I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 259: Light Yan help

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At dawn, seventeen appeared at the door of Yi's house and knocked on the door.

"Who? So early?"

The little man who opened the door was impatient, but when he saw the man standing at the door, he immediately smiled: "It turned out to be General Chen, please invite him in General Chen, I'll go here and inform the master you coming!"

"it is good!"

Nodded at seventeen and said nothing about Yi Renhao's death.

This was not the first time he came to the Yi family and sat down in the living room. Soon after, the old housekeeper of the Yi family appeared. He looked sad and looked sad: "Quick, give General Chen good tea!"

A 13-year-old little maid came out and poured tea for 17-year-old.

The old housekeeper arched: "General Chen, please drink tea!"

His expression was calm, but the sadness in his tone could not be concealed.

Picking up the tea cup at seventeen, he took a sip of hot tea and asked, "Yi, it seems there are fewer people!"

"Yesterday, the old lady went back to her home with a few young masters!"

Seventeen couldn't help laughing: "General Yi is really very cautious."

The old housekeeper whispered: "General Yi has always praised General Chen for being a rare talent in Nanyun's century. If it were not for those families and generals in the Imperial Guard, he would not want to fight General Chen!"

These 17 things, do not want to ask more.

"Listen to General Yi, that light face is here with you?"

"Yes!" the old housekeeper bowed, "I will bring her here."

Seventeen waved: "Go!"

Before long, Xiao Qingyan was brought up.

She was dressed neatly, but her spirit was a little weak, her hair was scattered and she didn't take care of it.

After being brought up, as soon as she saw Seventeen, she plunged her head into her arms and whimpered: "General Chen, great, I thought you had an accident!"

Seventeen glanced at the trembling Yi Wenbin. Yi Wenbin was scared and pale, and quickly lowered his head.

Compared with Yi Wenhao and the old housekeeper, he is still a lot worse.

Seventeen pulled out the light face with one hand, and asked harshly, "Did I arrange for you to leave the city?"

"But people can't rest assured you!"

"So you came back secretly?"

"It's not that Yi Wenbin!" Qing Yan murmured, "I just got into the city gate and was caught by him."

Yi Wenbin was somewhat unstable and took two steps back.

"Since you are fine, let's go!"

He said that he was about to leave at seventeen, but Qing Yan caught him: "Master General, the Yi family shut me up day and night!"

"Follow me!" Seventeen walked a few steps and found that Qing Yan didn't catch up and said, "If you don't plan to follow me, then stay at Yi's!"

Lightly glaring at Yi Wenbin and the old housekeeper, the very reluctant trot followed seventeen steps.

"General Chen, did the Yi family shoot you?" Along the way, Qing Yan asked eagerly.

"How do you say that?"

Qing Yan said affirmatively: "I'm yours, they know very well, since they dare to move you, they must want to start against you!"

The seventeen steps stopped a little, and wanted to say something, but didn't say it.

"Master General, if they really do it to you...you should send someone to catch all the Yi family members and kill them!" Qing Yan whispered, "It is necessary to remove the roots, Master General."

The tone of talking lightly is quite a bit like that of an adult.

Seventeen stopped, not paying attention for a while, and hit him directly.

Looking lightly wronged, she looked at the 17 with beautiful big eyes, half of it was pretended, half because the other party's body was really hard!

Hard, like a rock.

"I promised Yi Renhao and let his family go!"

"Then you can make Her Majesty the Queen order to destroy his Nine Clan!" Qing Yan cunningly said, "You agreed, not the Queen, if you really have a good relationship with the Queen, she will definitely agree!" "

"No, just forget about it!"

"What if Yijia finds a chance to retaliate against you in the future?"

"I can't think so much!"

Qing Yan asked in a low voice: "Do you have to do what you promise?"

Listening to her tone, she was slightly dissatisfied with the seventeen.

Seventeen lowered his head, and sighed after a long time: "The reason why I keep my promise is because...I hope others can keep their promise!"

Xiao Qingyan was a little confused, which was inconsistent with her values, but she still wrote down 17 words.

"Since you don't want to leave, then I have one thing that needs your help!"

Qing Yan's eyes lit up, and immediately said happily: "Master General, please command, Qing Yan will definitely be able to do things beautifully!"

Hearing seventeen said she had something to do, Qing Yan was so excited and happy!

She wants to be a useful person!

"Come with me!"

Seventeen came to the palace with light face.

They were unobstructed all the way, looking at the magnificent buildings and magnificent pavilions in the palace with light and curiosity, feeling that everything was fresh.

Growing up, she was the first to enter the legendary palace.

Knock on the door of Yangxin Hall and enter the side hall. Seventeen remind Qing Yan to whisper.

Sure enough, Lan Yanlin has not yet woken up.

Seventeen rushed to the Qingxiu Palace girl, the palace lady nodded and followed them out.

"General Chen, Her Royal Highness has a good rest!"

"You did very well!"

At this moment, Seventeen quickly reached out and grabbed the slender neck of the maiden with one hand. With a slight stunned face, she immediately reached out and immediately covered the opened mouth of the maiden!

Seventeen shots the maid died instantly.

Although Qing Yan's mouth covering is somewhat redundant, Chen Hao in the Red Blood Sword inexplicably feels that they are very good!

Gently put the maiden's body on the ground, 17 said: "She is a member of the black blood country, I always feel a little worried."

Qing Yan nodded: "Oh!"

Seventeen found that his explanation was obviously superfluous.

"You temporarily serve as the maid of the Queen, help me take good care of her!"

"Take care of her?"

Qing Yan asked with some embarrassment.

She was very tangled and uncomfortable!

She couldn't even dream of it. The task assigned to her by Seventeen turned out to be this!

"Light face!"


Seventeen sighed and said, "I have no trusted people around me. Can you promise me?"

Qing Yan looked up to XVII. She still had a silver mask on her face, but she could see many complex emotions in his eyes... This is the first time Qing Yan has been with XVII for so long. Until he showed so much emotion!

In his eyes, there was even a hint of pleading!

Her heart suddenly softened!

"I promise you!"

What do you want me to do... I promise you!

Qing Yan desperately suppressed her emotions and tried to say in a calm tone: "I will take good care of her!"

"Thank you!"

"Don't say thank you!"

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