I am a god in another world

Chapter 90 Greed is an original sin (first order required)

Especially the wolf Andy was sitting on, one of its eyes was blinded by the splashing acid, which made him furious. Although he started late, he was the fastest and rushed to the human merchant who had left the caravan - his IQ was enough for him to understand the tactic of killing the leader first.

With roars, five goblin wolf knights gathered around him - this was not a cavalry charge tactic, but a wolf pack joint attack tactic.

"Trap... This is a trap... It was not set by us, someone deliberately framed it... Let us clash, calm down... calm down..." The human merchant was completely panicked, and tried to explain while retreating with his four heavily armored guards.

Whether most goblins and wolves could understand his common language was not a big deal.

Facing the cavalry that had already started charging, how pale and powerless was such an explanation?

Or, their brains, which were dominated by extreme excitement, no longer considered anything.

Compared to the human merchants, the four heavily armored guards made a wiser choice. They drew their swords, formed an arc, and supported their employers behind them, ready to meet the charge.

Seeing the bloodthirsty faces getting closer and closer, and the bloody mouths, the human merchants knew that they were framed, but they had to give the attack order: "Shoot, shoot, shoot, all of you, what are you waiting for? If you don't shoot, we will all die here."

Compared to dying, it is more appropriate for these brainless goblins to die.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

At this time, the crossbows behind the caravan were fired, but they were a little sparse.

The human merchant turned his head and saw that the caravan behind him had been screaming.

From time to time, rocks as big as heads fell from the sky. Several unlucky guys had been knocked to the ground, bloody and bloody, and their lives and deaths were unknown.

The rest were huddled under the carriage, not daring to show their heads, let alone shoot arrows to support him.

A piercing coldness enveloped the human merchant. He felt a black hand - a mastermind behind the scenes, manipulating everything.

The purpose was to make him fall into eternal damnation.

He vaguely guessed who the other party was, but he didn't dare to believe, nor did he want to believe, that the other party would have such great ability - to detect his plan so quickly and set up a killing trap.

But he had no time to think about other things. The goblin wolf cavalry was already close at hand. He had to survive this wave of raids before there would be other possibilities.


Just when the two sides were about to engage in close combat, the leading wolf howled.

All the wolves, with their cavalry, split into two, passed by the human merchant and his four heavily armed guards from a distance, and headed straight for the caravan.

Other wolves had also approached the caravan from both sides.

"Not good, stop them, stop them quickly." The human merchant's scalp numbed, and he rushed back with his four heavily armed guards.

It's just that the speed of the heavy guards is limited by their heavy armor, and ordinary people can't keep up, let alone the running wolf.

The situation at this moment is more frightening than the human merchant himself being attacked - after all, he and the four heavy guards are all wearing heavy armor, whether it is the goblin weapons or the wolf's bite and claw attack, it is quite difficult to cause fatal danger to them.

As long as they hold them firmly, the archers in the caravan will continuously provide long-range firepower assistance, and there is still hope of winning this battle.

But he greatly underestimated the cunningness of the goblins, no, to be more precise, underestimated the cunningness of the wolf under its crotch.

He actually knew to bypass the heavy armor and attack the long-range attack first.

Screams came from the caravan one after another.

The archers composed of ordinary guards and drivers were no match for these ferocious goblin wolf cavalry, and were soon forcibly dragged out from under the truck by the wolves.

Either the goblins cut their throats or the wargs twisted their throats.

What was even more coincidental was that the falling rocks that had been harassing the caravan had completely disappeared.

Only a few corpses and dozens of falling rocks were left to prove that they had existed.

The human merchant wanted to turn around and run.

But in the open wilderness, no matter how fast he ran, he could not be faster than the wargs, especially since there was a mastermind behind the scenes who had not yet appeared.

He could only follow the four heavily armed guards step by step and pin his last hope of survival on them.

They were hired at a high price by themselves. The mercenaries of the Red Crow Mercenary Group all had at least five professional levels.


The four heavily armed guards had just approached the caravan when they counterattacked at a faster speed. The leader pounced directly on the human merchant and pressed him under him.


A violent roar and a sky-high wave of fire came together.

The fireball fell very close to the human merchant, and the roar of the explosion shocked him, making him a little deaf.

Even though he was pressed down by the heavily armored guards, he could clearly feel the burning heat of the fire wave.

