I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 815: Can't make it through

Seven or eight other men, similar to Deng Yifei, were naked, but after seeing Huo Sining, they quickly put on their clothes.

Someone wanted to remind Deng Yifei, but Huo Sining stopped him with his eyes.

After Deng Yifei removed the roots of a tree that could only be held by three people, Huo Sining finally spoke: "Deng Fei, I have something to find you!"

A man working together said diligently: "Go, Brother Deng, we will help you handle the rest!"

"Okay, thank you!"

Deng Yifei nodded at the man, put on his clothes, and followed Huo Sining while wearing his clothes.

"What did she say over there?"

"She said, if there are no side effects, she can fully support you!" Huo Sining said, "Captain Liu means that if a rapid breakthrough will cause potential consumption or may lead to confusion, I suggest you follow your own rhythm. Come step by step."

"For me, I don't have much burden, anyway, no matter when I get promoted, there are so many villains to punish!"

Huo Sining asked: "About how many villains need to be killed? Do you know in your heart?"

This Deng Yifei knows indeed. He is a rare type of sword master who has used the Scarlet Blood Sword to increase his strength since his low strength. Therefore, he is very clear about the feedback mechanism of the "Holy Sword" and he has not concealed it: "If If I want to increase my strength to the middle stage of magical powers, I should kill 20 early stage magical power masters and 20 middle stage magical powers masters!"

"Hiss~" Huo Sining took a breath, "You know, twenty early masters in the magical power realm, and twenty middle masters in the magical power realm, does that mean no?"

A first-class power needs at least one supernatural power realm master to support.

Twenty early masters of the supernatural power realm and twenty middle supernatural power realm masters meant that Deng Yifei had to upgrade his strength to the middle supernatural power realm, and he needed to kill the masters who could support forty first-class forces.

"Liu Quanjun should need it, right?" Deng Yifei smiled, "Moreover, my confidence in breaking through to the middle stage of the supernatural power realm is definitely much greater than her!"

Huo Sining said meaningfully: "Master Deng, I think Captain Liu will never ignore your contribution!"

"How can I say, I'm a bee stinger, Master Liu Hansuliu treats me not badly!" Deng Yifei said, "I can't stand by at critical moments."

Huo Sining said: "Captain Liu has given me the authority. In the next time, I will be responsible for docking with the sting bee and giving you target intelligence. We have all the intelligence you want, but if we really do that, it will be very May be hunted down by many big forces!"

Deng Yifei asked back: "Am I being chased all the time?"

"In the past, when we selected the target for you, we were all considered. If there is a casual martial artist, try to arrange for you a casual martial artist. If the opponent is from a family sect, we also like to favor those weak family sects. ... But now, if we really have to gather so many Heaven-Breaking Realm and Supernatural Power Realm powerhouses in a short time, we might offend too many forces."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you are a villain, you should be killed. Anyway, I will face them sooner or later, because you are here, this time period has been greatly delayed!" Deng Yifei opened his hand, his palm , Full of calluses, some who practice swords, and some who plant the land, "I also look forward to it. I look forward to the improvement of my strength to the supernatural power level or even the domain level. Maybe if there is one day, I may make the entire Southern Territory evil Only... what do you feel is fear!"

Huo Sining asked: "What if you die halfway?"

"Then someone will certainly inherit my will!"

To be honest, Huo Sining always had a creepy feeling when Deng Yifei said this.

Will anyone inherit Deng Yifei's legacy?

There shouldn't be, right?

Huo Sining didn't believe that someone would be as innocent as Deng Yifei and possess the same powerful martial arts talent.

Sometimes, even Huo Sining is a little worried.

Will Deng Yifei kill her one day?

After all, Deng Yifei's set of standards is really harsh.

As long as it is a powerful warrior, Deng Yifei may be judged as a villain.

"Then you prepare first, we will set off, this time we go out, we may not be able to come back alive!" Huo Sining smiled bitterly, "The entire Cai country, I am afraid we will be upset by us."

"Yeah!" Deng Yifei finished speaking and ran directly to the side where he had just worked.

"Master Deng, you ran in the wrong direction!"

"I will say hello to them, after all, they are all friends who have worked together!"


Huo Sining looked over Deng Yifei and looked at the ordinary people. He really didn't understand how those ordinary people were qualified to be Deng Yifei's friends.

Even she is ashamed to say that Deng Yifei is her friend.

Inside the Scarlet Blood Sword, Chen Hao also paid attention to the sting bee organization.

Liu Hansu disappeared, Qin was in charge, Liu Quanjun was monitored, Deng Yifei was temporarily unable to obtain intelligence support, Chen Hao was the first to persuade Deng Yifei to seek refuge in Qin.

However, Chen Hao brags that although Deng Yifei's reputation in the family sect is already stinking on the street, if he really wants to take refuge in any power, no power can refuse him!

Even if it is a veteran who has the top strength of a five-figure realm powerhouse, they will not refuse Deng Yifei. Many southern forces have paid attention to Deng Yifei. Many realm leaders are sure that Deng Yifei is crazy, but he is The martial arts talent is terribly strong, and there is great hope to become a strong person in the field.

Therefore, if Deng Yifei voted for Qin Lao, Qin Lao is unlikely to refuse.

The sting bee is too short of high-end combat power.

In the past two years, the Sting Bee organization has not only helped Deng Yifei search for targets that can be targeted, they have also helped Deng Yifei promote his stupid standards of behavior.

Although a bit silly, he can't hold Liu Hansu from wanting to win him over!

Deng Yifei is a potential stock, and she can accept a little excessive request, not to mention just helping him to promote it, Sting Bee is also very good at this.

In the eyes of the sect of the family, Deng Yifei was a lunatic. In the eyes of the martial artist, Deng Yifei was a mental illness. In the eyes of ordinary civilians, Deng Yifei was a warrior worthy of respect.

It's not intuitive to see how respectful it is, and Deng Yifei didn't pay attention.

But when Chen Hao proposed to vote for Qin Lao, Deng Yifei wanted to wait a little longer!

As soon as Huo Sining appeared today and pointed the spearhead of Liu Hansu's missing time at Lao Qin, Chen Hao knew that Deng Yifei might not be able to target Qin Lao.

A principled person is not good at this point, and can't get past the hurdle in his heart.

Don’t know, as long as you gritted your teeth, stomped your feet, and crossed that hurdle, the whole world would be very different!

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