Deng Yifei carrying long sword, face faint smile, waltz embarked hall.

He walked as he looked grateful courtiers on the hall: “! You seem to have any advice for me.”

Basilica of hundreds of courtiers, nobody is dared speak.

Most courtiers recognized Deng Yifei!

In their hands, the overwhelming majority has a portrait of Deng Yifei!

Even if not the Deng Yifei recognized, see other courtiers looked at Deng Yifei so afraid, they dare not rash!

“no opinion? I do not think so, right?” Deng Yifei hand grabs a courtier collar, he put up directly, “What is your name?”

“Sang Chong Chun!”

“So you’re Sang Chong Chun!” Deng Yifei suddenly said, “tell me, do you have any advice for me?”

“you who is? I do not know you! “Sang Chun Chong shouted,” your Majesty, this man? should not be a minister, right? Guard troops do? hurriedly dragged him off to! “

” With a sound, the long sword unsheathed and retracted.

Jun Sang Chong fell to the ground clutching his neck, a pool of blood spread on his body.

courtier presence of all sucked in a breath of cold air!

They all didn’t expect, Deng Yifei was so unscrupulous!

“Now, you should know who I am yet?” See there is not opening the eyes of people looked confused, Deng Yifei reluctantly explained, “My name is Deng Yifei, you may also call me Aurora Sword off , I am your your Majesty’s Master, you just seem to me very unhappy! “

” I know you’re Deng Yifei, but you as your Majesty Master, in the hall directly kill courtier, too ! a little too much of it “

Cai Zheng Xuan Qing Ke loudly:” I send my Master Deng Yifei Imperial’s Sword one, playing on a chop …… headed, under Heaven traitor Zeizi can be fait accompli, my Master The one I have now is the Imperial’s Sword that I gave him. I already sent the imperial decree to Master Deng yesterday!”

He is the emperor, whichever is the Imperial’s Sword, of course it’s his Have the final say!

The courtiers in the whole hall became quiet.

They watched Cai Zheng Xuan, first discovered the new emperor Cai actually such a person.

Deng Yifei Cai Zheng Xuan looked surprised look, to him some satisfaction,

This emperor, strength, though not how, but the reaction is very fast, but also quite like the knowledge!

Deng Yifei with a sword pointed to the corpse said: “This Chong Sang Jun, not only corruption 300,000 Gold Coin huge sum of money, but also occupied three acres of fertile land, a mine, has evidence, so I will be his put to death! “

” indeed the evidence is conclusive! “Cai Zheng Xuan nodded and said,” evidence of his guilt, black feathers have collected full of! “

in fact, tainted There are countless courtiers.

If the water is clear, there will be no fish.

before Cai Cai Zheng Xuan’s father when open sinus reign of the “little” tainted officials who often also an eye, close one eye blow, not too much fuss with them.

But now, Deng Yifei accidentally found information about courtiers from Hei Yu.

Deng Yifei who asked to hear the emperor’s courtiers guarantee, was surprised, he looked Deng Yifei, Deng Yifei also in checking him, he suddenly had a bad feeling!

“Excuse me, this lord…what is your name?”


“Yes, it’s you!”

Deng Yifei is nodded seriously.

“My name is…”

The courtier who questioned Deng Yifei opened his mouth, but the name behind him couldn’t say it!

He doesn’t know how much Deng Yifei knows him!

If he’s like Chong Sang Jun, as was Deng Yifei remember, Deng Yifei hands and his black material …… Since dare kill a Chong Sang Jun, you can not kill one of his unreasonable.

Deng Yifei was a little impatient before the other party said his name!

“Why? This adult does not want to give his name, do you look down on me, Deng Yifei?”

The layers of sweat leaked from his forehead and he swallowed With a spit, I tried to control myself and calm down.

He dare not look down on Deng Yifei!

In the entire Southern Region, few people are qualified to look down on Deng Yifei!

“Deng adults, I think you’ll forget me as a fart!”

“how to say?”

“I put it this time!”

Deng Yifei’s stiff face was about to be amused.

He carefully looked at the uncle …… people to have no shame, really invincible in the whole world!

“Master Deng, he is Shao Kailan of the Ministry of Household!”

When Deng Yifei was thinking about whether to continue, someone suddenly stood up and shouted.

When Shao Kailan heard someone call his name, his whole body shivered, and he looked towards the official who jumped out and called his name, and couldn’t help cursing: “Jiang Yinfan, you mean little ? people “

Jiang Yin Fan hair white, people a little thin, but the spiritual head looks good, he said with a sneer:”! Let each other each other “

” Jiang Yin Fan …… ”

Deng Yifei glanced at Jiang Yinfan, Jiang Yinfan looked at Deng Yifei a little nervously, but Deng Yifei really remembered Jiang Yinfan, the man with more than one hundred civil and military personnel in the Cai Guoman Dynasty, the cleanest, not Jiang Yinfan, a small official in the criminal ministry. It must be!

Of course, the price he paid was the worst!

muddleheaded has been in his current position for more than fifty years!

“Shao Kailan ……”

Shao Kailan trying to keep my proof, from out of a smile to his face.

But soon, the blood light flashed, and the smile on his face froze!

“I remember you, Shao Kailan!” Deng Yifei said in a tranquil voice, “I heard you three sons robbed someone else’s wife, then his opponent backhand you like family the whole that is to kill …… cut weeds and eliminate the roots! “

” right, right, right! “laughed Van Jiang Yin said,” adults Deng was right, which Shao old ghost dry, is not what his three sons Good things, they are called Shao Boning, Shao Bohai, and Shao Boyun!”

“Well, I know!”

Jiang Yinfan looked at the two corpses in the hall, and looked towards the group of arrogant old days Today, trembling with fear is like the superiors of quail, feeling heroism reaching to the clouds in his chest, he bowed to Deng Yifei: “Master Deng, do you want me to introduce some courtiers to you?”

More than one hundred courtiers looked at Jiang Yinfan’s eyes, just like ghosts!

There is panic in the eyes!

They didn’t expect, today this very unremarkable Little Old Man is going to deal with them, and it happens to be at the most critical juncture!

And Jiang Yinfan’s eyes are just like a jackal!

Cai Zheng Xuan Deng Yifei look to sit on the Dragon Throne look, hesitated.

If Cai Guo and the ministers are really killed, the whole Cai State will be completely messed up!

Then, his eyes touched Chiang Yin Fan’s eyes ……

“You can give me about, but I have limited time, you introduced me to a few just fine!”

When I checked the list of courtiers of Cai State a few days ago, Deng Yifei noticed that Jiang Yinfan had risen and fell into the family, and when he entered the Criminal Ministry, he offended many courtiers because of his upright personality. His family was retaliated!

That was about 40 years ago. After that, Jiang Yinfan fell into a slump and spent almost 40 years muddleheaded…

His enemy should still be in the Great Hall of Cai Guo.

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