I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 801: Feeling a bit tired

"After all, after a long time as a warrior, who would be willing to think about the life and death of ants?"

"I'm almost like you!" Huo Sining said, "When I was young, I did feel that I was no different from other civilians, but when I practiced martial arts and controlled different powers, I felt that I was different from them!"

Liu Quanjun smiled and nodded: "So, Deng Yifei is a very strange person, I can't bear him to die!"

After meeting Liu Quanjun, Deng Yifei began to keep a low profile again after knowing that a martial artist of the supernatural power level was chasing him.

But this low-key will not last long.

He is nosy, he will cause countless troubles wherever he goes.

Even Chen Hao in the Scarlet Blood Sword truly admired Deng Yifei's ability to cause trouble.

At the same time, Chen Hao also expressed sympathy and gratitude for the dedication of the Sting Bee Organization.

If it were not for the intelligence support of the Sting Bee organization, Deng Yifei would have been killed long ago!

Deng Yifei's ability to cause trouble completely surpassed all previous sword masters.

One year later, Deng Yifei's strength had increased from the early stage of the Breaching Heaven Stage to the late stage of the Breaching Stage, and the improvement in his cultivation was terrifying.

The Aurora Profound meaning and the Killing Profound meaning, both broke through to the realm of Dacheng, while the Fear mood sublimated to the Fear Profound meaning, and the Thunder mood remained in the perfect state, temporarily unable to improve!

In terms of martial skills, Deng Yifei’s Xuan-level upper-level body technique "Thunder Step" has successfully cultivated to the Dacheng level, and the Xuan-level upper-level sword technique "Thunder Sword Art" has also been promoted to the Dacheng level. As for the local level swordsmanship, he has not yet started to practice. .

After all, Deng Yifei’s savvy foundation is a bit poor. Let him practice land-level swordsmanship. Maybe the power he cultivates is not as good as the "Thunder Sword Technique". It is better to practice the "Thunder Sword Technique" to perfection. Practice other swordsmanship.

During this year, Deng Yifei escaped the encirclement and suppression of five first-class forces and the chasing and killing of fourteen martial artists of the supernatural power realm, making him thoroughly known as Cai Guo.

A warrior in the late stage of the world-breaking realm can provoke five first-class forces, be chased by fourteen masters of the supernatural power realm, and survive, which in itself is a skill!

Of course, Deng Yifei was able to survive such a battle, thanks to the Sting Bee Organization.

If it hadn't been for the sting bee organization to often inform Deng Yifei in various ways, it would really be impossible for him to escape the chase of the masters of the supernatural channel.

It is impossible to expect Chen Hao to detect Deng Yifei.

It is impossible for Chen Hao to act as Deng Yifei's defensive radar at all times. At most, when there is murderous intent against Deng Yifei, let me remind you a little!

However, when the masters of the supernatural power realm have murderous intent on Deng Yifei, often at this time, Deng Yifei has been discovered by the supernatural warriors!

Destroying a local gang organization, killing more than 100 gang members and a late-breaking warrior, Deng Yifei lay in bed very comfortably after taking a hot bath.

At this moment, he heard the sound of someone knocking on the window.

Deng Yifei got up from the bed, opened the window vigilantly, and found that it was a big white bird with a piece of letter paper wrapped in a cylinder tied to the bird's leg.

He untied the string, pulled out the letter paper and let the big bird fly.

"Leave this city immediately, take the west gate, fly one hundred and thirty miles west, and turn left at the fork in the road..."

Deng Yifei is familiar with the traces on the letter paper, it belongs to Liu Quanjun.

Deng Yifei changed his clothes, left the room, and acted directly according to the intelligence instructions on the letter paper.

Generally speaking, Liu Quanjun formally reminded him to leave, usually after someone bought his whereabouts.

Killing those who sell intelligence as pigs... This is not the first time that Deng Yifei has done this kind of activity of the Sting Bee organization.

And the effect was quite good. Most of the forces that hunted down Deng Yifei purchased Deng Yifei's whereabouts information from the Sting Bee organization.

All forces or warriors who purchased Deng Yi’s flight track from the Sting Bee Organization believed that the Sting Bee Organization’s ability to detect intelligence was very efficient. Often other intelligence organizations could not even find Deng Yifei’s shadow, but the Sting Bee Organization had already placed Deng Yifei’s inn. I was found out!

After so long of cooperation, I trust each other very much.

After leaving the small town, Deng Yifei ran wildly in the wilderness. For some reason, he suddenly felt a little tired.

"Master Sword Spirit, I want to take a break recently, how about?"


In this regard, Deng Yifei cannot demand too much.

After Deng Yifei came to Cai Guo, he hardly had a rest. He either punished the villains or was chased and killed all day long, and hardly lived a stable life.

Deng Yifei is a human, and his nerves are too tight and can be broken easily.

He has a good performance, killing countless villains, and with the help of the Sting Bee organization, the quality of those villains is also high, almost equal to Deng Yifei's realm!

In addition, the Aurora Swordsman has already gained fame in Cai Guo. The entire Cai State and neighboring countries know that the Aurora Swordsman is evil!

Aurora swordsman Deng Yifei has a spirit sword named "Red Blood", "Red Blood" loves the blood of villains!

Chen Hao's initial goal was barely achieved!

After Deng Yifei reported the thing that he wanted to rest to the Sting Bee Organization, only three days later, Liu Quanjun appeared in front of him again.

"I thought you wouldn't be tired!" Liu Quanjun said with a smile, "Unexpectedly, you sometimes want to rest."

"I'm not an iron man!"

"Your request, I don't need my aunt to reply, I directly agree to your request!" Liu Quanjun said, "My aunt mentioned it a few months ago. Let me persuade you to rest for a while and settle down. I advised you at that time. You don't want to stop."

"Feeling a bit tired!"

"A little tired?" Liu Quanjun said silently, "Is it just a little tired? Did you know that Huo Sining of the auxiliary team is almost tired and crying... You know how many kills have been made since you came to Cai Guo People? I have looked for people to count, and there are already more than 10,000 of them. Almost all of them are warriors. Although miscellaneous fish occupy the majority, many warriors are not weak. Do you know how many Cai Guo forces you have offended? , I feel like I can't hold it anymore, thinking about the enemies you offend, I will lose sleep!"

"Is it really that exaggerated?"

"It's such an exaggeration!" Liu Quanjun said seriously, "The people in our team have taken the heart demon oath, swearing that you must not be disclosed in any way about you as a member of the sting bee organization. We are afraid that this news will be spread. Later, the sting bee organization in Cai State will encounter a devastating blow!"

"Although the risks are high, the benefits should not be small, right?"

"Yes, the Sting Bee organization has had contact with several first-class forces that chased you down, and got their approval!" Liu Quanjun smiled, "Just when you rest, we won't sell your information. How many times have you escaped? Too much, it will also attract the attention of interested people, it is not impossible for them to suspect that we stabbed the bees!"

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