Even those who made effective evasions were still in such a state.

The unprepared goblin wolf cavalry and archers were in a worse situation, and many of them were directly thrown to the ground.

Those survivors just stood up from the impact of the fire wave, shaking their heads.

Another fireball fell from the sky again, hitting the most crowded place, and a new round of harvest began.

At this time.

Both the goblins and humans had discovered the abnormality above their heads.

Because the strange cloud was already within reach.

Two fireballs were just the beginning.

Rocks as big as heads fell from the cloud like rain.

The survivors were smashed and bleeding, and some were even killed directly.

Even the not-so-smart goblins understood at this moment that they were being used by a third party.

Not to mention, the extraordinarily smart wolf under Andy's seat was lurking stealthily, preparing to sneak away.

It was just that the third party hiding in the dark was much more difficult to deal with than they imagined.

The fire waves swept by the fireball had just dissipated, and patches of green vines emerged from the ground, wantonly rolling towards all the surrounding existences.


Not just one entangling spell.

But three entangling spells.

The entire caravan and the surrounding ground within a dozen meters were completely covered.

The other party was preparing to kill the caravan and the goblin wolf cavalry together.


The wolf didn't care about hiding its whereabouts anymore. Its back was bulging wildly, and its front claws stretched out. From simple wolf claws, it became sharp claws similar to human palms, with five long and sharp claws.

Its face was also distorted, its ears bulged, becoming as sharp and long as a goblin, and its mouth bulged, becoming a mixture of a hobgoblin and a wolf, even uglier and more distorted than a goblin or a hobgoblin.

"Dog... Dog demon..." Andy screamed in horror. He never thought that the wolf he had been for almost ten days was actually a dog demon in disguise.

The dog demon, which had returned to its original form, had no time to talk nonsense with Andy. It raised its body and directly threw Andy off its back. The space around his body began to distort, and he was ready to cast a spell to escape.

"You're here now, and you still want to run, mind bullet." A sneer came from the clouds above his head.

The dog demon felt that he had been shot in the head, and there was a moment of darkness in front of his eyes.

By the time he came to his senses, a human man was standing in front of him.

No, to be more precise, a half-elf boy, whose hair on his mouth had not yet grown completely.

The dog demon would not look down on him because of this, let alone the sharp sword that was already close at hand. Without thinking, he tried to activate the flash spell again and prepared to escape from the battlefield.

The magic power just surged around him, and the dog demon felt that his head was hit by another hammer. No, something exploded in his brain.

The flash spell was interrupted again.

When the dog demon came to his senses again, a piercing pain came from his right claw arm. It was broken at the elbow, and the cut surface was neat and smooth, obviously cut off by a sword.

Extremely desperate.

The dog demon roared to the sky and tried to cast another control spell to drive away the difficult enemy in front of him.

"Idiot!" Gavin laughed and scolded.

If this dog demon used claws and bites desperately and launched a close attack, he might be more afraid.

I didn't expect that he was so stupid. After being dragged into close combat by a warrior, well, I can't be considered a real warrior now - anyway, the meaning is the same.

After being dragged into close combat, he actually tried to cast a quasi-spell.

No matter how fast your quasi-spell is, is it faster than his psychic power?

Another bullet was blasted into the dog demon's brain.

When the poor dog demon came to his senses, not only was his other forelimb separated from his body, but the magic sword was also stuck in his neck.

The magic sword was very accurate, avoiding all vital points. The sword tip was tightly attached to the trachea and blood vessels. The opponent only needed to press down lightly to cut them off.

The dog demon didn't even dare to move now, let alone cast the flash spell or teleport through the portal, because if he was not careful, he might lose his life.

He was smart and knew that if he didn't move, he might still have a chance to survive - if the opponent wanted to kill him, the magic sword would not be as simple as sticking it in his neck.

The dog demons, who had no other choice, could now calm down and observe the battlefield.

First, there was a melee between the goblin wolf cavalry and the human caravan guards, and then two fireballs cleared the field.

Whether it was the goblin wolf cavalry or the caravan guards, there were few who could still stand.

One by one, the dog-headed soldiers fell from the fog and clouds above their heads, and the dog-headed men with leather wings followed closely behind them, starting the final harvest.

These dog-headed soldiers did not fall casually, but were precisely calculated.

