Chapter 203: You Are the One

Meng Fei reads a lot, not just books, but also the Internet, which is booming nowadays.

Naturally, I know the word”money worship”. After a little consideration, I said:”Money worship, also known as money worship, actually existed as early as the feudal society. But it really became a popular concept after the emergence of capitalism. Capitalism and money worship are like twin brothers. In other words, money worship is a cancer attached to capitalism that cannot be removed.”

This statement is quite interesting. Li Qi also heard it for the first time:”Go on.”

Not only him, Wu Haixiong also quietly changed his sitting position, listening attentively

“The reason why money worship is prevalent in the capitalist world is that the nature of the bourgeoisie is to accumulate wealth endlessly and pursue the appreciation of capital.”

“270””Money, as the embodiment of wealth, can control everything in capitalist society. The West has long been aware of the harm of money worship, but it is difficult to eliminate it. As long as there is money transaction, there is money worship.”

“As China’s economy develops and society progresses, more and more people realize the benefits of money, and it is difficult to avoid the emergence of materialism.”

Li Qi and Wu Haixiong looked at each other and saw satisfaction in each other’s eyes.

This is the depth that Li Qi wants. He doesn’t need a host who can only follow procedures and speak nice words.

What he needs is a host who can give his own analysis logic for any phenomenon and emergency, and successfully turn the situation around.

Obviously, Meng Guangtou has such depth

But the test is not over yet, Li Qi continued to ask:”If there are one or even several gold-digging girls on the blind date stage, what will you do?”

This time Meng Guangtou said without hesitation:”I won’t care. From the perspective of the program, the more distinctive the personality of the guest, the easier it is to get the audience’s favor. Of course, the favor I’m talking about is just the attention, not the kind of favor that is liked.”

Li Qi raised his hand to indicate that he understood:”Go on.”

“I am the host, not the judge or the moral judge. I have no right to stop other people’s preferences. But I will use the most humorous way to ridicule similar phenomena, because it does not conform to the public’s three views. It can be seen as a joke, but it cannot become the value of the program.”

Li Qi clapped his hands, and even Wu Haixiong looked at Meng Fei in surprise. There was no doubt that the test for him was over.

Without Li Qi’s announcement, Meng Fei knew that he had successfully passed the interview.

But the process still needs to be followed:”Based on what you said, I think you are the only one who can host this show.”

Meng Fei stood up and bowed:”Thank you Director Li for your trust, I will definitely do a good job!”

He slightly adjusted his direction and bowed deeply to Wu Haixiong:”Thank you for your cultivation, Master!”

Wu Haixiong smiled and said,”Although I haven’t really cultivated you, I will take your words. Work hard and don’t let me down.””

With just one sentence, Meng Fei was put in his camp. He was definitely an expert among experts.

Meng Fei also realized this, frowned slightly, and said nothing more. He knew that this day would come sooner or later.

But it doesn’t matter. It’s nothing to be able to win a show with an investment of over 100 million yuan.

After deciding on the host, Li Qi took Meng Fei straight to the shooting location

Miracle Media has already sent people to Jinling to help build the stage and lighting.

When Li Qi and his team arrived, the stage was already 70% complete, including the debugging of the 24 light cabinets.

The big screen facing the host desk is currently being installed. It is used to play the VCR program rules.

The audience can learn about the male guest’s background information through this screen

There is also a similar screen located above the entrance for male guests, which is convenient for female guests to watch. The audio and video of the two screens are synchronized.

The long passage connecting the host stage and the female guest stage is installing 1ed lights to adjust different lighting effects according to the on-site conditions.

On one side of the host stage, there is a small separate space with two single sofas, which is reserved for emotional guests.

The overall layout has shown good results. We are just waiting for the lighting and sound to be finished before unified debugging.

Meng Fei followed Li Qi and toured the entire stage, and finally exclaimed:”Too professional!”

Li Qi turned around in surprise:”What did you say?”

“Ah, I mean the team of Miracle Media is so professional…Look at everyone’s orderly process, just like an industrial assembly line, so beautiful!”

If you praise Li Qi for his excellent program planning, he may not be happy, but if you praise his team, it is just a flattery.

Unable to hide his pride, he said:”Of course, my team received professional training before they came. Every job has strict process requirements. If there is a mistake in a link, the person in charge will be punished.”

Meng Fei admired and said:”Amazing, no wonder your company can achieve success one after another!”

Li Qi laughed and said,”You are half right. It is correct to do two in a row, but whether you can do three in a row depends on Teacher Meng Fei.”

Meng Fei was stunned for a moment before he realized Li Qi’s joke. He touched his bald head and said,”I will definitely work hard. By the way, who did the two emotional guests choose?”

Li Qi asked back:”Do you have any recommendations?”

“No, no, I just want to know my future partner.”

“The emotional guests are a man and a woman. The male guest has a sharper personality, and it doesn’t matter if he is a bit sharp-tongued. The female guest represents the tenderness of women, and her style is more intellectual and delicate. She gives analysis and suggestions from a female perspective.”

Meng Fei understood:”I think this arrangement is very good. The styles of the three people do not conflict, and they can complement each other.”

Li Qi nodded:”So for the male guest, I found a speaker named Le Jia. He is studying a subject called personality color. He is bald like you. You can chat more.” (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Meng Fei suddenly realized:”I know him, his speeches are very famous, and he has something in his belly!”

“It’s best to know each other. As for the female guest, I am contacting a female professor from Jinling University. But the other party has not responded yet. I will tell you when there is a result.”

Meng Guangtou said enthusiastically:”It seems that everything is ready, only the east wind is missing!”

Li Qi made another joke:”It should be the west wind!”

“Ah? Oh, haha, Director Li is really humorous!”[]

“I’ll have someone send you the information about the first episode’s amateur guests later. You should read it thoroughly before filming and have a basic understanding of each person’s situation.”

Meng Fei nodded vigorously:”No problem!”

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