Seeing Haotian's treatment method, Chisongzi nodded slightly and said, "Let's just follow the Queen Mother, I have long heard that this peach spirit root was treasured by the master, and the little uncle asked for it for a long time and never gave it to him. I didn't expect this time. I actually tasted it here at the Queen Mother!"

Yaochi also has a delicate heart with seven orifices, and said, "This time I have a lot of fruit, and Daoist Chisongzi might as well bring some filial piety to a few saints!"

Chi Songzi nodded with satisfaction and said, "Since the Queen Mother said it, then I will be disrespectful."

Yao Chi's heart was dripping blood, but he still forced a smile and said, "Then I'll order someone to fetch the peaches!"

When the group came to Lingxiao Palace, Xian'e dragged Pantao and waited here. The four of them were seated separately. Haotian said, "Does Daoist Chisongzi plan to serve this time?"

Chi Songzi said with a smile: "I was lucky enough to cut off the two corpses. I can't say anything if I don't come. Qinghua Palace has been empty for a long time!"

As soon as these words came out, Haotian and Yaochi's eyes shrank for a while. I didn't expect Chisongzi to have cut off the two corpses. They are still the cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian. In this way, although the strength of Heavenly Court has increased greatly, it is not what they want to see. of.

At this time, I heard Chi Songzi say: "My junior brother has also broken through the big Luo, so the master sent me two to take over the throne, and share the worries for the great heaven!"

Haotian's face turned green, and this time a quasi-sage and a big Luo would be able to directly put them up.At this time, I heard Nanji say: "I heard that Senior Brother Bai Chu and Senior Brother Gongming have also advanced to Da Luo, and they are about to come to work!"

Antarctica didn't know that Taichen wouldn't let the two of them enter the heavenly court so early, just guessed it by himself, but it was different when the words fell into Haotian Yaochi's ears. These are two big Luo Jinxian. It is estimated that they can return to the Zixiao Palace directly after they have stabilized the position of the Four Imperials.

Chi Songzi looked at Haotian Yaochi, who was constantly changing colors, and said, "Junior Brother Bai Chu and Junior Brother Gongming will have to wait, and it is estimated that they will be released when they get a quasi-sage little uncle! !"

ps: The one hundred and forty-seventh update is on the shelves. You can look at the top comment and discuss it!

Chapter [-] _The Five Emperors may be related to the Intercept

This content is first published

Haotian and Yaochi breathed a sigh of relief: "That's a pity!"

Chisongzi didn't expose them either. He ate two peaches comfortably, left the corpse incarnation, took over the throne, and returned to Kunlun Mountain.

Besides, in the human world at this time, Gao Yang was in power, and under the guidance of Kong Xuan, he vigorously inherited Xuanyuan's ideas and encouraged the people to raise various crops and livestock to make full use of the land.

It is even more calculated to conform to the nature of the four seasons, obey the ghosts and gods to formulate etiquette, straighten out the four seasons and five elements to educate the people, purify the body and mind to worship the ghosts and gods.Vigorously promote the thoughts of the Five Sages of the East.The teachings of the three religions continue to spread.Luck has soared.

But those small tribes that were forcibly recaptured by Xuanyuan, their thoughts, beliefs, etc. were still at the time when they were independent before. Although they belonged to the Yanhuang tribe in name, their habits still retained their own characteristics.

Then Gao Yang directly carried out an important religious reform.It is mainly aimed at the many small tribes that have been conquered by Xuanyuan, and those various little ghosts and gods who have been worshipped by their own tribes.

Gao Yang forced them to obey the indoctrination of the Yan and Huang clan, and could only offer sacrifices to the Holy Father, Our Lady, Sanqing and all the sages of the human race.Sacrifice to all kinds of ghosts and gods was banned, and this reform promoted the integration of ethnic groups.

Another major event is that with the help of Kong Xuan, Gao Yang selected twelve animals as the twelve zodiac signs. The top should be twelve earthly branches, and the five elements are exactly one sixty years old, so that the human race can calculate the age in a better way. .

These twelve animals were selected layer by layer to select the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, and pig.Although I don't know what contribution mice have to people, Gao Yang's brain circuit is still very strange.

Moreover, under the help of Kong Xuan, he and Jiufeng became husband and wife, so that many tribes with mixed blood and witches were no longer hostile to the human race, which strengthened the unity of the human race.

He reigned for seventy-eight years, although it is not like the three emperors made such a great contribution to the human race, but he also inherited the thinking of the three emperors very well, and made a big push for the development of the human race.

After Gao Yang's merits were consummated, he passed the throne to Gao Xin, and he arrived at the early stage of quasi-sage cultivation under the instillation of merit, and brought his wife, Jiufeng, to the Huoyun Cave to suppress the fate of the human race.

