I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 602: Prince Prince

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Chen Hao has no temper in the face of a personal attack that hurts thousands of enemies and damages 800.

He was very clear and expressed dissatisfaction with him lightly.

Ha ha!

But generous Chen Hao didn't care at all.

What about being dissatisfied with him?

Isn't it necessary to honestly follow his rules?

Chen Hao admits that his IQ may not be more light-hearted. If he is really a human, he may not be a light-faced opponent... Unfortunately, Chen Hao is not a human, and he inherently has an absolute advantage.

He just likes it, and he said that he hated him, but he couldn't live without him...

Chen Hao ignored the light offense and continued to say: "I heard that Liang Pingguo's prince is going to marry Xi Qinguo, and the marriage team is about to reach Liang Pingguo. Do you want to use the identity of the corpse school to put the prince's Wife grabbed it?"

"Don't!" Qing Yan thought no more, and shook his head decisively.

"Why? If it succeeds, Liang Pingguo must be so angry!"

"I want to disturb the marriage between Huang Liangping and Xi Qin. There is not only one country, but several countries have failed to succeed, why can I succeed?" Qing Yan closed her eyes, "Without the strength of the field, To go is to find death, unless Lord Sword Spirit is willing to shoot!"

"Emmm... Then let's change to another topic!"

After two days of rest in this small city, Qing Yan found that the news that she had defected to Liang Pingguo and killed several members of the corpse had spread.

But the hottest topic recently is that the corpse attacked Liang Pingguo.

Qing Yan certainly has a lot of fame in the southern region, but it is clear that Liang Pingguo people are more concerned about the contradiction between the corpse school and Liang Pingguo.

Before leaving, Qing Yan went to the coffin shop.

When she went to the gate of blood, she had put a lot of coffins, but every time she went to the blood hand hall, she had to hand over a part of it. Up to now, the coffins on her hands are almost gone.

She didn't intend to add anything at all, but recently, supplementing corpse training may collect and save many corpses. She likes the neat things in the space ring, so she must buy some coffins.

"Young man, are you buying a coffin?"

"Yes!" Qing Yan nodded.

"The young man is really a good eye. The coffin in our shop is the best in the city. What price do you need?"

"How many coffins do you have here?"

"Ah?" The boss of the coffin shop opened his mouth wide, and he did not react for a while.

"How many coffins do you have here?"

"Including the backyard, there are 320 coffins!"

"I want it all!"


Under the astonished eyes of the boss of the coffin shop, he lightly swept away all his inventory.

The boss of the coffin shop had many doubts, but he dared not ask, and even the smile on his face was completely hidden by him.

No matter what the other party buys so many coffins for, he can't afford it!

After the corpse attacked Liang Pingguo's army, there was a **** storm in the whole western part of Liang Pingguo.

In just over half a month, the warriors in the middle and later stages of Shentong Realm in the western part of Liang Pingguo were horrified and successively killed. Eleven of them fell one after another. For a time, the masters of Shentong Realm were in danger!

The culprits who committed these **** crimes almost all pointed to the corpse.

The other party wore a corpse uniform, used corpse control, and even the appearance was recognized by people. It was Song Liyun, a master of corpse school supernatural powers.

Song Liyun, five years ago, was one of the most famous genius figures of the corpses.

However, when he was born at the wrong time, if he was born five years later, he might be able to catch up with the first Nanyu Dabi, and have a good chance of breaking into the top ten of the Tiantian group.

It was only later that Yan Yan realized that the early corpse corpse dying in her hands had such a glorious history. It is no wonder that it was able to leapfrog a psychic warrior in the middle stage.

The identity of the human skin mask gave light and great convenience. Anyway, the entire western part of Liang Pingguo was almost determined. The person who successively killed the masters of Shentongjing was Song Liyun, and the corpse school was also almost recognized. For the murderer!

Qing Yan feels that the Corpse School should have been very confused recently.

Those masters in the middle and late stages of Supernatural Realm almost have their own family power behind them, and all have their own apprentices and grandchildren. These people are scattered. Perhaps their strength is not worth mentioning, but when they are united, they are also a big force.

What's more, there are many warriors with Liang Pingguo's official background.

For example, Mengze with Liang Pingguo’s military background, and Jin Tianyu, the master of Shoushicheng...

