I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 292: Dream sword

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Not only did he pay a lot of hard work for Changhe Swordsmanship, he also dug into the hollow to please the elders. In order to ask more questions and learn some useful skills, he stood out in the last assessment and won the top ten and won the " The cultivation qualification of Changhe Swordsmanship.

In order to redeem "Changhe Jue", he was born and died for the gang. On two occasions, he was forced to a real desperate situation, and finally survived... Finally, he relied on the recommendation of the backer and a large number of gang merits before he was converted to the Xuan-level inferior practice. "Changhe Secret"!

But even if this is the case, Lu Fan knows that his start has been much stronger than most warriors!

A Xuan-level inferior body method "Chasing the Wind" is enough to make Lu Fan move!

Lu Fan knelt on the ground and said sincerely: "Thank you Lord Jianling for the reward!"

Chen Hao saw that the other party was kneeling directly, and there was a moment of satisfaction in his heart... It seemed that Lu Jian had been kneeling down on him alone, right?

Chen Hao asked in a low voice: "Lu Fan, do you have any wishes? I want to hear the truth!"

Lu Fan thought for a while, then hesitantly glanced around, and then whispered, "Master Jianling, actually I want to build a family!"

"Lu Family?"


This wish is relatively normal, and it is so normal that Chen Hao does not know how to evaluate it.

Lu Fan's wish is the wish of the vast majority of warriors, to fight a huge family business, so that future generations will continue!

And those who want to pursue the top of martial arts and want to become the world’s top power do exist, but those warriors are either the top geniuses of the top powers, or some fledgling young men, and they are unrealistic." The "dream" Huang Mao kid... They haven't accepted the relentless whipping of reality!

The top geniuses of the major forces are well protected, and the probability of encountering them is just like winning a lottery.

Of course, if Chen Hao is willing to surrender his identity and recognize some ordinary twelve or three-year-olds as sword masters, they will surely be able to speak out their ambitions. The more exaggerated, the more exaggerated!

After all, like the seventeenth, it is a special case, a wonderful flower among teenagers.

But Chen Hao has no idea of ​​cultivating children for the time being.

How to cultivate, let them start with the red blood sword to kill insects and chickens?

What if the child is crying?

Did not hear Lord Jianling's response, Lu Fan felt a little uneasy: "Master Jianling thinks my wish is very low-level?"

"No, not low-level, I have heard lower-level wishes, your wishes are okay!"

From Lu Fan's wish, Chen Hao knew that he was a very mature warrior!

Moreover, he has already passed the age of judging the sword master's future with wishes and ideals.

He still remembered that the desire of the simple boy 17 was to be Lan Yanlin's guard, and he almost didn't kill Chen Hao...then what happened?

Chen Hao's rare encouragement: "Come on, the Red Blood Sword has served as a sword master, and the slightly better performing sword master, their wishes have been realized through the Red Blood Sword!"


Chen Hao asked back: "Do you think Red Blood Sword does not have this ability? Or do you think I will lie to you?"

What Chen Hao told Lu Fan was true!

Among the previous sword masters, the outstanding sword masters have indeed fulfilled their wishes.

The founder of the Red Blood Sword, the first sword master Jin Zhengqiu, his wish came out to cast a spiritual weapon-he succeeded, his work Red Blood Sword has become a spiritual weapon, and will continue to evolve!

The tenth sword master Fu Yuanming, his wish was revenge, he finally succeeded.

Lan Xian, the 14th swordsman, wishes to be Lan Yanlin's guard... He can also be said to have succeeded!

I am afraid that the entire South Region has recognized his **** status.

Sometimes, even Chen Hao feels that the Red Blood Sword is more like a sword for fulfilling wishes and dreams than a magic sword!

"Sword Spirit Master, I am talkative, and the Red Blood Sword definitely has the possibility of any wish!"

This sentence, Lu Fan is absolutely sincere!

In this world, there is no problem that cannot be solved with strength.

Even feelings can be "cultivated" with strength.

"Master Jianling, I want to ask, is General Chen Pengfei Chen the first sword master?"


"Then am I the 30th Sword Master of the Red Blood Sword?"

Inside the Red Blood Sword, Chen Hao gave Lu Fan a look of surprise.

This guy is very smart!

"Yes, you are indeed the 30th Sword Master of Red Blood Sword." Chen Hao laughed. "In more than two hundred years, you are the second Sword Master who can guess the meaning of blood marks on the Red Blood Sword. The more you kill, the thicker the blood marks on the sword will be. I hope you can surpass the previous predecessors and leave your marks on the red blood sword!"

Lu Fan took a deep breath and said, "Master Jianling, I will work hard!"

"Okay, if your performance makes me satisfied, the energy absorbed by the Red Blood Sword reaches a certain level, I will wake up automatically!"

Lu Fan did not ask what the "certain level" of Master Jianling really meant and how to measure it, because he had heard impatientness in Jianling's tone.

Returning the Red Blood Sword to the scabbard, Lu Fan continued to hurry.

It must be said that the sword spirit of the Red Blood Sword once again fell into a "sleep", which made him a lot easier.

No matter what kind of adult, it would not want to be monitored by people at all times, even the sword spirit.

Privacy is really important!

Like Fan Xian, Lu Fan likes to wear a mask as a man, and after wearing it, he almost never takes it off.

What is not needed is that one of them is to cover up the appearance and the other is to cover up the true thoughts.

After more than ten days of effort, Lu Fan finally arrived at Changpu City, the headquarters of the Changtian Gang.

He first met Jiang Yuejun, and then was received by the gang leader. After being beaten by the gang leader, Lu Fan immediately showed his inner regret and determination to serve the long-term gang.

His determination, obviously, the gang leader of the Changtian Gang believed.

Just because he took the initiative to transfer to Kuihe City!

So this time, the gang leader let Lu Fan lightly, and encouraged him to say a few words, if he performs well in the future, the gang will not count this thing...

Lu Fan immediately grateful!

In fact, he knew clearly that he didn't care about what the master said, but what he thought in his heart, he might not know.

You know, if you want to suppress a person, you can find more reasons.

For example...He still has no family, which is also a huge problem!

Inside the Red Blood Sword, Chen Hao watched the two guys play and felt very interesting.

Of course he will not sleep, he just has no mood to speak for the time being, at the same time, it is also to make Lu Fan comfortable.

After seeing the gang leader, Lu Fan met Leng Guanlin after he was formally appointed. Leng Guanlin no longer had the enthusiasm of the past. His face was as cold as ice. When he saw Lu Fan, he said coldly: "Lu Fan, I am wrong You, I thought you were a man... I didn't expect you to bow your head to Jiang Yuejun's old demon!"

Lu Fan bowed his head, saluted him, and left silently.

He knew that Leng Guanlin and Jiang Yuejun had a fierce confrontation for where he was placed.

Leng Guanlin wants him to stay in the headquarters.

Finally, the Lord came forward and transferred him to Kuihe City. The reason was that Kuihe City needed manpower, and it was Lu Fan's willingness to do the job.

The two parties can't fight anymore, and the wishes of Lu Fan, the party concerned, become important.

Lu Fan did not regret the choice at the time, at least Elder Jiang was a woman!

Moreover, Elder Jiang is very honest and has a good reputation...the fact is exactly the same.

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