Chapter 9: New Book Published

The next day, Li Qi’s new book, The Return of the Condor Heroes, was officially released nationwide.

Li Qi also cooperated with the publicity activities planned by the publishing house. He appeared on two TV talk shows and was interviewed by several news media.

He even held book signings for book fans in one city after another, without stopping for a moment, even sleeping on the plane!

For a time, TV stations, the Internet, newspapers and other media reported on”The Return of the Condor Heroes”.

Jingcheng Miracle Media Company, um, Li Qi just returned to the company

In the general manager’s office, Xiao Jiaer diligently massaged Li Qi’s shoulders and said,”Our great writer has worked hard!” She ran to pour a glass of water and handed it to Li Qi, saying gently,”You must be thirsty. Drink some water quickly.””

Li Qi took the cup and drank most of it, then lay back in the boss chair and said,”It’s really tiring, ah…, I flew to six cities in seven days, attended five book signings, and my hands kept signing. Look, is this still my hand?”

He moved his fingers and added,”It’s almost useless!”

Xiao Jiaer looked at Li Qi’s swollen hands, took the initiative to grab them, helped rub them, and said with a smile:”There will probably be no autograph sessions later. You can rest for a few days and then join the crew.”

Li Qi felt the other person’s smooth little hand, but was reluctant to pull it away, and continued to complain:”The publishing house wanted to arrange for me to give lectures in colleges and universities, but I refused. I am only 22 years old. How can I be so virtuous? I will be criticized to death!”

Xiao Jiaer asked:”Are you being too cautious? Many people are doing this now, right?”

“It’s better to be safe than sorry. What others do is their own business. I won’t ask for blame!” Looking at Xiao Jiaer, he said

“Okay! I will pay attention to this in the future!”Xiao Jiaer replied

“I haven’t read much about what’s been said on the Internet and in newspapers these days!” Li Qi asked

“I’ve got them all for you. Sit down and I’ll read them to you!” Then he looked at Li Qi’s useless hand and smiled.

She took a few newspapers from the table. These were selected by the assistant and sent in. Xiao Jiaer took out one of the newspapers, cleared her throat and read:

《The Return of the Condor Heroes, the whole story revolves around only one word:”love”

From the beginning, Wu Santong’s love for his goddaughter, Li Mochou’s love for Lu Zhanyuan, to the love of the two Wu brothers for Guo Fu, Yang Guo’s love for Xiaolongnu, and even Qiu Qianchi’s perverted love for Gongsun Zhi, Yinggu’s love for Zhou Botong, and Guo Daxia and his wife’s love for Xiangyang City.······

The whole article is about the word”love”, and each person’s understanding and expression of the word”love” is different.

Through different human natures, this story with the theme of”love” is completed. The image of each person is so full, and you will always be moved, hateful, or angry when watching it. And the pair of eagles are also admirable.

After Xiao Jiaer finished reading, she looked at Li Qi and said,”I didn’t even notice it, this summary is very accurate!”

Li Qi said:”The person who wrote this article is a true fan of The Return of the Condor Heroes. Unlike you, you don’t even know as much about my novel as a stranger. Huh.……”

Xiao Jiaer wrinkled her nose, took out another newspaper and continued reading:

《As a sequel to The Legend of the Condor Heroes, The Return of the Condor Heroes shows the author’s eagerness to break through himself. He gave Yang Guo the greatest hardship he could give.

As if it was a joke of fate, Yang Guo, the posthumous son of Yang Kang, had been lonely since childhood, wandering around the world, and had seen the dark and cruel side of society. His personality was tainted with an indelible extremism, and his whole life was spent healing the childhood

It was Ouyang Feng, Guo Jing, Xiao Long Nu, and the women he met who brought light to Yang Guo’s life.

The most noteworthy one is Ouyang Feng. In The Condor Heroes, Ouyang Feng was redeemed. Although he was crazy, he was unreserved to Yang Guo. He was the first one to be kind to Yang Guo without any other thoughts or requirements.

This is different from Guo Jing. Guo Jing treats Yang Guo well because he pities him as Yang Kang’s son and hopes that he can become a pillar to make up for his father’s moral and character deficiencies. This is good, but not as good as Ouyang Feng’s, which is more shocking.

Ouyang Feng didn’t care whether Yang Guo was a good guy or a bad guy, or whether Yang Guo was Yang Kang’s son. He really treated Yang Guo as his own son, and taught him the Toad Kung Fu without reservation.

Xiaolongnu’s kindness to Yang Guo is closer to a kind of dependence on each other. The relationship between Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu is the main plot of this book. If the love between Guo Jing and Huang Rong disappears, it will not hinder Guo Jing’s life from moving forward and being fulfilled. Then the love between Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu is the whole of Yang Guo’s life.

This kind of relationship, like Yang Guo’s life, is full of hardships and heartbreak.

In order to sublimate the love between the two lovers, the author set up a series of tests that are difficult for ordinary people to overcome.

In terms of master-disciple relationship, Xiao Long Nu is Yang Guo’s master, and Yang Guo calls Xiao Long Nu”Auntie”. The union of these two people is against the moral code.

In ancient times, secular etiquette and human relationships could not tolerate such a relationship. If Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu could not hold on in this test of being an enemy, they were doomed to never be together.

Xiao Long Nu was confused again, but her confusion was for Yang Guo. She didn’t want Yang Guo to be hurt by rumors. But Yang Guo didn’t care. He would rather stay with Xiao Long Nu in the ancient tomb. Yang Guo never cared about other people’s opinions. So, this hurdle was overcome.

It was a matter of life and death. Would Yang Guo, sixteen years later, jump into the Unrequited Valley? Would the love between the two of them, which lasted until death, remain unchanged after sixteen years?

Yang Guo still stepped over

The marriage of Xiaolongnu in Jueqing Valley is another level. This level is very special. It tests one’s selfishness towards love.

Will Xiaolongnu, who agreed to Gongsun Zhi’s request, regret it in the face of true love? Will she be so selfish for love that it may hurt Yang Guo?

Love is such a strange thing: although you hope your partner will be better, you still insist on possessing your partner even if it may cause bad consequences to your partner. There is a perfect balance in between.

Xiao Long Nu finally crossed over. In her mind, the combination with Yang Guo would cause harm to Yang Guo, so she once wanted to stay away from Yang Guo.

But she still loves Yang Guo, so she should be a little selfish.

The last hurdle is that in Yang Guo’s life, several women fell in love with him. Some remained single for 16 years, and some gave their lives for him. This is a soul-searching question that directly points to the essence of love:

Love is exclusive, it is the complete and complete belonging of the soul

Yang Guo still stepped over. Although those women were all very good

After going through these stages, the love between Yang Guo and Xiao Long Nu finally reached a peak. The author’s compensation to this couple is extremely rare and generous.

The author generously gave Yang Guo the great credit for killing Jinlun alone and beheading Mengge in battle.

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