Kong Xuan gained the merit of teaching Gao Yang, and his cultivation was further improved, reaching the middle stage of the Golden Immortal Daluo.It makes those disciples of the Four Qing Dynasty who have not broken through to the Golden Immortals very envious.In order not to listen to small lessons, you can only try your best to practice.

I don’t know if the Five Emperors have a relationship with the Jiaojiao. The teacher of this Gao Xinbai is the Virgin of Jinling, named Emperor Ku, who was born in poverty, very smart and full of spiritual energy. He has been concerned by Gao Yang since he was born, and even more so when he was fifteen years old. Began to follow Gao Yang and assist him in government affairs.It is loved and trusted by the people.

After Emperor Ku took the throne, the most important political achievement was to move the capital, from Chen to Bo, which saved the people from floods, and even later fought back with swordsmen to repel foreign enemies, nomadic tribes, but did not take the opportunity to pursue them fiercely. , in order to minimize risks, and then turn to internal affairs and deal with ethnic issues.

After that, Diku scientifically explored the laws of astronomical phenomena and phenological changes, divided the seasons into four seasons, and guided people to engage in agricultural and livestock activities according to the seasons.

Set up solar terms, so that people only know the four seasons of the year, work at sunrise and rest at sunset,


It is time to carry out agricultural production according to the solar terms.

It makes agronomic animal husbandry have a scientific chronological order, which greatly improves agricultural development and people's quality of life, and greatly promotes the development of social productivity.It made a great revolution in Chinese agriculture, and the farming civilization entered a new era.

Di Ku knows people well.He had a scholar named Yi, whose archery skills were unparalleled in the world. Emperor Ku selected him as an archery officer and gave him a red bow and a hawthorn arrow.Yi also did not disappoint Emperor Ku, and when Bai Nan rebelled, he pacified him in one fell swoop.

There were also Xianhei and Zhabu who were good at making music and musical instruments, so Emperor Ku appointed them as music officials, and finally created the music of "Nine Shao" and new musical instruments such as drums, bamboos, pipes, xuns, and curtains.The spiritual life of the human race has been greatly improved.

Emperor Ku pushes things, not in his body.Smart to know the distance, bright to observe the small.Follow the righteousness of heaven and know the urgency of the people.

Be benevolent and powerful, be kind and trustworthy, cultivate one's self and serve the world.Take the wealth of the land and use it sparingly, teach the people and teach them profitably, greet and send them off on the day and month, and honor ghosts and spirits.Its color is gloomy, its virtue is 嶷嶷.When it moves, it wears clothes.

He has good ears and eyes, can understand the situation at a distance, and can see into the subtle things.He follows the will of God and understands the urgency of the people.

Under his rule, the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and the entire human race was at peace.He is impartial, as impartial as rain waters the fields.All over the world, wherever the sun and moon shine, wherever the wind and rain go, no one will disobey.

After Emperor Ku's merits were completed, he passed on to his own son Zhi, and he soared to Huoyun Cave, and his cultivation base was also instilled in his merits to the early stage of quasi-sage.The Virgin of the Golden Spirit who taught him also gained a merit, successfully breaking through the Golden Immortal of Da Luo and escaping the small lesson of Yuan Shi.

However, his son Di Zhi was of mediocre aptitude and had no political achievements. Nine years later, the Zen throne was given to his younger brother Fangxun.

Fangxun's fief, Taiyuan, Tang State, also known as Tang Yao, studied under the tutelage of Taiyi, a real person. Under the teaching of Taiyi, he and Yao put the people first, shared weal and woe with the people, vigorously developed agriculture, and even saved his brothers. All kinds of government affairs are properly handled, and the whole world is governed in an orderly manner, and is deeply supported by officials and ordinary people.

At the beginning of Yao's accession to the throne, the astronomical calendar was not perfect. Although the people carried out agricultural activities according to the solar terms, they still often delayed the agricultural time and caused losses.

So Yao sent Xi Zhong to go to Tanggu in the east to observe the sunrise, take the day of the equinox as the spring equinox, and make corrections with reference to the position of the bird star.

Uncle Pai Xi lived in a place called Mingdu, observed the movement of the sun from north to south, took the day with the longest day as the summer solstice, and adjusted it with reference to the position of Mars.

Pai and Zhong lived in a place called Migu in the west, observed the sunset, took the equinox day as the autumn equinox, and corrected it with reference to the position of the virtual star.

Pai and his uncle lived in a place called Youdu in the north, observing the movement of the sun from south to north, taking the day with the shortest day as the winter solstice, and making corrections with reference to the position of the star Pleiades.

After the two points and two seasons were determined, Yao decided to take 366 days as a year, and set an intercalary month every three years, and use the intercalary month to adjust the relationship between the calendar and the four seasons, so that the annual agricultural time was correct and there was no error.

ps: The one hundred and forty-eighth update is on the shelves. You can look at the top comment and discuss it!

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