“Someone dared to run wild in Caidu?”

“This is the signal of Summon Aurora Pavilion. Is there a fool who does not understand the rules?”


“I don’t know who that bad luck egg is!”

“It must be, unless it is a powerhouse in the domain. Otherwise, when you come to Cai, you must act according to Cai’s rules. Otherwise, I will come, it’s useless!”


The Divine Ability Peak expert, who killed more than 20 civilians, looked at the city gate guard For a while, he was stunned…

He looked at the surroundings, whether it was a civilian or a martial artist, they were madly away from him.

The ordinary people looked at him with horror. This attitude made the Magical Powers Realm Peak expert more satisfied, but the martial artist looked at his eyes and looked a little strange… …There seems to be excitement and taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune in the eyes!

taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune?

Magical Powers Realm Peak expert looked at the signal in the sky and asked: “What’s the matter? Don’t I just kill some civilians? It takes such a big response? I didn’t come to trouble Cai Guo. , If I really need compensation, I can also pay a price!”

This Magical Powers Realm Peak expert is somewhat guilty.

After all, the battle seems a bit bigger.

He doesn’t care about bullying the civilians, but he doesn’t want to make matters worse.

After all, the signal flare is too obvious, it seems that the entire Caidu people have seen it…

You know, Caidu still has a powerhouse in the domain, and he doesn’t dare to go too far. rash!

“Your Excellency just came to Cai Guo?”

The city gate guard asked with a wry smile.

“Yes, I am Zhou Haiqing, Xuanmingzong of the Tiancheng Kingdom, and I am here to find Pei Shiyong to compete!” Zhou Haiqing said, “Before half a month, my cultivation base made great progress, so I just ran… …Is there any problem?”

The guard nodded, then looked towards the sky.

Zhou Haiqing also raised his head and looked towards the sky.

“Junior, die!”

A heavy pressure directly caused Zhou Haiqing’s energy and blood to boil!

It’s the realm!

Domain powerhouse!

Zhou Haiqing eye socket cracked!

He never dreamed that he just came to Caidu Pei Shiyong to compete, and he encountered a powerhouse in the realm that the next generation started…

Huge palm, dropping From the sky, with a palm like a fly, pat Zhou Haiqing on the ground!

Zhou Haiqing was directly stunned!

Cai Baihao looked at the civilian corpses around him, and at the Magical Powers Realm Peak expert at his feet, he was deeply sighed!

He did not sigh for the common people, but for Zhou Haiqing!

As a martial artist, Cai Baihao has always believed that martial artists must be much more noble than civilians, and life must be more valuable than civilians!

Who makes Deng Yifei not think so?

Whoever has a big fist makes sense!

Now Cai Baihao can only follow Deng Yifei’s set!

So, he was sighing for Zhou Haiqing.

He also feels that Zhou Haiqing is actually not bad at Martial Dao, and it is a pity to die!

“Buried the civilians!” Cai Baihao mentioned Zhou Haiqing and ordered the soldiers guarding the city gate, “This time they were killed. We have the responsibility of Aurora Pavilion. Let the families of those civilians come. Let’s get the funeral expenses in Aurora Pavilion!”

“Yes, my lord!”


After Cai Baihao left with the bad luck egg, The pressure on everyone present eased.

Domain powerhouses, even if they do not deliberately act, they will still cause great pressure on people around them!

Some people from other countries whispered: “I see, Zhou Haiqing of Zhou Family of Tiancheng Kingdom didn’t even survive a single move. That must be the domain powerhouse… even the ordinary commoner was Killing, it will alarm the powerhouse of the realm. How can the entire southern region be safer than Cai?”

“Indeed, Cai is really a good place… But Cai Family really intends to kill Zhou Haiqing Now? Although Zhou Family is not an Imperial Family, there are still powerhouses in the family, right?”

“I don’t know, so far, all criminal Divine Ability experts have left them in Aurora Pavilion. A life might give them a chance to survive, right? After all, Magical Powers Realm expert is still very valuable! Generally, who can recruit security, who will not kill casually!”

“In comparison, Cai They are indeed safer. Let me buy a house first!”

In just one month, Deng Yifei patrolled the entire nine counties of Cai Guo, perhaps because of the establishment of Aurora Pavilion, Deng Yifei discovered , The overall operation of Aurora Pavilion is relatively good!

In just half a year, the overwhelming majority of bandits and bandits in Cai Kingdom were wiped out by members of Aurora Pavilion.

The rest, only a handful, hid in the mountains and old forests, afraid to show up.

There are more than one Magical Powers Realm Peak expert in the Aurora Pavilion branches all over the place, those bandits and bandits are really impossible!

The Aurora Pavilion works well, but there are still local martial artists who secretly abuse power tyrannically, but they are relatively restrained, at least not so rampant.

Moreover, these martial artists have not escaped the surveillance of the three major intelligence organizations!

After being discovered by the intelligence organization, it will be directly reported to the local cabinet. If they do not handle it properly, the intelligence will continue to be aggregated to Caidu headquarters.

Deng Yifei is pleased that the sub-chamber masters everywhere have the ability to deal with those martial artists.

Deng Yifei believes that with the development of Aurora Pavilion, maybe after a period of time, the entire Martial Dao forces of Cai Guo will truly merge into a whole!

This whole within the body, there is no view of the door, just like a super large sect!

For this possibility, Deng Yifei is an attractive spectacle.

If the gap between Sect and the family disappears, then there will be fewer disputes.

In the future, Deng Yifei can select and teach the disciplines in the whole country of Cai, and then use the discipline martial ethics as the basis, and then teach in accordance with the strength of Martial Dao talents in accordance with their aptitude, and cultivate excellent disciplines that truly inherit their own goals and cultivate true The forces that carry out their own will!

Back to Caidu, Huo Sining happened to have something to report to him.

“My lord, this is the Divine Ability expert who has been captured by Aurora Pavilion alive in the past half a year!” Huo Sining gave Deng Yifei a thick list, “Jidi Division Pavilion has sent them to Cai It’s all there!”

The Pavilion Lords in the sub-chambers are all Magical Powers Realm Peak experts.

Of course, there is only one Magical Powers Realm Peak powerhouse in each branch impossible!

Sometimes, facing some powerful enemies, the experts of Aurora Pavilion are also impossible to catch alive!

There are many powerhouses in Divine Ability, but the strength is relatively low. The overwhelming majority are Magical Powers Realm Early-Stage, mid-term expert.

“How many people are there in total?”

“One hundred and 25, 23 of them are martial artists from Cai Guo, the others are from other countries…” Huo Sining whispered, “Recently, many domestic forces have been supporting relations and want to go through the back door, and other countries are also contacting our Aurora Pavilion. They just hope that we can relax and spare their lives!”

“What do you think?”

“Kill all!”

“Good point! These people must not be tolerated!”

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