In the process of assassinating these people, although Qing Yan showed an extremely superb body style, he never revealed the mysteries of fast and killing, and the mysteries of fantasy.

After more than half a month of actual combat practice, Qing Yan has been able to master two zombies at the same time to fight in coordination, and her strength has soared to the mid-level of supernatural powers.

Even the mystery of fastness has also been cultivated to a satisfactory state.

Kuaizhi Aoyi wants to break through to the magical realm, if there is no other chance, it may take a while!

Just as Qingyan was about to start a martial arts martial artist in the later stage of Shentong Realm, she was reminded by Chen Hao.

"There are three masters of supernatural powers nearby, one peak of supernatural powers, and two late supernatural powers...you have to be careful!"

"It should be the corpse suffocating!"

Qing Yan decided to give up and slowly retreated.

Chen Hao knew that Qing Yan's action would come to an end temporarily.

After safely withdrawing, she also gradually heard rumors about the follow-up of the South Territories and the Central Finals.

It is said that the young geniuses from the South Territories who broke into the top 30 have already rushed to the Central Territories one after another. Some warriors who want to join in the fun and love to travel far away are clamoring to go to Central Territories to watch this The warrior event on the mainland.

"Brother, do you want to join in the excitement? Long insight?"

"You know, I'm a family now, so I can't go far!"

"If there is Chen Ruoyan, I might go and see... I have been listening to you bragging about how beautiful she is, I haven't seen it yet! Unfortunately, she can't go!"

"I heard that Chen Ruoyan had escaped from the blood-stained door and had become a master of supernatural powers. He also came to our country, Liang Pingguo, and killed several corpses. Maybe you have the opportunity to meet her... When she heard about her, it was the same as her disappearance...you said, will she be sent by the corpse...!"

"Impossible, she may have been hiding for a while. If she was actually killed by the corpse faction, why wouldn't the corpse faction say? The warrior who had trouble finding the corpse faction before, but all of them were turned into walking corpses. They exhibit!"

"The corpse school should be damn. Song Liyun recently killed many masters of supernatural powers. I heard that many clan families seem to be uniting recently..."

Qing Yan didn't listen anymore. She left the city alone, flew a long way, and flew directly to exhaustion before stopping on a bare mountain top.

She looked at the position of the Northern Corpse School and Zhongyu. She knew that Dai Ye might have set off for Zhongyu.

She is very reluctant, but if she is not reconciled, she can only endure!

"When you come back, I will give you a big surprise... you wait!" she murmured, "I can't let you down, and you don't let me down... come back alive."

Immediately afterwards, instead of looking for those masters of supernatural powers, Qingyan turned to Liangping Guoliang.

Counting the time, Xi Qin's team should be close to Liangdu. At the speed of sending the team, she should still be able to catch up.

In such a happy day, it would be a little too rude for her not to rejoice and give a little gift to Prince Liang Pingguo.

Mixed into Liangdu, Qingyan clearly felt the festive atmosphere and strict security in Liangdu. Many store entrances were decorated with red festive decorations. From time to time, a team of elite soldiers passed her.

The capital city of Liang is very large, larger than that of Zhou Guo.

Qing Yan picks and chooses for half a day in the shop selling rouge, and listens to the news from the female boss.

"Tomorrow the Western Qin Kingdom's relatives will be sent to Liangdu, and His Royal Highness will be greeted at the gate of the city, and then will be held for the wedding in the palace.

"I heard that the princess of Western Qin Kingdom is still a great beauty..."

"Many countries have sent envoys to participate. Today, the corpses sent the dead, and the four princes of the Eastern Qin Kingdom have come... Liang has not been so lively for a long time!"

"I heard tomorrow that there will be happy money at the entrance of the palace, and then the girl can go to join the fun!"


Qing Yan asked for good news. At the recommendation of the female boss, she bought a lot of precious rouge gouache before leaving.

This time Yirong, she used the identity of a woman.

Qing Yan found another slightly remote lodge, and the next day it was dark, she got up to prepare.

Chen Hao saw that she released the congenital walking dead.

The strength of the walking dead is too low, Chen Hao forgot him.

Qing Yan looked at the dirty face of the walking dead and wrinkled her beautiful eyebrows, as if dissatisfied.