They all landed on the periphery of the entanglement spell, and as soon as they landed, they attacked with slingshots.

Those Erds who had unloaded their burdens rushed to the front and started a close combat - because they were half floating in the air, the entanglement spell had no effect on them. If they missed a hit, they immediately retreated far away, not giving the enemy any chance to counterattack.

It was only a matter of time before the remaining goblin wolf cavalry and human caravan guards were harvested - it would not take long.

The half-elf who had just severely injured himself locked his eyes on Andy who was not far away.

Andy tried to stay away from him while crying: "Captain Gavin, spare me, Chief Gavin, spare me... I am innocent... I was instigated... This is all the conspiracy of the dog demon... You know, I don't have the courage... I don't have the courage to betray you... Don't kill me... I am still useful to you, I will work hard, no, no, I will let my people work twice as hard, and from now on, the tribute will be doubled... I am willing to be your servant and follow the chief forever... There will never be a next time... Chief, give me a chance..."

Snot and tears all came out.

Andy was really scared.

The human being in front of him was simply turning clouds and rain with his hands. His actions that he considered to be top-secret did not escape anyone's eyes at all.

In other words, people were following them from beginning to end—on top of their heads.

The legendary and extremely powerful dog demon was almost cut into a meat stick without struggling in two rounds, and lay there like a dead dog waiting to be slaughtered.

Why was he so obsessed with thinking that he could become the King of Goblins? Especially when this one is around?

It was all that dog demon's fault, yes, it was all that devil's fault. Without his instigation, I would never have thought this way.

If he didn't have such terrible thoughts, he would have returned to the spiritual crystal mine, ate his own food, drank his own ale, and waited for the crystal to be delivered to him.

Moving his steps covered with tiny vines, Gavin frowned involuntarily. The entanglement technique not only trapped his enemies, but also his own people. He was a little envious of the Erds flying around in the air.

"Noisy." Gavin lazily ran errands again, pulled out the one-handed ax from his waist and threw it out.

A precise hit on Andy's forehead.

Andy's eyes widened in disbelief. He couldn't believe it to the end of his life. Gavin killed him so easily. He had no merit and hard work, so how could he die here so easily.

On the battlefield, everyone except Gavin's men was soon there.

Only four heavy-armored guards and the human merchants they were guarding were left. The half-dead dog demon was no longer among the number.

Both for the kobolds and Erd, those four heavily armored guards were a tough nut to crack.

Whether it was slings, their spears, or daggers, the threat to their plate armor was quite limited.

They wanted to escape, but they couldn't even think about it. A single entanglement spell made it difficult for them to move forward.

Looking at the human businessman, Gavin sighed and said: "I originally thought it was that idiot Hansen, but I didn't expect it to be Uncle Clay... Hey, greed is not a wrong thing, but when it comes to this kind of greed, there is no bottom line. , when there is no end, it becomes an original sin.”

Gavin was somewhat surprised when he saw the face of the human businessman clearly.

After all, in his impression, Clay has always been a smarter and more rational person.

Before that, he had always thought that it was Hansen who he almost killed to scare the monkeys last time. He couldn't swallow the feeling in his heart and was causing trouble for him behind his back.

"Greed is indeed an original sin. Once this original sin is born, it becomes irresistible." Clay's face was full of despair. He knew that he had messed up. The hope of escaping today was almost zero. It was Based on this idea, he was very calm and replied like an old friend talking freely, "Life is a big gamble, but this time, I lost the gamble."

"You can't blame others." Gavin also regained his composure, "I have set up a gambling table for you that is sure to win. If you don't want to follow it to the end, if you want to step over me and open another table, then don't Blame me for overturning the table. As I said before, those who reach out will chop off their hands and those who stretch out their feet will chop off their feet. Today is the time to fulfill my promise."

After a slight pause, Gavin looked at the four heavily armored guards and said: "Four brothers, I know you are mercenaries who get paid to do things, but this gentleman has already made money. I am determined to eat today. You If you put down your weapons, I can consider leaving a way for you to survive."

The leading heavy-armed guard said in a sullen voice: "We don't care about the grudges between you, but we have already taken the money, so we must fulfill our responsibilities."

The other three heavily armored guards did not speak. They expressed their thoughts with their actual actions. They remained unmoved by Clay's side.

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