Chapter 192: I’m afraid of sand in my eyes if I look at it again

the next day

Li Qi was still sleeping when he was woken up by the phone call.

Yang Xue called

Li Qi answered the phone in a daze

He slept very late last night and his mind was not very clear.

But he woke up when he heard Yang Xue’s first words

“Li Qi, what did you do last night?”

Li Qi turned his head and glanced at He Jing who had just been woken up by the phone call. He had an ominous premonition in his mind.

“No way? Were they photographed?”

“So you know, Li Qi, why didn’t you tell me in advance about these things? I’m in a passive position now, you know?”

Li Qi licked his lips, and his brain began to work rapidly.

“Sister Yang Xue, don’t get excited. I’m single, so even if I’m photographed with Dr. He, it’s no big deal, right? At most, I’ll lose some girlfriend fans.”

“What?” Yang Xue’s voice rose an octave:”Single? Doctor He? What do you mean? Are you in love again?”

Li Qi blinked

What’s going on?

Wasn’t it photographed?

“Sister Yangxue, what are you talking about? Why can’t I understand what you are saying?”

On the other end of the phone, Yang Xue took a deep breath

“Li Qi, I am your agent. We share the same fate. There is no need to hide your personal affairs from me.”

“I know”

“So what’s going on between you and Dr. He?”

“It was He Jing who came to see me yesterday. We knew each other a long time ago, but she is a non-marriage person and won’t be with me.”

Yang Xue breathed a sigh of relief

“You should also pay attention to the impact, your identity is different now. Wait, is He Jing a doctor at the Beijing Affiliated Hospital?”

“How did you know?”Li Qi was surprised

Yang Xue hung up the phone directly

Then, Li Qi received a link from Yang Xue.

Li Qi clicked on the news link and his pupils immediately dilated.

A minute later, Li Qi turned off his phone and looked at He Jing next to him with a complicated expression.

“You guys didn’t leak the news above, did you?……”

He Jing avoided Li Qi’s gaze somewhat unnaturally:”Let me make it clear first, you are not allowed to get angry because of this. I was like that yesterday, and you are unreasonable if you get angry again.”

Li Qi sighed helplessly.

No wonder I was treated so well last night

I’m waiting for you here.

“Sister Jingjing, we agreed to not expose the things I did. You promised me that.”

“It was what it was then, it’s different now, aren’t you famous now?” (cbag) Ho Ching said confidently:”The entertainment industry is full of intrigue, there are so many people smearing you online recently, especially many news reports that you offended a deputy director of CCTV and were banned by him.

If CCTV doesn’t clarify this kind of thing, some people will take it seriously.

In the future, other film and television companies that want to cooperate with you will have to consider whether the dramas they shoot can be broadcast on CCTV, so I also want to help you.

“So you picked a special patient for me?” Li Qi glared at He Jing unhappily.

He Jing whispered:”No matter how special he is, he is still a patient. His son is a reporter for the Masses Daily, but the Masses Daily won’t reimburse his father’s medical expenses.”

Li Qi didn’t know what to say

He really made a lot of money in his life.

And it is foreseeable that more money will be made in the future

Li Qi felt good about taking the money he earned. After all, it would be stupid not to take advantage of the opportunity.

But compared to simply making money, Li Qi would be very happy if he could use part of the money to help others, especially to save lives.

He will feel that his time traveling through time not only makes him better, but also makes the lives of more people better.

Li Qi believes that doing these things is not worth showing off. In essence, he is generously using other people’s money to help others.

So he kept a low profile, and apart from the people in He Jing’s hospital, he didn’t even tell Li’s parents. (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

In his mind, this kind of thing is done, there is no need to earn fame for it.

But Ke Jing helped him expose it

The son of the old man I helped yesterday is a reporter for Mass Daily

Today, all the major media headlines were almost dominated by him.

Positive energy, low-key charity, and has been doing it quietly for several years……[]

This is in line with mainstream values.

The official media exposed it again

As soon as this news came out, it was bound to dominate public opinion, and it is foreseeable that its influence will grow.

The higher-ups will not miss this kind of positive example and will definitely take the initiative to promote him.

“Sister Jingjing, you exposed me, and things like this will become weird from now on.”

“Don’t be pretentious. Just do what you did before and do it in the future. Besides, I want to build a golden statue for you so that you won’t be slandered in the future. You are a good person, what are you afraid of?”

“I’m not afraid, I just want to keep a low profile.”

Li Qi definitely can’t blame He Jing

“Sister Jingjing, I can actually handle the entertainment industry, so you don’t have to worry about me too much.”

“Can you handle it? Can the deputy director of CCTV release news to ban you?” He Jing whispered.

She called Li Qi her idol because he looked so handsome when he paid for something. But in fact, as Li Qi’s friend and a genius in the medical field, He Jing always treated Li Qi as her little brother.

In her opinion, Li Qi is too naive. If he wants to do good deeds, why should he be afraid of being found out by others?

Since when do we have to hide our good deeds from others?

Especially recently, she saw so many marketing accounts slandering Li Qi on the Internet, she was so angry that she simply arranged this

“Li Qi, you have helped so many people and saved their lives. Let them speak for you, and they will feel much better. It is very uncomfortable to always feel that you owe others a favor, and you don’t even know who your benefactor is.”

Li Qi touched He Jing’s head

Yang Xue sent another message at this time:”Watch TV, Beijing TV Station”

Li Qi turned on the TV

The news is interviewing Ho Ching’s colleagues

“Xiao Li? I’ve known him for a long time. He’s a very nice person.”

“There are often people in the hospital who cannot afford medical treatment. Xiao Li is kind-hearted. He said that since he made some money by luck, it is only right for him to give some of it to help others.”

“When we are free, we will invite Xiao Li to dinner, and he will come whenever he has time. He is a very nice person, not arrogant, very shy, and always asks us not to tell anyone about him.”

“I forgot how much money Xiao Li donated in total, but I remember that his money saved 12 lives in total, and many people could not be saved.”

“It wasn’t Xiao Li who exposed him this time. He didn’t want to become famous by doing good deeds, but it’s good to be exposed. These days, I saw people saying that he is arrogant and that he made so much money from a TV series. In short, there are even more unpleasant words. I feel very angry when I see people slandering Xiao Li.”

Camera turns

Cut to the images of the patients who were rescued

Facing the camera, many people burst into tears

“Thank you Li Qi”

“I didn’t know the name of my benefactor before, and the doctor wouldn’t tell me. Fortunately, you told me.”

One of the interviews surprised Li Qi

The person being interviewed is a young boy with acne on his face. Behind him is the gate of Jingcheng University.

Facing the camera, he said seriously:”Mr. Li, in my second year of high school, you gave me a chance to live. You also wrote me a letter to encourage me to overcome the disease and study hard. Now I want to tell you that my college entrance examination score was second in the city and I was admitted to Jingcheng University. I did not let you down. I will continue to study hard.”

Li Qi turned off the TV

I dare not watch it anymore

I’m afraid the sand will get into my eyes.

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