I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 106: Breeze Xu Family

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After seventeen broke into the Black Iron Fort and beheaded all the Iron Brothers, the Black Iron Fort, who had lost its leader, was completely messed up, the warriors in the castle fell sharply, and the city guards' attack was hardly subject to any effective resistance.

After capturing the captives and cleaning the battlefield, the sky was bright.

Seeing that the other three hundred households were all counting their loot, the 17 volunteered to deal with the issue of captives.

When he reappeared, he was stained with red again. The military boots were filled with water, and every step he made made a weird noise.

One step at a time.

Wang Lun saw the seventeen people's overwhelmingly murderous suspense and asked, "Chen Baihu, did you fight just now? Did anyone escape from the Black Iron Fort?"

"No, I dealt with the captives just now!"

Before Wang Lun continued to inquire, Liu Hongjie hurried over and asked angrily: "Chen Baihu, why did you kill all the prisoners?"

He has worked hard to control his emotions.

Wang Lun and Wang Dongfeng stared at the seventeen staring stunnedly. They remembered that there were many prisoners in Heitiebao, hundreds of people.

Seventeen said flatly, "They are all bandits. Is there anything wrong with the execution of bandits?"

"But we said at the time, surrender and not kill!"

"That's what you said, I don't remember I said that at that time!" Seventeen smiled and said indifferently, "I'm doing it for you, what's the use of keeping the captives? It's completely useless!" Captives will only slow down our march and consume our energy. Thousands of adults are already very dissatisfied with our progress!"

"Among the captives, so many ordinary people, don't you feel any guilt?"

"What guilt?" Seventeen asked, "I'm just ordered to rob the bandits...they are all gangsters!"

At this time, Wang Lun stood up and rounded the field: "Liu Hongjie, you don’t have to say anything. Chen Baihu made a very reasonable point. Now we have to work hard to complete the task. The captives are dead, just save some time, let us free our hands. Come."

Wang Dongfeng also said: "Yes, the captives are dead anyway, and it would be useless to say more!"

Seeing that the two colleagues completely stood on Chen Pengfei's side, Liu Hongjie was not angry, but he could only hold his breath.

Seeing that everyone didn't mention the matter of captives anymore, XVII passed Zhou Yiran's order to let three hundred households give up a task.

Wang Lun and Wang Dongfeng agreed almost without hesitation, and Liu Hongjie naturally dared not object.

After thanking the three hundred households, 17 left with more than one hundred men.

After leaving at seventeen, Liu Hongjie finally couldn't help but complained desperately: "The two kings and hundreds of households, you see how arrogant that kid is, you are all old subordinates of thousands of households, just tolerate him like that?"

Wang Lun glanced at Liu Hongjie and said, "If you really want to trouble him, go alone, I will not participate!"

Wang Dongfeng also waved his hand: "Don't look at me, I won't go either!"

Liu Hongjie said angrily: "If you endure this way again, you are not afraid of others **** and pee on your head?"

"Even if he **** and pee on my head, I endure it!" Wang Lun didn't even want to answer directly.

Liu Hongjie was almost choked to death by Wang Lun's words.

Wang Dongfeng said next to him: "Hong Jie, don't blame your elder brother for not mentioning you. You must not provoke Chen Baihu in the future, he is not a generous person...Silver mask, Chen Pengfei, the real mid-term strength, killing Without blinking... didn't you think of anything?"

In the next two months, 17 took more than one hundred people in his hand and once again gained fame throughout Heishui County!

All the seventeen mission goals will hardly leave a live mouth.

Even a bystander will feel unbearable!

Even if the seventeen enemies are bandits and bandits, they are not officially registered, they are gangsters who do evil things, but because of his fierce style, he has become a character who stops children!

There are a lot of masters of Devil's Dao stronger than him, but there are only 17 people who can kill so unscrupulously in Heishui County, and will not be chased by the family.

After all, he wore the military uniform of the Nanyun Kingdom and obeyed the military command. The military of Heishui County has a very strong mastery, second only to the national capital.

Without the bitter hatred, the master of the family ancestors would not move him at all, after all, the gains outweigh the gains.

In the successive battles, more than one hundred soldiers led by the seventeen are also growing rapidly, perhaps because of excessive killing, or because of the subtle influence of the Qiqi field. The strength of those soldiers has increased rapidly, and their murderousness is stronger than ordinary soldiers. many.

Under the leadership of seventeen, they annihilated nearly ten small forces, and almost did not encounter any defeat. The loss was also extremely low. The continuous victory made every soldier full of confidence!

Many soldiers even began to madly worship the 100-household adults who continued to bring them victory.

The bandits for more than three months, when seventeen counted their gains, were a little unbelievable!

He got a copy of Xuan-level lower-grade kung fu, one of Xuan-level lower-grade kung fu, and a seventeen auxiliary skill "Ning Shen Ju" that he had always dreamed of. Other yellow-level kung fu and martial arts, he stuffed a small wooden box.

These are all transcribed and saved by him, and the originals were handed over to the military, and he also sent a set of copies of the Xuan-level exercises and martial arts seized to Zhou Qianhu.

Zhou Qianhu did not refuse the good intention of 17th.

At that time, Zhou Qianhu was in a good mood. He was the first to complete all the gangster missions.

Upon receiving the notice from the heralding soldiers, all the households from one hundred households to one thousand gathered.

In front of all the other 100 households, Zhou Yiran exaggerated the seventeen!

Wang Lun also said with a smile: "Chen Baihu is really famous now in Heishui County. My last task was to fight the Shenfeng Village. It was very difficult to fight at that time. When I was angry, I was loud at the door of the Shenfeng Village. Say, you Shenfengzhai is very strong, I can't beat it, I'm going to find Chen Pengfei and Chen Baihu for help... Guess what happened?"

"what happened?"

Seventeen also looked at Wang Baihu curiously.

"That night, the second owner of Shenfengzhai contacted me, hoping that I wouldn’t contact Chen Baihu. They would betray the Zhaizhu and open the Zhai door to let us in. Just ask not to run into Chen Baihu and give them others in the village One way to live!" Wang Lun laughed, "As a result, Shenfengzhai took it down!"

17 I don’t know if the story that Wang Baihu told is true or false, let’s say it’s true!

After the meeting, Zhou Yiran ordered 17 to stay.

The other hundred households glanced at 17 with envy.

At this time, he only noticed Liu Hongjie's back, and quickly disappeared at the door... he was not found just now.

In the camp, only Zhou Yiran and 17 people were left.

Zhou Yiran said: "Chen Baihu, some other 100 households reported to me, you drunk people...and then killed all their captives?"

"Subordinates are to lighten their burden..."

Zhou Yiran rubbed his forehead and said: "I won't mention this first, don't commit it again, everyone is a colleague after all!"

"Subordinates follow orders!"

In the future, how could there be such a good thing?

After this eradication, the bandit bandits in Heishui County could not recover their vitality within ten years.

"Also, what happened to the Xu family, I want to hear from you?"

"When I cleared the Baishi Mountain thief, the Xu family jumped out to prevent our city guards from acting... so the subordinates believed that the Xu family and the Baishi mountain thief colluded!" XVII continued, "I told the Qingfeng City's City Guard Commander, he also thinks that there is a problem with the Xu family, so we went to the Xu family, they did not cooperate with the investigation, and they started first, so we started."

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