Chapter [-] _ The Return of the Three Emperors

This content is first published

While the two were talking, a little fat man walked in with his short legs and the three dazzling rings that Nuwa gave him. Empress, where have you been, why did you leave me behind!"

Taichen looked at the little doll and thought it was very cute, so he took out the Qiankun circle and Huntianling and gave it to him and said, "Little Lingzhu, you go to play in front of yourself, the master has something to talk about with your mother-in-law, and I'll find it for you later. Master!"

At this time, Lingzhu was still very obedient and jumped down directly, and took the magic weapon given by Taichen to the front to find the little boys to play.

Nuwa looked at Taichen and said, "Brother stinky, what do you want to tell me?"

Taichen smiled and said: "I think Lingzhu is so cute, I want a biological one!" After waving, the two appeared in the inner room......

Just when Yujing Mountain was doing something unknown, Xuanyuan displayed his ambitions in the entire human race, wrapped the world, and forcibly merged all the tribes of the entire human race, and then established the feudal system. , divide the state and field, formulate ritual 15 music, and educate the people.

The core disciples of the Siqing were preaching in the human race. Yuanshi sent the white crane boy to pass on the decree, saying that the five emperors are pure human races, and no longer assign people. You can find your own disciples by chance.

Kong Xuan accepted Xuanyuan's grandson as his disciple. The child's name was Zhuanxu.

If the amazing and brilliant Daxian hadn't been born, he would have basically decided on the next co-chairman. Kong Xuan was envied by all the disciples who were still preaching.Kong Xuan, this cold and arrogant person, blushed for a while.As the second disciple of Intercept Sect, his sense of existence is indeed not high, but this battle is indeed a long face.

Xuanyuan personally took Zhuanxu to deal with the affairs of the human race for several years, and then let it go. According to the laws of the movement of the sun, moon and stars, and combined with what he had learned, he wrote the book "Huangdi Neijing", which includes eighty-one chapters of "Su Wen". and "Lingshu" eighty-one chapters, each with nine volumes.

When the book was completed, Xuanyuan had been in power for more than [-] years. Chi Songzi told Xuanyuan that his merits were complete and he needed to pass the throne. Therefore, Xuanyuan chose an auspicious day and officially passed the throne to Zhuanxu.

Just when Xuanyuan was on the altar, on Yujing Mountain, Taichen and Nuwa also came out. Taichen looked refreshed, and Nuwa just came out, like a peony that had just been watered. , Atmospheric, dignified, national color and heavenly fragrance, but with a hint of laziness!Delicately blooming, showing himself wantonly.

Taichen said: "Wawa, the time is coming, the three emperors are about to return to their thrones, we are going to watch the ceremony!"

Nu Wa glared at him and said, "Then let's go, it's almost time, and if it's too late, the hour will be missed!" After she finished speaking, she cut through the space and appeared in the sky above Chen Du in the next instant.

Taichen smiled, reached out and grabbed the spirit bead, and followed Nuwa's footsteps to Chendu.Lingzhu screamed, and he was playing with the little boy when his eyes suddenly went dark, and he appeared in Dachen's hands, and was very frightened.

When I saw Nuwa, I jumped into Nuwa's arms directly.


Looking up, Nu Wa gave him a fierce look and said, "You are playing with the spirit beads again!"

At this time, Fuxi, Shennong and Sanqing, who were watching the ceremony, were all stunned. It took only a few decades for Taichen and Nuwa's children to come out.

Tongtian reacted the most, pointed directly at Taichen and said, "You two are fast enough!"

Fuxi also kept nodding at the side, looking at Nuwa's face flushed, she rolled Fuxi into a zongzi with a flick of the whip, threw it out, and said viciously: "I accidentally injected a high-grade spiritual treasure into the law of creation and was born. Life is my child."

The lowest among the crowd is how could Yasheng not see the heels of Lingzhu, this is just a friendly joke about them.

At this time, Xuanyuan had finished reciting the sacrificial speech, and officially handed over the Kowloon Star Crown and Kongtong Seal, which represented the throne of the emperor, to Zhuanxu, which also represented the official end of the era of the Three Emperors.

Zhuanxu took the Nine Dragons Star Crown and Kongtong Seal and swore an oath to the world: "From today onwards, I, Zhuanxu, will officially take over as the co-lord of the Human Emperor, and I will be named Gao Yang. Development is fighting to the last drop of blood!"

After Gao Yang took the oath, he saw a large cloud of merit and virtue flying from the sky, more than when Fuxi and Shennong did, but it was also divided into many shares in the air. After all, Xuanyuan ruled the world and got the help of many people.In addition to Chi Songzi, the disciples of the Four Qing Dynasties gained a total of [-]% of the merits. As the merits fell, Kong Xuan, Zhao Gongming, Guangchengzi, Chijing, Yuding, and Yunxiao directly advanced to the Daluo Jinxian.

