I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 882: Successful breakthrough

For no reason, Deng Yifei's cold and stiff face suddenly smiled, and then he laughed louder and louder, the more he laughed, the more exaggerated, the exaggerated big mouth took up half of his face!

He laughed louder and louder!

This laughter, like a continuous thunder, directly suppressed the roar of those ghouls and demons with a majestic force!

His hoarse and dry laughter echoed in the entire blood red space.

It's been a long time since I laughed so loudly!

Deng Yifei hasn't laughed so cheerfully in a long time!

He put the blood in his hand before his eyes, and gently stroked the sword body stained with viscous blood. On the sword body, he saw his blood-red eyes.

He straightened his chest, arrogantly dry, and he laughed loudly: "Master Sword Spirit, have you seen it? These people, so many people, died in my hands, all died under the scarlet sword, so Many villains, they are all dead, all killed by me...I am so happy!"

It's a pity that Chen Hao couldn't hear Deng Yifei's words in the heart devil catastrophe.

"My demon, you have shown so many corpses in front of me to prove my ability, to prove my merits, and to tell me that in my life, Deng Yifei has not been mediocre, and I am not ashamed of it. Does your own martial arts heart deserve the expectation and cultivation of Master Sword Spirit?" Deng Yifei laughed freely, "If it is true, then I want to thank you!"

The ghouls who kept coming towards him suddenly stopped, like puppets out of control.

Deng Yifei clearly saw that they all looked at him with a frightening, dead fish eye.

The whole blood-red space began to collapse, and from the cracks in the collapsed space, dazzling white light came out!

The white light just shone, and the scarlet ghouls quickly melted away.

Before the white light occupies the entire space, the blood ghosts formed by the blood demons dissipated into blood red powder.

Deng Yifei was a little disappointed: "Is it over?"

However, the blood-red powder did not dissipate, they were tangled together again...

"Yi Fei!"

A familiar and cordial cry.

Deng Yifei raised his head and saw Liu Quanjun.

She still looked at him as before, but there was no tenderness and love in her eyes, only strong resentment!

"Quan Jun!"

"Why are you killing me? Can't you just open the net? Is the justice in your eyes still inferior to the feelings between us? I already have your child! We even have a name! But You actually acted on me!"

Liu Quanjun stood in front of Deng Yifei, blood-red tears flowing down her pale face.

The blood-red space began to stop collapsing, and the edges of those cracks began to wriggle like muscles, and began to heal continuously, blocking the white light from the wall of blood.

However, these Deng Yifei did not see.

In his eyes, only Liu Quanjun who had just appeared.

In his heart, there is only infinite shame.

"Yi Fei!"

Liu Quanjun rushed towards Deng Yifei, Deng Yifei stretched out his left hand as if to greet her.

However, when she threw herself into Deng Yifei's arms, she was stunned.

She slowly turned her head and looked at her back... the **** sword tip.


She asked in a low voice in his ear.

"I'm really glad to see you again... Very happy!"

Deng Yifei let go of the Scarlet Blood Sword, and then held Liu Quanjun in his arms tightly. He gently kissed Liu Quanjun's forehead, and Liu Quanjun's figure suddenly collapsed...

"My life is yours!" Deng Yifei still kept his arms around Liu Quanjun, as if she was still in his arms, "We have the same dream, without you, I will still not stop, I will With your expectations of me, move forward together, and I will show you a clean southern region where there are no national disputes, no turmoil, no warriors to oppress civilians, and no evildoers!"

Deng Yifei felt his eyes moist.

But his gray eyes couldn't squeeze a tear.

"Do not worry!"

The blood-red space shattered like glass.

Countless white lights came in.

These white lights are dazzling in the eyes of ordinary people.

But in his eyes, it was extremely warm and kind.

Seeing the sky again, when Deng Yifei opened his eyes, there was a dazzling white light around him.

It turns out that before not knowing it, both the Aurora and Fear have broken through into the realm!

The Aurora Realm almost dyed the blood light in the Killing Realm and the black light in the Fear Realm into white.

Aurora, too bright!

More than two hundred miles away, Huo Sining finally stopped and let out a sigh of relief.

She looked at the white light cluster that did not continue to expand dozens of miles away, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't want to touch this white light group at all.

She has seen countless warriors shrouded by the white light group, without exception, they are all dead to death!

She actually confuses the white light group of "Holy Sword Realm" with Deng Yifei's Aurora Realm!

But in her eyes, they are all the same color!

The same shocking momentum!

It feels like falling in is a dead letter in capitals!

Before Huo Sining took a break, Huo Sining saw a man in black robes next to her. She froze and her hairs stood upright.

The whole body of this black-robed man was shrouded in black robe, even his head was wearing a hood, Huo Sining could not see anything.

However, judging from the opponent's supernatural ability, Huo Sining knew that he was definitely not his opponent!

The other party can appear beside her silently, and can take her life silently.

"Junior, who is breaking through?"

"do not know!"

Huo Sining shook his head quickly.

Deng Yifei has enemies all over the world, Huo Sining's first reaction is to seek revenge.

The black-robed man suddenly laughed and said: "Junior, your heart is beating so violently, even your palms are sweating, you should be lying!"

Huo Sining lowered his head, not knowing how to answer.

"If the dazzling white light... If the deity didn't guess wrong, it should be the Aurora Swordsman Deng Yifei who broke through it?"

"Senior is so insightful!"

The other party had guessed it, Huo Sining could only admit it helplessly.

She can only hope that the other party is not here to seek revenge, or Deng Yifei can quickly break through and come and fix the old man!

She was very confident in Deng Yifei's strength, and she was even approaching the level of superstition.

"Twenty-year-old Domain Realm is really rare in a thousand years!" The old man's sigh reached Huo Sining's ears, and the old man's voice was extremely strange and a little weak.

But she didn't dare to underestimate each other.

So calmly speaking of Deng Yifei's domain realm strength, the opponent's strength is likely to be a strong person in the domain realm!

"Don't worry, junior, the deity has no ill will towards him!"

Hearing these words, Huo Sining breathed a sigh of relief. It is not that she is silly and sweet and believes in others for no reason, but the strength of her family, who should disdain to lie!

The old man slowly stretched out his hand, Huo Sining saw that his hand was full of wood grains, and his hand was full of wood grain folds like dead branches, "On the contrary, the deity still admires him very much and appreciates his martial arts will... Moreover, even if the deity wants to stop him, it is already too late, he has successfully broken through!"

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