I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 851: Protected by you

Those who are scared by Deng Yifei and dare not chase him are definitely wise.

Although Deng Yifei is still in a state of extreme weakness, if he really makes a move, with his current strength in the late stage of the supernatural power realm, close to the peak, he will definitely be able to send all the people who chase him to the grave.

Of course, the ending may be Deng Yifei's death.

In fact, Chen Hao had already planned to change the sword master, but he did not expect that those chasers would be so bold!

If you don’t know, they can drag the Scarlet Blood Sword Sword Master to **** together, that is definitely the brightest moment in their lives!

In addition, Chen Hao also noticed that the inner demon in Deng Yifei had awakened.

This was the first time the heart demon appeared in Deng Yifei's body, which made Chen Hao very curious. After all, Deng Yifei used to have a good mood, no dirt, dust, and purity. There was a heart demon in his body. It was so... interesting!

Deng Yifei's heart demon is strange, just a cloud of white light.

That's right, it's just a cloud of white light!

This is definitely the most interesting form of the demons that Chen Hao has seen after getting the ability to observe the demons from Lin Jie.

Other people’s demons are extremely dark in color, most of them are black, blood red...

But Deng Yifei's demon is so bright!

I have to say that Deng Yifei calmed Dongcheng and his entourage, and nearly survived, but still paid an extremely heavy price.

So far, Chen Hao has discovered that most people have inner demons in their hearts.

But for those who have a heart demon, their heart demon may not riot in their lives.

But as the sword master of the Scarlet Blood Sword, once Deng Yifei possesses a heart demon, he may be overwhelmed with a little carelessness.

In the early stage of the Divine Passage Realm, the sixth layer of the "Holy Sword Realm" was opened and forcibly exploded with strength close to the Realm Realm. It would be strange if he had no problems.

After all, the impact of the "Holy Sword Realm" on the mind of the sword master is not a blow.

To be honest, Deng Yifei had not been directly enchanted, and he was already lucky.

Chen Hao simply told Deng Yifei what happened in his body, and then he asked him, "Do you regret it?"

"No regrets!"


What else can Chen Hao say?

I can only say that this child is desperate!

Liu Quanjun desperately took Deng Yifei to escape. As she fled, she asked: "Yifei, you can still move now, can you still move?"


The true essence in Deng Yifei's body turned into blood red, and the blood red true essence in his dantian was constantly tossing, like a sea that was being baptized by a storm.

Breaking through in the "Holy Sword Realm", what he absorbed in his body was not the pure heaven and earth aura, but the terrifying evil spirit and messy aura in the "Holy Sword Realm"!

His spirit was extremely exhausted, and he had no extra thoughts.

In his brain, all the writhing killers are killing intent, and his thinking is terribly on the verge of chaos, it is difficult to mobilize the writhing true essence in his body!

His aurora magical powers are also fading and weak at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Deng Yifei can't even summon it!

In the battle just now, the Aurora magical power suddenly broke out, and now the side effects have appeared.

Of course, if he let the killing intent in his mind take the agent wisdom, he can of course quickly mobilize his true essence... The result is likely to be that he will lose his sanity for a period of time.

Vent out all the chaotic killing intent in his heart, and he might be able to regain his sanity again.

After all, Deng Yifei is a supernatural power realm master, not those soldiers of the Black Wolf Legion. Those low-level warriors will always get into trouble, but supernatural power realm masters have the possibility of regaining their sanity.

But in this situation, Chen Hao and Deng Yifei feel that it is better to maintain the status quo.

"No shot!"


Liu Quanjun replied, gritted his teeth, and his flying speed increased frantically. He directly doubled or tripled, reaching the level of an early master of the supernatural power realm.

Feeling the abnormal speed, Deng Yifei turned his head to look at Liu Quanjun. Liu Quanjun's beautiful white face gradually became abnormally blush, and the redness continued to deepen, turning into sauce purple.


Liu Quanjun took a breath and turned his head: "Don't look anymore, I'm ugly like this!"

Chen Hao glanced at Liu Quanjun's body and reminded him aloud: "She is using the forbidden method, burning true yuan!"

Deng Yifei's face became paler!

If it is not a last resort, no warrior will be willing to burn true yuan.

Ordinary martial artists are not like Deng Yifei who relies on the Scarlet Blood Sword. Their true essence is very precious, and they are all obtained through years of hard work.

He opened his mouth long, trying to say something, but in the end it turned into a heavy sigh.

"Don't sigh, as long as you can save your life!" Liu Quanjun said comfortingly, "I don't want a child to be born without a father!"

Chen Hao looked at Liu Quanjun and then at Deng Yifei, suddenly a little jealous.

He did not deny that Deng Yifei was excellent, but he felt that Deng Yifei's luck might not be as bad as he thought.

You know, no matter how good a man is, it is not so easy to run into a woman like Liu Quanjun, who loves him so much and is willing to give for him!

Thinking about himself, Chen Hao looked at the Scarlet Blood Sword, feeling a little bit sad in his heart for no reason.

Liu Quanjun took Deng Yifei to fly for two full days, and the speed has not dropped.

However, her strength dropped from the peak of the Breaching Heaven Realm to the late stage of the Breaching Heaven Realm. Chen Hao estimated that after running for a while, her cultivation level would drop to the middle stage!

If you continue to fall, Liu Quanjun's strength will fall back to the state it was when he saw Deng Yifei two or three years ago!

God knows how much effort and effort she had taken to achieve her current achievement after being stimulated by Deng Yifei in these two or three years.

"Take a rest!"

Deng Yifei saw Jiantong City far away. Just now Liu Quanjun did not dare to fly over Jiantong City, but bypassed it.


Liu Quanjun responded and fell to the ground. After placing Deng Yifei on a flat ground, he directly sat on the ground weakly.

Her face was pale and she did not look much better than Deng Yifei.

"It's been so long now, they shouldn't be chasing it!"

"Don't be careless, it's not completely safe now, maybe someone will chase after him!" Liu Quanjun took a pill, then took out a lot of spirit stones and pinched them in his hands, desperately absorbing the pure aura in the spirit stones , "We want to continue to escape!"

"But you..."

Before Deng Yifei could speak, Liu Quanjun interrupted him: "It's okay. Although my talent is not as good as yours, it should be pretty good. I will definitely be able to cultivate again!"


"Don't sigh!" Liu Quanjun looked at Deng Yifei somewhat obsessively, and smiled heartily, "When you go back, you will definitely become famous. The two hundred thousand black wolf army has been killed by you, I know, I like it. People who do not die so easily...but I still didn’t expect you to be so strong. It doesn’t matter if I lose my cultivation base. The big deal, after you recover, you will protect me!"

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