I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 849: Take him to escape

"Haha, I did it, I didn't let it go, all died!"

Deng Yifei raised his head and laughed madly.

When he finished saying this, his obsession seemed to have disappeared. He leaned on the scarlet sword, half-kneeled on the ground, and then fell directly to the ground.

The "Holy Sword Domain" lost the support of the sword master, and the white light group instantly dissipated.

And the disappearance of the white light cluster seemed to touch a sensitive point of Deng Yifei's nerves, and his body twitched violently, as if he had gone crazy!

His consciousness was chaotic, his limbs were sore, and there were bursts of intense pain in his head, as if someone was stirring his brain with a spoon.

Chen Hao looked at Deng Yifei. He knew that just killing the two hundred thousand black wolf army did not mean that Deng Yifei was truly safe.

When the white light group disappeared, those warriors who gathered outside the battlefield saw the specific situation of the battlefield.

On the huge battlefield, it seemed that there was not a single living person. The corpses were densely stacked. The blood stained the ground and green grass. Blood-red creeks converged into small rivers and flowed to low-lying areas into large and small blood-red lakes.

Almost everyone present was shocked by this Shura scene.

Among them, most of them have not seen the battlefield, but they have not seen such a cruel battlefield.

On the battlefield, it seemed that everyone was dead, even the person who collected the corpse was dead!

"This is terrible, Deng Yifei is terrible, how can he achieve this level? Two hundred thousand black wolf army, this time it is estimated that the loss is heavy!"

"Didn't you find that there are no more living people?"

"It seems that there are no living people!"

A master Cai Guo asked in disbelief: "Wait, you mean, Deng Yifei killed the 200,000 Black Wolf Legion, right?"

Someone said solemnly: "Anyway, I sigh, there should be few people left in the Black Wolf Legion on the entire battlefield!"

"Indeed... it seems that they are all dead... Deng Yifei and the 200,000 Black Wolf Legion are dead together? Deng Yifei is simply not a human! The 200,000 Black Wolf Legion can summon the domain-level army soul, how did Deng Yifei do it? "

Cai Guo master said: "The ghost knows that Deng Yifei is too strong. He can die with the Black Wolf Legion. For Cai Guo, he is definitely the most willing to see!"


"Wait, that woman is so courageous and not very strong, so she rushed in without fear of death!"

"She must have gone to grab the space ring. With so many master corpses, just find a few space rings and you can get rich instantly!"

In the distance, Liu Quanjun and Huo Sining were also anxiously observing the battlefield.

"Have you found Deng Yifei?"

"Master Chief, not yet, there are too many dead bodies on the battlefield!"

"Then you keep looking!"

Liu Quanjun hesitated for a moment, and flew directly to the battlefield, skimming countless corpse mountains and blood at low altitude, searching for Deng Yifei's traces with his eyes frantically on the ground.

And those bystanders said that the courageous woman was Liu Quanjun.

The effort paid off, Liu Quanjun soon found Deng Yifei among countless corpses.

Even if she only saw Deng Yifei's back, Liu Quanjun recognized him at a glance.

Still angry!

When she found that Deng Yifei was still angry, she was so happy.

Although she prayed in her heart that Deng Yifei would not die, her sanity still told herself that Deng Yifei might have died in battle!

She turned Deng Yifei over and patted his face happily. Deng Yifei opened his eyes in a daze, blood flashing in his eyes, and his hand directly grabbed the Scarlet Blood Sword.

"Yifei, it's me!" Liu Quanjun tore off the human skin mask on his face, and said excitedly, "Great, I thought you were dead! It seems that God can't bear to let a child be born without a father."

"Mr. Quan!"

When he found that the person close to him was Liu Quanjun, Deng Yifei relaxed himself.

The killing intent in his heart also dissipated.

"It's me, let's leave at once, hurry up!"

Just for a while, the warriors who were originally onlookers began to move around, approaching the battlefield, and they were also eager to obtain the space ring of many masters of the Black Wolf Legion.

If they are lucky, a space ring might be worth their decades of hard work.

Liu Quanjun found so many people rushing over, knowing that the matter was urgent, he had to leave immediately.

She could find that Deng Yifei was still alive, and other martial artists, as well as the martial artists of the supernatural power realm, would definitely be able to find out. If they found Deng Yifei, Deng Yifei would not survive!

As the leader of the Sting Bee organization, Liu Quanjun knew very well how much those warriors hated Deng Yifei!

She helped Deng Yifei up and flew directly in the direction of Cai Guo.

And Liu Quanjun's actions were also noticed by other forces' spies and warriors.

Most of the warriors onlookers rushed into the battlefield under Liu Quanjun’s "surge" and began to plunder the wealth of the generals of the Black Wolf Legion while Xu Guo hadn’t reacted yet.

"Who is that woman carrying?"

"I don't know...Wait, they left the direction, the clothes on their bodies, that the woman was carrying, could it be Deng Yifei?"

"Don't care about him, Deng Yifei, I'll go grab some good things first!"

"Yes, what does Deng Yifei's life and death have to do with us? And Deng Yifei is so strong, we catch up, maybe he will be killed! If he is still alive, he definitely has domain strength, we won't go to death, let's grab Space ring!"

Most warriors have greed in their hearts. They don't care about Deng Yifei, they are more willing to pursue immediate interests.

On those battlefields, the relics of masters of the supernatural power realm that can be robbed at will.

But there are still very few warriors who didn't care about the wealth on the battlefield, but madly chased Liu Quanjun.

They obviously hate Deng Yifei even more.

"You must kill Deng Yifei, and you must not let Deng Yifei go back alive!" A spy from Xu Guo's army chased Liu Quanjun, still thinking crazy in his heart.

He knows very well that if he can kill Deng Yifei, he will definitely be astonished.

As for Cai Guo, there are many warriors who are willing to abandon the wealth at their fingertips and kill Deng Yifei. Almost all of those warriors have enemies with Deng Yifei.

In Cai Guo, Deng Yifei’s enemies are everywhere, and it’s not surprising to meet so many!

Although Liu Quanjun is considered a genius in the Sting Bee organization, she is too young, and her cultivation is still in the late stage of the Breaching Heaven Realm, and the warriors who hunted down her and Deng Yifei also possessed several supernatural power realm masters.

It is impossible for Liu Quanjun to resist the master of the supernatural power realm.

She is not Deng Yifei, there is no Scarlet Sword to open her!

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