I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 714: Wanton

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"Very good, the contract between us is established!" Chen Hao solemnly said, "Youth, remember today's agreement, if you violate one of our agreements one day, commit to evil, fall into darkness, or give up Kill the evil, and even contaminate with the evil people, you will die without a burial place!"

Hearing "the place where there is no burial," Deng Yifei had a fear for no reason, but he did not flinch:

"I won't regret it!"

"Very good, I like you as a teenager. Since you are willing to exhaust all the slaughter of the wicked, in return, the holy sword red blood will also give you the power to slaughter any evil!"

After the solemn ceremony, Chen Hao poured all the abilities of the Red Blood Sword into Deng Yifei's brain, and by the way told him an unfortunate news.

"Your mother is dead!"

Deng Yi lost his voice: "What?"

"Evil Wolf Village left several people in front of your village to ambush you. Fortunately, you didn't enter from the gate of the village just now, otherwise you will die. I have just heard from those populations, your mother is Suicide, the master of the terrible wolf village, in order to lead you out, deliberately took your mother's body, leaving this line of words to lead you to the hook!"

Since Deng Yifei became the master of the Red Blood Sword, Chen Hao also intends to train him, it is impossible for him to die so quickly.

After all, Deng Yifei is his real first, and intends to personally guide the cultivation of the sword master!

He is a blank paper, much more than seventeen.

Deng Yifei's parents are unfortunate now and have undergone major changes. He is at the most crucial moment in his life. At this time, he very much needs a kind person to teach him.

As it happens, Chen Hao is this kind person!

Therefore, Chen Hao did not hesitate to dump the pot to the members left behind by the evil wolf village. He could not always tell Deng Yifei that he watched his mother commit suicide and watched Deng Jiacun be slaughtered!

What kind of "justice" and "sacred" sword?

Uncertainly, Deng Yifei will also have a mustard in his heart.

"Adult, can you help me?"

Deng Yifei first thought of asking for help.

"I can only help you improve your strength, I can't help you kill the enemy...I'm just a sword!" Chen Hao said helplessly, "If I can really act on my own, what sword master do I need?"

Chen Hao has hidden and changed the attribute panel for the sword master, which is completely different from the real attribute panel of Red Blood Sword.

The sword master can only see what Chen Hao wants to show them.

After all, if the sword master sees the aura of doom, sees the outbreak of doom, and sees the talent killing master, it is estimated that even the stupid can guess that the red blood sword has a big problem.

"What are you going to do?"

"If I leave directly, will adults look down on me?" Deng Yifei gritted his teeth and hesitated or asked.

"How can you look down on you, you are still weak, waiting for you to gain strength, and then revenge is not too late, you go now, you can only die in vain!" Chen Hao said very understandingly, "Although it is urgent to kill evil, but also to measure OK!"

Chen Hao's words made Deng Yifei feel at ease.

He could feel that the adult was really thinking about him.

His trust in the Red Blood Sacred Sword increased a bit.

Deng Yifei climbed down the Dengjia Village along the rock wall again and looked back at the still burning village. Deng Yifei asked in a low voice: "Now, where should I go now?"

"Look for strength, if possible, it is best to visit a sect!"

As the tall building rises on the ground, the warrior can join a force when getting started. It is very important to lay a good foundation for martial arts under the guidance of the predecessors. You can take many detours and avoid many hidden dangers.

Deng Yifei is now just a cyclone warrior, but his momentum is not as good as those of the servants of the Lan family. His foundation is obviously weak.

It is impossible to teach Deng Yifei himself.

Chen Hao did not have that patience and had time to teach him.

He just wanted to be the "mentor" of Deng Yifei's life, let the demand of the red blood sword become his life goal...not become a real master!

So he intends to throw Deng Yifei out and let Zongmen teach on his behalf...

After the other forces had taught it, he used it again, borrowing chickens to incubate the eggs, zizizi, zizizi.

It took Deng Yifei ten days to get out of the mountain, and another two days before he rushed to Luqiu City.

Far away, Deng Yifei saw the collapsed walls of the former bustling city of Luqiu...

When he entered Luqiu City, his eyes were collapsed houses and people still immersed in grief. Many of their relatives and friends died in this catastrophe.

The chaotic battle between the masters of supernatural powers ruined the historic city of Luqiu.

"Uncle, what's wrong with Lu Qiucheng?" Deng Yifei asked in doubt as he walked to a white-haired old man sitting on the ground.

The old man stared at him dumbly, and whispered, "It's all dead...all dead...all dead!"

"Everything is dead?"

"Don't ask him anymore, old man Liu is crazy, and his family is all dead. As soon as he is alive, his spirit becomes abnormal!" said a middle-aged woman.

"Oh, auntie, is that what happened to Luqiu City?"

"Well, what else? I heard that a master was fighting in the city, and it turned out like this!" The middle-aged woman said with tears in her eyes. "My house is okay, but the house collapsed. Both my man and my son Still, other people are not so lucky. I heard that in the West Side, people are all dead or crazy. You haven’t seen lunatics there, their eyes are blood red, and they kill , It’s terrible!"

Deng Yifei had no reason, just like the experience of his own village, how similar to Lu Qiucheng's experience!

As a matter of course, he was full of anger at the warriors who fought in Luqiu that day.

It doesn't matter if you shoot, why do you hurt the innocent?

"They are too much!"

Chen Hao agreed: "Yes, those warriors are too wanton!"

Chen Hao also felt that Lin Jie's kid had done too much!

But at this time, Chen Hao also said in a timely manner: "Yi Fei, seeing no, this is a villain, they guys think they have the strength, they can do anything wrong, and Cao Sang kills you. Guys, kill them all!"

"I understand, Master!" Deng Yifei nodded heavily.

"I believe in you, because you are the swordblood of the holy sword, and you are the man selected by the holy sword from hundreds of millions of human beings. Raising evil is your mission!"

"Adult, I will never let you down!"

Deng Yifei was shaking with excitement!

Chen Hao looked at him and was very satisfied. He was still young enough to teach.

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