She took out the stored water from the space ring, carefully wiped the face of the zombie with a rag, and **** the long hair of the zombie with a head rope, facing the bronze mirror, and combed a Liang Pingguo for him nowadays. The popular bun... Chen Hao hasn't seen Qing Yan waiting for people so seriously.

The last one, who was still so seriously served by Qing Yan, was still Zhou Lihua.

Liang Guohao did not succeed in his position before his death. Until now, he has enjoyed the treatment of the emperor level. Chen Hao felt that Liang Guohao was in the spirit of heaven after his death. When he saw this scene, he should be moved to cry!

Qing Yan flipped the space ring again, found a gorgeous dress, and put it on Liang Guohao's dirty coat.

Chen Hao said: "Yan Yan, your recent taste is a bit..."


"How did you like to dress up the corpse recently? Would you be like the corpse sect, have a love affair?"

Qing Yan pulled Liang Guohao's corpse into the air and dissatisfiedly stared at the Red Blood Sword, but he didn't reply.

"Today he is going to his brother's wedding. I will help him dress up, and his clothes are his own!"

Liang Guohao's gold glittering clothes were also embroidered with dragon patterns.

"What? You took his body to his elder brother's wedding?" Chen Hao surprised, "Are you afraid of being killed?"

Chen Hao never dreamed that he has always been cautiously light-hearted, and today he intends to make such a bold move.

Qing Yan smiled a little pleasedly: "Isn't there still Lord Sword Spirit?"


This woman is a chameleon.

"Impossible! I won't help you! I'm just a sword!" Chen Hao vetoed directly, "It's a dead thing! Do you know what a dead thing is?"

"I won't let Master Jianling take action, I just hope that Lord Jianling can do me a favor." Qing Yan's eyeball rolled, slightly pursed her lips, and said with a tempting voice, "So busy, it's actually very exciting , Very interesting!"

"You... talk about it!" I heard that it was very interesting, and Chen Hao was interested, but he did not easily promise to be light-faced. This girl is full of bad water, not a good thing, "You talk about it, if it is really very good It’s fun and doesn’t violate my principles, I can help you!"

"This one……"

At dawn, Qing Yan left the inn. There were already pedestrians on the street, and many people were heading towards the palace.

Qing Yan also heard many people talking.

"Hurry up, if you go late, you won't be able to grab a good position!"

"I heard my dad said that when his emperor became a relative, he grabbed two gold coins!"


Qing Yan came to the depths of a remote alley and asked Chen Hao to confirm that no one was there, then changed her face and released the dressed walking corpse.

The corpse was dressed in a coarse cloth, covering the eye-catching dress inside, and soon mixed into the crowd.

After waiting for a while, Qing Yan also followed.

She glanced towards the front, and Liang Guohao's body was mixed with the crowd with his head down, not very conspicuous.

On the main road, there are already troops on the scene to maintain order and ensure the smoothness of the central road of the main road.

On both sides of the main road, there are crowds of civilians coming from the Liangdu city, noisy.

Qing Yan and the walking corpse were on the street to the two sides, one hundred meters apart between one person and one body.

Chen Hao has discovered that among these crowds, there are many martial artists, upstairs on both sides of the street, there are many masters of supernatural powers, and even two early strongmen in the field!

In order to ensure that the wedding can be held smoothly, Liang Pingguo still made some efforts.

When the walking dead appeared on the street, they were discovered by Liang Pingguo's secret sons, but they didn't do anything.

The Corpse School is the strongest martial art of Liang Pingguo. In Liangdu, there are not many disciples!

It is not surprising that a walking dead appeared on the street!

And this walking corpse has only congenital strength, it is even more unremarkable.

If even a walking corpse in a congenital realm was not let go, wouldn't some nearby celestial realms and magical realm warriors need to be cleaned up?

At the entrance of Liang Pingguo's imperial palace, an empty space was cleared by the army. His Royal Highness Prince Liang Pingguo, as well as several of his brothers and sisters, the minister responsible for greeting his relatives, as well as ordinary envoys from other countries stood there.

According to the custom, when the congratulatory team is approaching, the Crown Prince needs to bring his brothers and sisters, the minister responsible for greeting the relatives, and the envoys of some other friendly countries to the gates of Liangdu city gate to greet the people sent from the Western Qin State.

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