I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 153: Seventeen teachers

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The general Bauhinia looks majestic, with a purple armor and extraordinary power, with the power of a world-class master. The ordinary warrior will not have the courage to look up in front of him.

He checked the body of 17 and couldn't help but exclaim: "What a strong body!"

Seventeen embarrassed to speak, if his body is really strong enough, he will not lose his combat ability by a simple blow.

"Chen Pengfei, what kind of expression are you? Do you think the master of the sky is so simple?" The general said when he saw the expression of the seventeenth, "Even if it is an innate late master, who was hit by Li Tian Lao Gui's dark secrets, It's almost a nine-death life. You, a young man who has just become an innate master, can escape from the hands of Li Tian Lao Gui, you can brag all your life!"

"What is the dark mystery?"

"Mystery is the sublimation of artistic conception, you don't even understand this?"

"Don't understand!"

Seventeen said honestly.

He was never the kind of person who didn't understand.

The general asked suspiciously: "No one mentioned it to you?"


"Oh!" said the general with a sharp forehead. "I remember, your master is the ancestor of Red River, he has long since died!"


Nod at seventeen.

It would be strange if the general did not know his information.

He is so famous now, how can he be a celebrity of the Bauhinia Army!

"So... are you willing to worship me as a teacher?"

The general looked at Seventeen and asked slowly.

"Subordinates are willing!"

Seventeen only froze for a moment, and then answered without hesitation.

Heaven-breaking masters are the strongest fighting force in the entire South China. Only a few people in the entire southern region can suppress the heaven-breaking masters, but none of them can be reached by the seventeenth.

It is impossible for the seventeenth-level master to be a teacher or a general of the Bauhinia Army.

The general said with a smile: "Do you still claim to be a subordinate?"

"Tuer willing!"

"Okay, after I go back, I will officially announce Nanyun Kingdom. From now on, you will be my disciple!"

The acceptance of "Chen Pengfei" as a disciple was not a surprise for the general. After seeing his record and strength, as well as his age, he couldn't help but have a heart for love.

It can be said that the 17 talents in the entire Nanyun country are definitely the first person!

No one can match it!

Ning Yinghua looked at the seventeen lying on the ground with envy and jealousy, and wished to replace it.

He knows very well that there are three personal disciples in the generals. The first disciple died early, no need to mention it; the second disciple Wu Changlin is a full-fledged martial idiot and often travels abroad; the third disciple Yun Shanshan, the seventh daughter of His Majesty today, has extraordinary talent, Twenty-three years old, already an innate mid-term master, but as a woman, she is almost at a disadvantage in military development. So far, she has only held a general title in the Bauhinia Army.

Chen Pengfei became a disciple of the general, and he could almost walk sideways in the Bauhinia Army, with a bright future!

"Ning Yinghua, I will take Peng Fei back to the Bauhinia City for treatment. You will bring his soldiers back!"

"Subordinates follow orders!"

The general raised the seventeen, and then the whole person rose to the sky.

Sky-breaking master, flying very fast, but the generals wrapped the seventeen with real yuan, but it would not make the seventeen uncomfortable.

"I just checked your body and found that there are two moods in your body. I'm curious. What is the other mood in your body?" The general asked. "If it's not that there are two moods in your body, even you The body is very powerful, the killing conception is profound, and it is difficult to resist the dark mystery contained in Li Xue's casual hit."

"That's what I just realized the artistic conception of power!"

The general looked at Weiqi strangely and asked, "The artistic conception of power? Are you sure?"


Even if the artistic conception is understood, how can one not even know what the artistic conception is?

"The artistic conception of force is very good and strong!"

Chen Hao heard clearly, the general's tone was a bit pretentious and relaxed.

It seems that the artistic conception of force is indeed very strong!

"You slaughtered five cities, just for this magic sword?" The general looked at the red blood magic sword and frowned and asked, "Chen Pengfei, can you control?"

Chen Hao's entire sword was tense!

"The magic weapon can be different from the magic weapon. Although the increase of the magic weapon to the warrior is stronger than that of the same level, the use of them will also pay the price!" said the general. "The more advanced the magic weapon, the greater the impact on the master of the magic weapon. If you can’t control it, you might as well destroy it!"

"Thank you for reminding me, I can control!"

"In short, you have to be cautious!"

He will remind the reminder, but everything depends on the disciple's choice.

He could not destroy a magic weapon carefully trained by his disciples in the name of "protection"!

Master, not a nanny!

The general thought this way, but Chen Hao was already scolded in the magic sword!

But Chen Hao was still indifferent, and the Red Blood Demon Sword couldn't even bother to move.

He is a good-tempered magic sword!

"I understand!"

Nodded at seventeen, he wiped the dust on the sword of the Red Blood Demon Sword, exposing the first blood ring of the sword body.

For the most part of the day, seventeen were taken back to the Bauhinia City by the general.

"The injuries on your body do not need to be healed. I will not help you remove the dark mystery. Anyway, it can't help you. Use your artistic conception to fight against it. This is also a kind of cultivation for you!"

The general left under this sentence, and was lying on the bed at seventeen, a little helpless.

He probably understands the general's apprenticeship style!

Returning to the safe Bauhinia City, the seventeen felt relieved.

He calmed down and began to turn his consciousness into his body. The killing artistic conception and the powerful artistic conception continued to confront the remaining dark mysteries.

Chen Hao was about to speak to Seventeen, and he saw that he was immersed in the confrontation with the Dark Profound Truth.

Seventeen consecutive five-city sacrifices, with a population of nearly 200,000, almost let him eat!

If it is not the material of the Red Blood Sword itself, he can already upgrade.

According to his knowledge, seventeen plundered five cities in a row, and his space ring was filled with many excellent materials for casting swords.

Not long ago, he was pretending to be asleep, and recently because of the presence of Ning Yinghua, he was a little bit worried.

Now back to Bauhinia City, it's time for Seventeen to hand over the good things.

In the middle of the night, Seventeen slowly awoke from the confrontation with the dark mystery.

Against the Dark Profound Truth, he has gained a lot, both the killing artistic conception and the powerful artistic conception have improved.

Seventeen understands that with his current strength, he encounters the master of breaking the heaven and earth, he has no chance of victory.

He can kill the innate masters in the real Yuan realm, relying on strong power and physical defense.

However, his physical strength is temporarily unable to resist the threat of Profound Truth.

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