
At midnight

, a scream came from the inner courtyard of the palace.

Li Shimin was sweating profusely and sat on the low couch.

Queen Changsun next to him was also awakened at the same time and sat up.

"Second brother, are you having nightmares again?"Empress Changsun asked with a frown. Three years have passed since the Xuanwumen Incident

, but every time Li Shimin went to bed at night, he would be frightened awake by the scene in his dream.

It was not always like a movie scene, playing back The scene at Xuanwu Gate back then was to dream of Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji with their faces covered in blood, or standing in front of me with their heads held up.

"I just dreamed about my elder brother again, crying to me in my dream! Li Shimin said with a pale face.

"It's all over, and the second brother feels guilty, so he thinks about it day by day and dreams at night. Don't think too much, just sleep peacefully!"Queen Changsun comforted.

After so many years, they have said and done everything they should say and do.

But it still doesn't help.

Now if he is asked to persuade Li Shimin, Queen Changsun doesn't even know what words to use..

Li Shimin nodded with a tired look on his face.

He lay down again, but it was hard to close his eyes for a long time.

The sight of Li Jiancheng holding his head and crying to him all his life. He has defeated many enemies, but his eldest brother and fourth brother have always been in peace. Even though Queen Changsun specially hired a Taoist priest to do it in the palace a while ago.

The effect has improved significantly, but things like this still happen from time to time.

Gradually, Li Shimin got used to it.

Queen Changsun got down and called her personal maid to bring over the calming soup.

This thing is almost always available, because Li Shimin is often awakened by nightmares and has difficulty falling asleep after waking up.

He can only drink a bowl of soothing soup before he can fall asleep without saying anything.

After drinking it for a long time, I felt that my tiredness gradually relaxed and returned.

"Guanyin, is it my eldest brother who has always resented me, so he has been entangled with me for so many years? Why not invite Taoist priests to come tomorrow and practice the ritual in the palace to comfort the souls of the eldest brother and the fourth brother!"Li Shimin said in a weak voice.

Empress Changsun smiled and nodded:"Everyone is following Your Majesty!"

Li Shimin smiled bitterly, and then he lay down again and prepared to sleep.

Queen Changsun was sitting half-leaning next to her, looking at Li Shimin's appearance with worry in her heart.

Time passed slowly.

I don't know how long it had been. The moon in the sky was gradually covered by thick dark clouds. The wind started blowing in the palace. Li Shimin, who had just fallen asleep, heard someone whispering next to him. Calling yourself softly

"Li Shimin, the evil deeds you committed in your early years are now being repaid. Why don't you get up quickly and go with me to see the judge? When will you wait?"

The sound was hollow, as if it came from the abyss.

Li Shimin was frightened in his heart, and he opened his eyes in shock.

Then, he saw a figure standing next to his short couch

, more than 1.8 meters tall, with hands He was holding a pair of hammers.

Looking carefully, Li Shimin couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

This person was his third brother Li Yuanba who had been dead for many years.


"Li Shimin, I am now the Yin Ming Division next to Judge Yin and Yang. Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji have already sued you to the Judge. Why don't you get up quickly and go to plead guilty with me? How long will it take? Li Yuanba said sharply

"Judge? Where did the judge come from?"

"I am now the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the majestic king of a country. Who dares to ask me to plead guilty?"

The so-called extreme fear is anger.

Li Shimin is in such a state now.

He has been frightened all night.

Not only does he dream of his eldest brother and fourth brother often coming to him and crying.

What kind of judge will appear now?

Li Yuanba sneered. :"Bold Li Shimin, it's not up to you whether you go to see the judge or not. Come with me!""

After he finished speaking, Li Yuanba reached out and grabbed Li Shimin's clothes.

He lifted Li Shimin up from the low couch with a strong lift.

Li Shimin was shocked and shouted for help.

As a result, no one responded.

Even the person sleeping next to him There was no sound from Queen Changsun.

Li Shimin was frightened and quickly looked back.

As a result, he was almost pissed when he saw someone who looked like him where he just lay.

The exact same person was still there.

But at this time , the body's aura became extremely weak, and he was lying motionless on the low couch.


When he opened his eyes, he suddenly found himself in a dilapidated wooden house.

He quickly looked up and saw a man who looked about twenty years old sitting next to him.

Li Yuanba, who had just come to arrest him, looked back.

Li Yuanji, whose face was covered with blood, looked at him coldly.

When Li Shimin was extremely frightened, the man sitting opposite said coldly:"Is this the person coming?"

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