I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 254: Zhang Lao wish

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Coupled with the fact that the royal family of Nanyun Kingdom has a total of two book storage pavilions, the ancestors of Breaking Heaven Realm set up a small book storage pavilion in Laozhuang, and no one noticed his age.

The discovery of Zhang Lao was completely an accident. The last emperor had a management file next to him, which was responsible for collating the history of the court. The **** Xu was outstandingly talented and his memory was amazing. Baby's name.

At the beginning, he hadn't noticed that Zhang Erwa's name was too unremarkable. The eunuchs were all from the poor. They all have the same name in the palace.

But after looking through the files for more than 100 years, the attentive Xu Eunuch finally noticed the old man who had been staying in the library.

He has lived for more than a hundred years, and certainly deserves his attention.

As a result, a Pharaoh Eight was found.

Through Zhang Lao's story, they knew that Zhang Lao broke through again in his 140s!

That breakthrough, he is still confused.

It seems that I was sleeping in the bedroom at night, and then I suddenly got something in my heart, and I broke through.

He didn't even think about becoming a master.

There is simply no preparation for a successful breakthrough.

Just the day after his successful breakthrough, he woke up early as usual, habitually cleaning the broom, habitually picking up feather dusters to remove dust, habitually maintaining the skills and skills originally... waiting for his habit After busy working all day, he lay in bed and remembered his breakthrough...

He never thought about reporting "superior".

When the old ancestor of the Yun family personally invited him out of the library, Zhang Lao asked the royal family to let him stay in the library.

He didn't want to leave the library, and he knew nothing about the world outside the library, nor did he want to know.

He has no children, no lover, no concern... Even his hatred for his parents is wiped out by the relentless time.

The ancestor of the Yun family finally met Zhang Lao's request.

So Lao Zhang stayed in the bookstore until Yunfeitian appeared.

That day Yun Feitian took away all the books and materials of the martial arts and martial arts in the library, leaving Zhang Lao with an empty library...

The books are gone, and everyone else in the library has left... Zhang Lao looked up and down fidgeting in the empty library, and then he took advantage of the night and slowly walked out of the door of the library after more than two hundred years. .

He saw Yun Feitian killed by seventeen, and he followed.

His request is very simple, that is, he wants to return to him all the sword techniques and palm techniques below the Xuan level taken by Yun Feitian!

For more than two hundred years, he has been responsible for the maintenance of the swordsmanship and palm skills in the library, and the cleaning of the library!

"Lao Zhang, which opponent do you pick?"

"Well, old man, I can't beat him, but it should be possible to hold him back!" Zhang Lao refers to the weakest early master of the world.

"Well, I am responsible for the rest!"

Anyone can see that Zhang Laoqi's blood is decaying so badly that he can help. Seventeen are very grateful.

As soon as the work was completed, the firepower was on at seventeen, and he rushed towards the gang of innate masters with a red blood sword. Before dealing with the masters of Potian Realm, he decided to cut off some fish.

The two Skybreaker masters also put Seventeen on the list of kills. When the two planned to shoot at the same time, Zhang Lao appeared in front of the slightly weaker Master.

He was short and thin, standing in mid-air as if a breeze would blow him away.

"Your opponent, it's me!"

The decay of Zhang Lao's body could not be concealed, and no one could tell that he was coming!

"Where did this dead old man come out, get out of me." The master of breaking the realm pulled out a long knife, and the long knife was vomiting a faint blue flame. "The mystery of fire: fire **** cut!"

The dark blue sword straight to Zhang Lao.

Zhang Lao opened his right palm and said lightly: "The meaning of the sky: nothing!"

The dark blue knife-mang just touched Zhang Lao's palm like chicken claws... Suddenly disappeared.

It will be as if it never appeared!

The expression on the face of the master of breaking the sky is just like hell: "You... how did you do it?"

Zhang Lao said slowly: "Just imagine it doesn't exist...it's gone!"

The master of breaking the sky finally looked at the old man seriously.

On the 17th side, it was more passionate than Zhang Lao's battle.

He first rushed to the group of innate masters and directly opened the "Magic Aura". While the group of innate masters were in a trance, they exhibited three major mysteries and attacked them.

The seven congenital masters, within a few strokes, were killed by seventeen beheaded!

But he also paid a very painful price, the opponent's mid-level master's strength did not lose to 17 at all!

Seventeen looked at the two scars with profound bones on his body, and then looked at the right thigh that was pierced and kept pouring blood, and an unsightly smile grinned at the corner of his mouth.

In the Yangxin Hall, Lan Yanlin looked out through the window...Unfortunately she only watched many gorgeous real elements colliding!

After all, she had never practiced martial arts, and her eyes were almost the same as those of ordinary people. In the dark, she could not clearly see the situation outside.

But at this time, someone came forward to explain her.

"Her Majesty, I have to say, that Chen Pengfei seems to be really infatuated with you! One person is blocking so many masters!" The 17-year-old Qingxiu woman who had seen her laughed around her.

The Qingxiu maiden is the person of the black blood country, and it is through this that Lan Yanlin betrayed the three ancestors of the Yun family and exchanged them for the head of the Chen family.

This beautiful young lady, Lan Yanlin has not dealt with it because she is still useful.

And the other party did not intend to kill her.

Otherwise, she died long ago.

"Who are those people?" Lan Yanlin looked very ugly.

"Of course I want to catch you who is dedicated to the general!" The maid smiled. "Since the negotiations broke down, there are many people who want to surrender to our black-blooded country. The queen is now a sweet potato."


"But that Chen Pengfei is really strong, no wonder our general is interested in him!"

Outside the Yangxian Hall.

"You're obviously a peerless genius!" the master of the world's most unsightly looking world shouted, "is it worth it? Just for such a woman!"

The life and death of those innate masters, the masters of breaking the realm of heaven are really not at ease.

It's dead, and then their family will get it alone!

This master who has broken through the heavens has discovered the fighting power of the seventeen far superior ordinary innate pinnacle masters, and even discovered the fact that he realized the mystery.

But in his view, the seventeenth action was undoubtedly very irrational.

In order to protect the emperor's life, in order to kill several innate masters, he was not badly wounded.

Suffering from serious injuries, he couldn't escape!

does it worth?

"You are really...you are really..."

Suddenly, the master who broke the heavens suddenly found that his words were poor, and he couldn't find a suitable adjective to describe what the seventeen did!

No way, he repeated subconsciously again: "You are really a..."

"Tie Han Han!"

Chen Hao answered in the Red Blood Sword.

He was also anxious about the half-cut remarks of the master of the world.

Saying these three words, he felt much more comfortable.

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