The rest of the people are also not far from the Great Luo Jinxian. It is estimated that after a thousand years of seclusion, the core disciples of the Siqing can basically be the Great Luo Jinxian.

And Chisongzi won a single merit, plus the merits of the previous character creation, and the battle with the ancestors of Yinshan directly cut out the middle stage of the advanced quasi-holy corpse.

After the wind, Li Mu, Ying Long and the others got half of it, and went from a mortal person to a golden immortal powerhouse.The remaining [-]% fell on Xuanyuan's head, which stimulated the merits of supporting the sky. For a time, Xuanyuan's cultivation level rose steadily and reached the sub-sage, but there was still nearly one-third of the merits that were not absorbed.

Just after absorbing these merits, Xuanyuan directly broke through the first layer of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and was equal to Zhunti's cultivation base.This time, 433 son became the first powerhouse of the human race.

At this time, thousands of miles of purple energy floated from the sky, golden flowers fell from the sky, golden lotuses surged from the ground, and there were bursts of immortal music. A golden human emperor directly fell into Xuanyuan's mud pill palace.

In an instant, the coercion that swept the world spread out, and the face of Zhun mentioning and receiving at the edge of the Eight Treasures Merit Pond was even bluer.Now the three emperors of the human race, Fuxi Tietie's four pure factions, and their own West owes Shennong's cause and effect, this time they are helping Chiyou to attack Xuanyuan.All three emperors were offended by him for a while.

Human race preaching has basically become a fantasy, and the three emperors have taken advantage of the general trend of the human race, and each is no worse than the quasi-level cultivation base.

ps: The one hundred and forty-fifth update is on the shelves, you can look at the top comment and discuss it!Thank you 173*****202 for the [-]-point reward, thanks for the little one! ! !

Chapter [-]_Cultivation and seeking officials

This content is first published

Not to mention Xumi Shan's ashen face, the sky of Chendu was full of laughter and laughter. Siqing Nuwa watched Xuanyuan who had broken through the Primordial Yuan and his daughter Guiling who had completed his transformation meet again after a thousand years.Also full of emotion.

Taichen returned to Kunlun with Nuwa and Sanqing, accompanied by a group of disciples who had finished preaching. After the group returned, they all entered the Siqing Hall.Lao Tzu sat on the cloud bed and said, "Now that the three emperors have returned to their thrones and the five emperors have been born, we will not arrange special candidates.

"There is no special catastrophe for the five emperors, only the last human emperor, there will be some catastrophe, and we will arrange it at that time."

Yuan Shi took a sip of tea and said, "Chisongzi, you will go to Heavenly Court to take over as Emperor Qinghua of Dongji in a while, and take Antarctica with you! As for Bai Chu and Gongming, please see your master's specific arrangements!"

Chi Songzi led the order to retreat, and at this time Taichen said: "Bai Chu and Gongming don't go to the heaven for the time being, and they can send a clone to the quasi-sage when their cultivation base is reached, and we can't force Haotian too tightly, Prevent the dog from jumping off the wall and completely fall to the west."

Lao Tzu nodded in agreement and said, "Since this is the case, those of you who have gained merit, hurry back to the cave to retreat, and strive to enter the Daluo Jinxian as soon as possible. I feel that the next catastrophe is not far away."

One of the disciples who had seen the catastrophe of the Lich was no longer calm, and when they heard Lao Tzu's words, they all said that they would go back to retreat in a while.

Taichen looked at the nervous disciples below and said, "You don't have to worry too much, it's okay for us five old guys to protect you. Besides, the protagonist of the next calamity is the Western religion, and Zhunti is still carrying the karma of heaven. , this is ordained by Heaven!"

All the disciples let out a long sigh of relief, and immediately felt relieved, but Taichen still said: "Even if we can protect you, your cultivation can't be too low!"

Yuan Shi said: "Apart from the turtle spirit, Jingwei, and Jizo, if any of you have not reached the Golden Immortal Daluo, you can try it out~!"

Tongtian interfaced and said, "Your second uncles mean that your ideological cultivation is not high enough, you need to take classes well, and those who haven't reached Da Luo need to open a small kitchen!"

The disciples below swallowed and said that they would go back to retreat immediately. Tongtian nodded with satisfaction, but they didn't realize that Yuan Shi's face around them was very ugly!

Nuwa quietly pulled the corner of Taichen's clothes, Taichen understood at once, and exchanged glances with Laozi, Laozi said, "Second brother, I got a pill recipe for my brother and I need to go back and test it, so I left first. ."

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