I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 886: Turn face directly

Deng Yifei thought for a while and asked: "Senior Mu, this junior is very curious, who can hurt you? With your superb formation, shouldn't anyone be able to touch you?"

"Well... About ten years ago, I entered the Southern Demon Mountain Range and was bitten by a group of mad dogs!"

Mad dog?

Deng Yifei thought about it for a moment, and he knew what this predecessor had caused!

It should be the famous wolf clan monster in the Southern Demon Mountain Range!

If it weren't for the wolf clan in the Southern Demon Mountain Range, maybe the monster beasts in the Southern Demon Mountain Range would have disappeared just like the southern hinterland!

"Then Senior Mu, didn't you say that you were injured? I don't know if your injury is healed? I don't know what other medicinal materials you need? I have a lot of medicinal materials on my hand. If Senior Wood needs it, mine can help you find it. Maybe there may be what you need."

Deng Yifei was not the kind of person who would benefit from others for nothing. He ransacked the countless strengths of the Southern Territory, and he kept a lot of precious medicinal materials in his hands and had no place to use them.

Senior Mu glanced at Deng Yifei with green eyes and said, "Forget it, you shouldn't have what I want in your hands. Your deity has taken good intentions!"

"What do seniors need? Maybe I can help you collect some medicinal materials?"

Senior Mu shook his head: "Don't mention this, I don't want you, and you are not suitable!"

Deng Yifei was about to continue to ask questions, but this senior Mu changed the subject.

"Okay, don't mention the deity! Tell me about you! You are extremely murderous, and this murderous aura should be considered a leader among the early warriors of the realm of this era. This way, you should have eaten it. A lot of suffering!"

"It's my luck to live till now!"

"Sometimes, luck is also a kind of strength!" Senior Mu surnamed Deng Yifei and continued, "The deity knows your martial arts, is to kill all the villains in the world. Among the juniors, there are very few people with ambitions like you. , You have been the only person who can do your level, and come to your level for thousands of years!"


Senior Mu suddenly said, "But, you are still too kind!"

"Senior means..."

"Why do you want to kill the villains and protect those civilians?"

"Because many warriors rely on their own strength to oppress the good and kill the human life!" Deng Yifei said seriously, "I think that life in this world is equal, and there is no distinction between high and low."

"Human nature is inherently selfish. As long as they have the ability and the opportunity, they will madly plunder everything and kill all the lives that block the gain... Do you think that if you kill those evil warriors, there will be no new warriors. Keep doing evil?"

"Of course there will be, but I will shock them!"

"You are too naive to think!" Senior Wood's tone was full of mockery, "If you die, can you still frighten them? Desire has been suppressed for a long time and burst out, which is the most terrifying thing. Falling, how strong your suppression is, how crazy they are!"

Deng Yifei said sternly: "Senior Mu, I thank you for inviting me to drink tea, but please don't insult martial arts, this is my lifelong persistence!"

"I am not insulting your martial arts, but to wake you up. Your knowledge is too narrow!" The old man surnamed Mu whispered, "Human nature is selfish and greedy. They can betray their brothers for profit. Sisters, they can kill their fathers and their mothers, they can kill their wives and children, the alliance of yesterday, the enemy of today, betrayal in a moment... In this world, there are no good people or bad people, no blood relatives, bad friends, enemies, only benefits , Only benefits, enough benefits can turn good people into bad guys, enough benefits can turn bad guys into good people, enough benefits can turn blood relatives into enemies, and enough benefits can turn enemies into siblings!"

Deng Yifei fell silent when facing aggressive questioning from the old man surnamed Mu.

Deng Yifei's knowledge is far beyond ordinary people.

He knew that what the old man surnamed Mu said made sense.

After a long silence, Deng Yifei asked: "Then you said, if people live only for profit, what does it mean to live?"

"Because they are boring to live, so... they are all damned, they shouldn't exist!"

When the old man surnamed Mu said this, Deng Yifei raised his head fiercely and pressed his hand on the hilt of the red sword.

The atmosphere in the hut suddenly became serious.

Even Huo Sining, who had been standing by and daring not to move, stepped back to the corner.

Once both parties acted, she decided to break through the wall and escape far away.

"What? Want to do something with the deity?"

"Why not?"

"Before you do it, can you agree to a request from the deity for the sake of the deity's invitation to drink your heart-washing tea?"

"Say! But I won't necessarily agree!"

The senior surnamed Mu did not get angry either. He pointed to the big cup of tea ceremony in front of Deng Yifei: "Xinxin tea has long been extinct. You are the only younger man who invites tea for thousands of years. Please don't waste it. The tea is finished."

Upon hearing this old man's words, Deng Yifei almost doubted whether the other party had poisoned the tea.

But thinking of the effects of this tea for washing the heart, Deng Yifei was embarrassed to waste it, anyway, he had already drunk this tea, if it was poisoned, it would have been poisoned long ago, not bad!

So he picked up the teacup and drank the tea.

"And tea, chew it!"

Deng Yifei glanced at the old man sideways, and chewed the tea leaves according to his words.

The tea is very bitter, chewing and chewing, the mouth is full of fragrance.

"Only the first sip of cleansing heart tea has the effect of temporarily enhancing your comprehension. The higher your comprehension, the stronger the effect. I thought that with your peerless talent, your Aurora Realm can directly break through to the pinnacle of Xiaocheng Realm! You can't break through even the Xiaocheng Realm!" The old man explained regretfully, "But the heart-washing tea, the biggest effect is to wash the heart. It has a miraculous effect on suppressing the martial arts heart. After taking this cup of tea, your mood will definitely be much more stable. "

"Thank you!"

After speaking, Deng Yifei slowly drew out the long sword, and the bright cold light flickered.

The old man surnamed Mu said physically, "So, do you still want to do something to me?"

"If you really think that no one should live in this world, then your hands should be covered with the blood of countless innocent people?" Deng Yifei's eyes flashed with blood, "I thank seniors for their generous gifts, but I have sent them Oath, don't let any villain go, you can't violate it!"

"Without exception!"

"Absolutely not!"

Unexpectedly, when the old man surnamed Mu heard Deng Yifei's words, instead of being angry, he suddenly burst into laughter. His laughter was unusually harsh, as if two pieces of dead wood were rubbing together, and his slightly rickety body trembled: " Speaking of which, you have also seen this deity. The junior who turned the face the fastest, just took the benefits of the deity, turned his face and didn’t recognize people... That’s why I said that humans are not worthy of living!"

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