“Please rest assured, my lord, Deng Yifei’s character defects are actually quite obvious. Many forces in the Southern Region know that it is not difficult to force Deng Yifei out, but because Deng Yifei is too strong. , Those forces dare not easily oppose Deng Yifei!” Cai Baihao somewhat self-confidence, “but as long as there are four adults in charge, we will spend a little bit of work and want to force Deng Yifei, I still have great confidence!”

“Well, I believe you!” Lin Jiujian frowned and asked, “But are the people at Aurora Pavilion headquarters really going to be executed today? Do you need to save their lives temporarily and use them to hang Deng Yifei “

“No!” Cai Baihao shook his head and vetoed, “In addition to Deng Yifei’s Direct Disciple, there is also Huo Sining. In Deng Yifei’s eyes, the other martial artists of Aurora Pavilion have similar status. They have no positions. The difference.”

“Really a strange person!” Lin Qiujian said with a smile, “But you said Deng Yifei has direct children?”

“en!” Cai Baihao affirmed, “Deng Yifei does have Direct Disciple. There are nine people in total. I have seen a few of them. They have good talents, but their strength is a bit weak. The strongest one seems to be True Origin Realm Early-Stage!”

“Then have you seen Deng Yifei’s Direct Disciple?”

Mo Jingyuan was the one who asked this question.

Unconsciously, he has already begun to share the worries for the Martial Dao Alliance, intending to cooperate with the two Elders, Lin Qiujian and Wu Yimiao, in order to get rid of Deng Yifei.

Cai Baihao shook his head: “Impossible, if I can find his Direct Disciple, of course I will use them to threaten Deng Yifei, but I heard Zhengxuan say that when Deng Yifei leaves Caidu, he will All of his children were taken away…Although Zhengxuan is Emperor Cai, or Deng Yifei’s nominal discipline, he is only Deng Yifei’s tool puppet. When Deng Yifei escapes, not at all take him…”

The other four powerhouses in the field are all human beings. Of course they know why Cai Baihao said that.

Not to keep Cai Zhengxuan.

“Got it!” Lin Qiujian’s indifferent expression was replied.

“I killed all the people at the Aurora Pavilion headquarters, just to make things worse and let Deng Yifei see our determination…” Cai Baihaoyin said with a smile, “As long as Deng Yifei wants to keep the Aurora The other members of the Pavilion will definitely show up!”

Wu Yimiao asked: “What if Deng Yifei doesn’t show up?”

“Then continue to kill, the Aurora Pavilion is over, maybe You can consider starting at the civilians…he will come out after all…”

Qiao Yaqiu shook the head helplessly: “It looks like you hate Deng Yifei!”

“Of course I hate it!” Cai Baihao gnashing teeth said, “If it weren’t for him, how could our Cai Family have fallen to this point? Almost all of our Cai Family’s thousand-year foundation was destroyed in the hands of Deng Yifei. I thought that my life was impossible Revenge, didn’t expect waiting for the opportunity so soon…”

That morning, the notice hadn’t been posted for long.

The prison car loaded with prisoners set off from Caiguo Prison and drove slowly on the main street of Caidu.

If it is usual, those prisoners loaded with prisoners passing by, there must be civilians throwing mud and rotten vegetable leaves at the prisoners in the prisoners. If they encounter crimes, there may be people inside. Spit, throw rotten eggs, throw stones…

But today, many people in Caidu looked at the prisoners in the prison car, but they couldn’t bear to throw anything at them.

Those prisoners are already miserable.

Among them, the overwhelming majority are dying, and their bodies are stained with red blood.

Many Cai Du civilians can’t even bear to look at the prisoners.

Because they all know that the identities of those prisoners are the great characters of Aurora Pavilion.

Aurora Pavilion, this is definitely Cai’s favorite force in the past two years. The civilians in Cai Country know that Deng Yifei is standing behind the Aurora Pavilion. They all know Deng Yifei’s proposition.

Since the Aurora Pavilion came to power, all the civilians in Cai can feel the benefits of the Aurora Pavilion.

In Cai State, martial artist disputes have decreased drastically, and almost no martial artist dares to oppress civilians at will. Cai State’s public order has improved greatly, and business has gradually begun to prosper, and many wealthy businessmen in other countries have started. Moved to Cai Guo to live…Many Cai Guo people will proudly mention Aurora Pavilion when they meet people from other countries!

But this morning, when they saw Cai Guo’s notice suddenly, they felt that the sky…has changed!

It became so fast that they were a little caught off guard.

Aurora Pavilion was judged as an evil force by the Martial Dao Alliance.

Actually, before today, many civilians did not know what the Martial Dao Alliance was!

They only know that there is a problem with the Aurora Pavilion, and the Martial Dao Alliance and Emperor Cai have joined forces to deal with the Aurora Pavilion.

Looking at the prison car slowly passing by, a civilian asked in a low voice: “What the hell is going on? Not that the adults in Aurora Pavilion are all martial of very difficult to deal with Artists? How could they be labeled like that?”

“I heard that the people in the Martial Dao Alliance are more powerful. They have very difficult to deal with experts. The adults in Aurora Pavilion are not Their opponents!”

“Can the people in the Martial Dao Alliance be as good as Master Deng?”

“Master Deng invincible in the whole world!”

“Hush! Keep your voice down! The adults in Aurora Pavilion are indeed amazing, but they are only amazing in Cai Guo. I heard those martial artists say that the Martial Dao Alliance is the strongest force on the mainland. Even Master Deng Yifei, It’s not their opponent. I heard that Master Deng Yifei has left temporarily…”

Someone asked in a low voice: “Why did the people from the Martial Dao Alliance deal with Aurora Pavilion? Deal with Lord Deng?”

“Because Lord Deng executed two Martial Dao Alliance martial artists in public last time, this is Martial Dao Alliance’s revenge!”

“It seems that Martial Dao Alliance is not a good person either. !”

“Hush, keep your voice down, be careful to be heard!”

“And that Cai Zhengxuan, who actually cooperated with the people of Martial Dao Alliance, dealt with the Aurora Pavilion and turned towards his Master Start, really a scumbag!”

“Low-key! Low-key! Low-key!”


A seven or eight-year-old boy looked When the prison vehicle passed by, he picked up the mud from the ground and smashed it into the prison vehicle.

The mud bounced off when it hit the steel fence of the prison car, but at this time, a middle-aged woman ran over in a rage, took off her shoes, and slammed it down on the boy’s head.

“Tell you to throw things! Tell you brat to throw things…”

The little boy was beaten and screamed: “You used to throw things into those cars too! “

“You idiot, can this be the same?”


The sun is slanting west, the orange-yellow sunshine, the vegetable market There was a crowd at the door, and the crowded flow of people blocked the nearby streets.

The executioner looked at the prisoners who were kneeling in front of him and swallowed. His legs were also soft, and his hands were a little too hard!

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