In terms of money, it is impossible for the Phantom Troupe to outnumber the gangs in the world.

And money alone can't make Maha Beat the enemy take action.

This is a simple arithmetic problem.

First of all, one thing is certain, whether it is the Ten Old Men or the Phantom Troupe, they can be killed by beating up the Enemike clan.

In the original plot, the ten old men have been killed.

As for the Phantom Troupe, it is basically impossible for Chrollo to be a match for Siba and Geno.

The remaining members of the brigade combined could not be the match of Maha Beat Di Ke and Yi Mi.

All things considered, the enemy's Hakka family must be more powerful than the Phantom Troupe.

Therefore, the Ten Old Men and the Phantom Troupe were commissioned at the same time.

Both of these tasks can be completed by beating up the enemy Hakka family.

Then the only choice made by the Hakka family who decided to beat their enemies was the entrustment money.


A stream of blood spattered out, and Cole showed a perverted smile.

A killer fell in front of Cole.

Cole looked at the corpse in front of him

"When I was doing this kind of thing, you didn’t know where I was, juniors!"

But soon, three more figures appeared.

They blocked the exit of the alley.

Cole raised his eyebrows slightly.

"How much is my bounty? Is it worth your efforts?"

The three people on the opposite side did not answer, but raised their guns for a moment.

They had all seen Cole's battle before. They had to admit that in close combat, maybe the three of them would not be Cole's opponent. Therefore.

Directly use the gun.

However, Cole dodged the bullets in a flash. As soon as he became shorter, his speed increased sharply.

In an instant, he was in front of the three of them, and he flew up with a kick.


This was not a simple kick. There was a blade hidden on Cole's shoe.

So when Cole flew up, the blade directly cut the opponent's throat.

A large amount of blood spurted out.

Face to face The other person, Cole, raised his elbow.

There was also a blade hidden in this elbow. He hit the other person's temple.

The remaining person showed a horrified expression and turned around and ran away.

Cole opened his mouth and said The grenade appeared in Cole's mouth. He used his flexible tongue to open the safety of the grenade and spit it out at the escaped person.


With a huge explosion, the man was blown over directly.

The attention of everyone around him was attracted.

Soon a siren sounded.

However, Cole had already left before.

He came to another small Lane.

A young man and woman were chatting and walking.

When Cole passed by, he waved his wrist, and then there was the sound of two sharp blades piercing the throat.

The eyes of the man and woman widened, unwilling to fall. Exit.

Cole quickly changed the man's clothes.

Ron frowned.

Because this pair of men and women seemed familiar to Ron. They were the same men and women that Ron had disturbed before. Unexpectedly, they were here again. Nearby, he was killed by Cole.

Cole put on his hat, covered his face, looked back, and smiled.


After that, he walked towards the darkness until he reached an abandoned building.

Cole came to the attic.

After taking a look, he sat on a chair behind the window.

His whole body seemed to relax.

"I don’t know what happened to the other people."

"This game has just begun."

But, at this moment, Cole suddenly felt something was wrong.

Cole suddenly looked towards the corner.

He saw that there was also a chair in the corner.

A figure was sitting on the chair. is a boy


For a moment, Cole was extremely vigilant.

Before he came in, Cole was sure that there was no one here, but now, Cole's eyes really saw Ron.

Two possibilities came to Cole's mind.

One is that before Ron Just because he didn't realize it.

The second one was that Ron had just arrived and entered without him noticing.

But no matter which way it was, it was worthy of Cole's fear.

Because this meant that either Ron En's strength is far stronger than him.

Either, Ron has a very special ability.

And looking at Ron's current situation, it is most likely the former.

Cole's mind changed and he quickly made a decision.

A sharp blade was captured He threw it out and came towards the direction of Ron.

At the same time, Cole rushed towards the window and wanted to leave.

However, the moment Cole's figure left the chair


There was no explosion.

But the huge impact fell directly on Cole, causing Cole's figure to fly to the ceiling involuntarily.

While flying up to the ceiling, Cole could clearly see, The sharp blade he threw stopped when it was about to touch Ron, as if it hit some metal.


But Cole saw clearly that there was nothing in front of Ron.

"what's the situation?"

Cole didn't figure it out.

But he didn't have a chance to figure it out.

The powerful impact of the explosion caused Cole's internal organs to be greatly squeezed and shattered when he hit the ceiling. There was massive internal bleeding.

When he landed, Cole Cole was bleeding from all his orifices.

After Ron confirmed that Cole was dead, he took a photo of Cole's body.

After that, he took Cole's body away and brought it to another place. Then he handed in the task commission. Very soon

Someone from the prison officials will be here soon.

"Ding dong!"

One hundred million ring nuns, arrived.

Ron glanced at it and looked away.


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