Chapter 15: Fingers clasped

Liu Shishi expressed her concern and sympathy for Lin Ergeng’s behavior at this time,”But I have no way to help you, so just go ahead and do it, Ergeng!”

The next speakers were Yuan Hong, who played the 13th prince, and Chen Xiao, who played the 10th prince.

The actor who plays the ninth prince is Han Dong, who is known as the best actor in Hengdian. Han Dong has been filming in Hengdian for many years. He wants to film in Hengdian for 366 days out of 365 days a year. One year, he stayed in a hotel in another city for four days, and spent the rest of the time in Hengdian. Fans of Han Dong should not look for him anywhere else, just come to Hengdian.

The fourteenth prince is played by a newcomer from Tangren Film and Television, a tall man from Northeast China, who is the trembling Lin Ergeng.

In addition, Na Xiaoza needed to be accompanied during her father’s surgery, so Li Qi helped her put in a few good words with the director, and she was approved to take a few days off. She will be able to join the crew in a few days.

The whole reading session lasted until the evening. During this period, some lines were deleted and revised, and the actors got used to each other. The effect was still very great, especially for new actors, who could quickly get into the state through this.

Li Qi returned to the hotel room and took a hot bath. After all, many people here have the habit of smoking on the spot, under the pretext of creative needs.

Li Qi, who had just finished taking a shower, picked up his phone out of habit and saw a message from Shishi. He clicked it and read:”What are you doing?”

He clicked on the next message:”I’m very angry because you haven’t replied to me for so long!” Li Qi smiled slightly and quickly replied:”You smell like cigarettes. You took a shower right after you came back. How could the elegant and gentle Eighth Prince smell like cigarettes?”

Liu Shishi replied:”Don’t change the subject, I’m just mad at you!”

Li Qi thought about it and it was true. For a man and a woman in love, the whole world is full of each other, so what kind of logic is there? No matter how much they say, it is not as real as action. Li Qi is not the kind of person who says he is invincible but is powerless when it comes to action!

The reply was:”I’ve invited Brother Hu to dinner, come along, order whatever you want!”

“Humph… not that cheap! But we still have to eat.”Liu Shishi replied

“This little girl is getting more and more rude to me, but it’s okay this way!” Li Qi put down his phone and thought to himself

Li Qi, Liu Shishi, and Hu Ge met on the first floor of the hotel and prepared to go to a nearby restaurant for dinner. As soon as they walked out of the hotel gate, they met an acquaintance.

Liu Shishi was the first to notice and called out,”Sister Zeng Li, where are you going?”

Zeng Li turned around and saw that it was the three of them. He smiled and said,”Let’s go find something to eat nearby!” The main reason was that they had been eating at the hotel restaurant for the past two days, and the food there was really average.

Shishi stepped forward and hugged Zeng Li’s arm, saying,”What a coincidence, how about we go together? We are also going to eat.” Then she looked at Li Qi

Li Qi also smiled and said,”Yes, we are just together. Let’s eat early and go home early. It’s not convenient to be alone outside. There are all kinds of people in Hengdian. It’s better to find someone to travel with in the future. It’s safer this way!””

Zeng Li nodded:”Okay! I haven’t been to Hengdian for a long time. Thanks for reminding me.”

The four of them took a taxi and headed straight to the target restaurant.

Liu Shishi is a little famous. Li Qi is just a passerby except for his outstanding temperament and handsome appearance. Not many people would recognize him.

Zeng Li became famous a few years ago, but is now a bit out of fashion. The most famous one is Brother Hu. Several waiters in the restaurant box surrounded him for autographs

Li Qi gave the menu to the two ladies, each of whom ordered a dish. In the end, he ordered four more dishes plus a soup.

After the waiters left the box, Zeng Li spoke first:”Li Qi, thank you for inviting me to participate in this play.”

Li Qi waved his hand and said,”Sister Zeng Li, it’s nothing. It’s because you are so capable. I just recommended you to Director Lin Jianfen, and it was your own ability that won you the role in the end.””

Zeng Li took off her coat, which showed off her slender figure. She put the coat on the chair beside her, put her long hair pinned in front of her chest back, and continued,”I haven’t received a big production for a long time. This opportunity is very important to me, so I really thank you!”

Li Qi smiled and said,”Sister Zeng Li, if you become famous in the future, please give us a more favorable quote if you want to take on a role in a movie with our company!”

Zeng Li also smiled when he heard this. This was something that everyone knew. Interpersonal relationships in the entertainment industry were very important! If someone was labeled as ungrateful and ungrateful, then he would have no chance of staying in the industry, because no one wanted to deal with such a person.

As for Hu Ge, he is a first-line actor and all the roles he takes are male lead roles. For the invitation from Miracle Media, at most he is just doing a favor, not being grateful. Even though he hasn’t made a movie for two years, his popularity is still there.

A few people were chatting, and the waiter gradually brought the food. No wine was ordered, after all, there were still things to do tomorrow.

Looking at Brother Hu in front of him, Li Qi smiled and said,”Brother Hu,”Scarlet Heart” and”Palace Lock Heart” have the same subject matter, do you know about this?”

“I know! I heard it from Sister Cai (Cai Yinong). Hu replied while eating.

“I heard that the heroine of”Palace” is Yang Xiaomi, and you and Shishi are the hero and heroine of”Startling by Each Step”. You are old friends from the time when you were filming”Chinese Paladin III”. Sister Cai is probably looking to you to vent her anger!” Li Qi said as he picked up a carrot for Shishi.

Brother Hu said casually:”What’s the big deal? With our creative attitude, the two dramas can’t be compared. I still prefer”Scarlet Heart”》”

Brother Hu has always been the male god in many people’s minds. He has good acting skills, good character and all-round goodness. Even though his company’s boss Cai Yinong and Yang Xiaomi have a feud, he is unwilling to talk about it. After all, they have cooperated many times in the past and they are still friends!

Liu Shishi pinched Li Qi’s thigh with her little hand under the table, and said with a smile:”You said it as if you are not the protagonist. Yes, I know that many of your fans on the Internet know that you are filming a movie, and they are looking forward to it!”

Li Qi took a deep breath and said while enduring the pain:”I don’t have any expectations at all, they are all urging me to start writing a new book and saying that I am not doing my job properly!”

“They are not wrong, you are indeed not doing your job properly!” Liu Shishi agreed

“They don’t know Li Qi’s acting skills, they will know when the show is broadcast, but they don’t know which one is your main job, being a writer or an actor!”Hu said

Li Qi thought for a moment and said seriously:”It seems that these two are not my main jobs. I am not a producer, nor am I the CEO of Miracle Company. I am lazy!”

Liu Shishi couldn’t bear it any longer and stretched out her hand to strangle him again, but Li Qi was prepared and grabbed her with his backhand, not letting go!

He tilted his head to look at Shishi, whose little face was flushed red.”Your face is so red, it must be because you ate the chili! Come, drink some soup!” Li Qi scooped a spoonful of soup into the bowl and placed it in front of her!

Brother Hu looked at their little movements and said,”I understand why Li Qi invited me to dinner tonight. Shishi is my sister, I will take care of her. Are you relieved now?”

Li Qi smiled embarrassedly……

But the two hands under the table had already clasped their fingers together!

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