the darkness, the other dog-headed people turned a deaf ear to these movements. They were full of confidence in the power of the tribe. Those hunters really rushed in, and it was hard to say who entered the hanging pot.

For the first time, the dog-headed people's eyes did not fall on the hanging pot in front of them.

Instead, they fanatically stared at the rostrum in the center. There was also a hanging pot on it, just for a dozen people, but it was the core of the entire Black Well Tribe.

Goss trotted to the podium and reported breathlessly: "Chief, the Black Well Tribe should have 1,422 people, and the actual number is 1,422. Except for 120 guards on duty, all others have taken their seats."

"Very good, let's get started." Gavin stood up without hesitation, walked to the front of the podium, and slowly raised his right hand.

The square, which was still whispering, suddenly became extremely silent, with only the bonfire crackling and the hanging pot bubbling with hot steam and fragrance.

Countless pairs of scarlet eyes gathered at once.

Under the gaze of these eyes, Gavin was not nervous at all, but was slightly proud and excited. He slowly said, "There is no need for me to repeat the reason for gathering here tonight.

You can't just thank me for the Dragon Hunting Conference. You should also thank Susi and the people of the Pit Tribe. It is they who selflessly contributed the precious heritage that their people have guarded for more than a century, so that you have the opportunity to find yourself and find your own real dragon.

Tonight, let us sing for their selflessness and toast for their good deeds.

Today, your fate has changed because of me, and tomorrow, my fate will be cast by you.

Play music and start the feast."

Gavin used dog-head language. His voice was not loud, but it had a strange vibration and drifted far away with the wind. Not only could the dog-headed people in the whole square hear it clearly, but even the dog-headed sentinels standing guard in the distance could hear it roughly.

This is a trick to use psychic abilities to manipulate magic, and it is not even a proper spell. This is the result of Gavin's long-term research for speeches. This will be the skill he uses most frequently in the future.

With an order, the bull horns and cowhide drums in the four corners of the square sounded at the same time, with a slow rhythm and consistent steps. There is no complex syllable change, but only a passionate resonance. Every time, it seems to hit the heart of the dog-headed man.

The dog-headed man's voice is destined to make them not good at singing, but they have their own music. The dog-headed bard is said to be the best master of percussion and wind instruments in the whole of Faerun. This can be seen from the current drum sound.

These performers of the Black Well Tribe are only part-timers, not bards who have opened their professional levels.

With the Dragon Hunting Conference behind, this whole pig banquet is destined to be just a supporting role. The dog-headed people in the square are still eating happily, but they don’t have the happiness and satisfaction of usual days. After eating almost, they put down their bowls and chopsticks, staring at the rostrum, waiting for the start of the Dragon Hunting Conference.

"Chief Susi, let's get started. Today, their hearts are destined not to be on the food." Gavin smiled and said to the leader of the Pit Tribe, "Next, it's up to you. You guys don't have to bask in the cool breeze up there, go down and join the tribe."

Gavin's last sentence was said to the dog-headed leaders who were sitting restlessly.

Although they had entered the Dragon Hunting Meditation under the guidance of Susi before, they still didn't want to miss such a grand scene in front of them.

Hearing what Gavin said, it was as if they had been pardoned. After a few simple polite words, they hurried down the rostrum and joined the ranks of dog-headed people below.

"We will definitely not disappoint the expectations of the leader." Chief Susi walked forward slowly.

Compared with her original simple dress, she is now dressed in formal attire. Not only are various mysterious dragon patterns depicted on the scales of her body, but she is also wearing a mask carved out of animal bones on her head. She holds a bone staff in her hand, and her head is also a fist-sized statue carved out of animal bones, resembling a dragon skull.

It makes people think of the shaman sacrifice.

Not only Susi, but also the dog-headed people of the pit tribe have dressed up more or less, and the lightest ones have dragon patterns painted all over their bodies.

It is estimated that this is their ancient custom. I don’t know if it will help to find the dragon.

Gavin has never been too involved in such things, but has given them the greatest respect.

The existence of any custom has a certain reason.

Pretending to know when you don’t know and interfering in it are taboos for those in power.

Susi slammed the dragon skull staff in her hand heavily, and said in a melodious tone: "The Dragon Hunting Conference has officially begun. Focus on your heart, focus on your soul, listen to the call from the ancient times in your heart, the call from the dragon, get close to him, worship him, embrace him, and you will find the origin of your bloodline and find your own real dragon."

It was obviously a sound coming from a short body that was not as high as her waist, but it was not the usual shrill cry, but a low roar like a bell, like a prehistoric beast awakening from her body.

The overwhelming earth element surged under her feet and gathered around her.

This was not her power alone, but the power of the entire pit tribe.

In the Black Well Square, the pit tribe's dog-headed man took the lead in entering the dragon-seeking meditation. Then, the Black Well dog-headed men around them, attracted by the invisible magic, entered a mysterious state of self-reflection, and started the first dragon-seeking meditation in their lives.

Dragon-seeking meditation is typical, which can be understood but not expressed in words.

If Susie really described the dragon-seeking meditation verbally, she would probably scratch her head and could only guide her step by step.

The most difficult part is the first few times. As long as you have the experience of the first few times, you can easily enter the dragon-seeking meditation by exploring it yourself in the future.

But there are still benefits to participating in the dragon-seeking conference together.

When a dog-headed man who has not opened the career template performs the dragon-seeking meditation, the elements he evokes are relatively limited.

But when more than a thousand dog-headed men enter the dragon-seeking meditation at the same time, the elements he evokes are a bit amazing.

The ground of the Black Well Square is pulsating slowly, as if responding to their call.

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