I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 140: Engulf metal

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"Then you take me to meet you Chen Tongling!"

In fact, without Chu Yan's command, the seventeen had already come over first.

"You are Chen Pengfei?"

Chu Yan looked at Chen Pengfei curiously. Chen Pengfei was covered with blood. His armor had been worn out after the war, but he still barely hung on him. A few scars on his chest were still bleeding, and there were sharp points on the scars. Sharp knife.

The sword of water should be left by Hui Qingying.

His first impression was that Chen Pengfei's unusually tall and strong body resembled a little giant.

His height of Chu Yan is 1.8 meters. Among ordinary warriors, he is tall, but compared with Chen Pengfei, he is a dwarf.

Then there was Chen Pengfei’s powerful murderous air. Chu Yan was an old general of the Bauhinia Army, and the entire army was full. I am afraid that only the murderous air from the general will have a fight with Chen Pengfei!

But they are great generals!

The top powerhouses in the entire Nanyun Kingdom surpass the existence of innate masters!

In the first two years of the Bauhinia Army, there was a congenital general whose murderousness could be comparable to Chen Pengfei in front of him, but that general was arrogantly killed when he was practicing!

Not to mention!

"Humble office has seen General Chu!"

Chu Yan looked at his sober mind and his eyes were clear for seventeen times. His evaluation in his heart rose to another level. He smiled and said: "Chen Tongling doesn't need to be too polite. Today, Chen Tongling has five thousand soldiers and horses, breaking the black iron army. The Tenth Army also killed Hui Qingying and made great contributions. I am afraid that it will not be long before you become the youngest general of the Bauhinia Army!"

Chu Yan's remarks are not a joke. As a general, he knows a lot of information inside the military.

The Nanyun Kingdom and the Black Blood Kingdom waged a war, and the entire Nanyun military suffered great pressure, especially in the early stage of the Bauhinia Army. The Fifth Army and the Tenth Army were almost completely annihilated, and the Sixth Army suffered heavy damage. Later, many officials and soldiers were not so optimistic about the prospects of the war!

Facing the heavily invaded black iron army, the Bauhinia Army has been passively beaten, shrinking and defending, and the morale of the entire army began to fall.

Now Nanyun's military urgently needs a beautiful battle report, an exciting victory, or a hero!

And exactly at this moment, Chen Pengfei appeared!

Chu Yan knew that once Chen Pengfei broke the Tenth Army, and the news of the killing of the opponent’s innate general was reported, it would definitely arouse the military’s great attention!

This seems to be the first innate level master to be defeated for the first time since the invasion of the Dark Iron Army!

Thinking of this, Chu Yan looked at XVII with some envy.

What is the reward, it is probably conceivable, anyway, it is estimated that his innate mid-term master will be jealous.

"The general has won the prize. It's just a fluke to defeat the Black Iron Army!"

Seventeen customary modesty.

"Commander Chen is too humble!" Chu Yan smiled, "presumably after today, Commander Chen will be famous!"


Chu Yan didn't believe it at all.

The famous Zhen Nanyun and Chu Yan have no doubt.

Recently, the young and well-known young heroes of the entire Nanyun Kingdom under the age of 18 are probably not as good as Chen Pengfei in front of them.

Chu Yan has almost treated 17 as a master of the same level.

There can be no prisoners of war, and the seventeen hands have always been ignorant.

In this battle, the Bauhinia army had fewer than 1,000 soldiers killed, most of them were killed during the previous battle between the two armies. Compared with the tens of thousands of deaths and injuries of the black iron army, the loss was not too small.

When Chu Yan got this result, he almost thought that they had lied about their record in seventeen!

But it's really not true. More than 4,000 people can run, jump, and hurry up. He can only choose to accept reality, even if the reality is too incredible.

Taking advantage of the night, the Bauhinia army brought wounded soldiers with the **** of Chu Yan, an innate master. They did not need to think about anything else and rushed to Baishan City the next night.

Chu Yan returned to Baishan City and immediately reported the original record of the 17th.

The merits of killing Hui Qingying, the general of the Tenth Army in the late seventeenth century with the strength of the real Yuan realm, not to mention, he also commented in the letter on the Bauhinia army trained by the seventeen: red eyes, bloodthirsty madness, fearless death Like a ghost!

On the other hand, they stayed in Baishan City for a while.

On the evening of the same day, the strength of Seventeen went one step further and almost broke through to the peak of True Yuan Realm!

The position of the card is not up or down, making the seventeen uncomfortable!

The battle with the Black Iron Army, after Hui Qingying's death, has completely evolved into a cat scratching game!

The black iron army fled around, and on the 17th it was a pair of legs.

Chen Hao roared loudly inside the magic sword: "You are second-hand goods. If you cut that woman with a sword on the battlefield today, how could you not break through the pinnacle of True Yuan Realm?"

Seventeen can only be embarrassed to explain: "The situation was in crisis, I didn't think so much!"

"Remember, there is no next time, next time you must use the epee!"

"I see, Master Sword Spirit, I won't commit it again next time!"

Seventeen very cleverly bowed his head to admit his mistake, making Chen Hao embarrassed to lose his temper.

Seventeen sat at the bed and figured out his spoils today, belonging to the innate master Hui Qingying's space ring and a short knife.

Spirit weapon is not available to every innate master, Hui Qingying's short knife is only the top mystery.

As for the space ring, seventeen is the first time to touch it!

The ring is women's, silver-white, I don't know what material it is made of, it has a beautiful pattern engraved on it, and it shines beautifully under the lights.

According to Chu Yan, once the former owner of the ordinary space ring dies, he only needs to drop blood to become the new owner.

After biting a finger hard, dripping blood onto the space ring, the blood drop quickly disappeared, and when the idea moved, he saw the inside of the space ring at seventeen.

The space is far more than the space bag used by ordinary warriors. There are about four cubic meters. The most occupied places are all kinds of colorful clothes and some small boxes with fragrance.

Woman, really troublesome.

Seventeen dissatisfied whispers: "It's all useless!"

Chen Hao said quietly inside the magic sword: "emmm... maybe, you can try a woman!"

Comprehend the "Artistic Conception of Power" and "Artistic Conception of Killing", known as the first young genius of Nanyun Kingdom, nicknamed the Blood Slayer Ren Tu. His hands shook.

The space ring also fell on it.

"Sword Spirit Lord!"

"Joking, joking, keep on opening the treasure chest!"

Then everything was normal, a mysterious middle-level martial art "Green Wave Sword Method", more than 700 inferior spirit stones, a few bottles of unknown elixir, seventeen did not know, dare not eat.

There is also an exquisite box. After opening, there are only black metal blocks with the size of fingernails.

The metal block is unusually heavy, black like coal, and the fingernail is a little bit bigger, but it weighs more than ten pounds.

"Give me!" Chen Hao said urgently, "Although I don't know what it is, it looks delicious!"


Seventeen didn't hesitate to put the metal block on the red blood demon sword.

The Red Blood Demon Sword exudes a scorching heat. After the metal block melts, it slowly penetrates into the sword body.

Chen Hao was somewhat satisfied. After the red blood sword melted into the unknown metal block, the whole sword body became tougher!

After the sword body cooled, Seventeen took the red blood sword and weighed it, and found that the red blood sword became heavier!

"Master Sword Spirit, can Red Blood Demon Sword be a little heavier?"

Before the seventeenth, I felt that the Red Blood Demon Sword was a little flirty. Since I realized the "power conception", the feeling of "flirty" became more obvious!

"Are you disgusting me?"

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