I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 993: Go hand in hand

"How about it, little brother, let's go together!" The businessman persuaded, "If you are alone, if you meet those bandits, you probably don't want to live anymore. Together, you can have a care."


Kong Qing thought about it carefully and felt that what the other party said made sense.

It is indeed much safer to walk together.

Inside the Scarlet Blood Sword, Chen Hao rolled his eyes.

Is it really safe if everyone walks together?

Missing it!

With more people, the goal will be bigger!

Such a big target, such a fat lamb, as long as it can be swallowed, how can the bandits let it go?

Gathering more people and rushing through together is of course more beneficial to these businessmen.

Because they have too much cargo, they are very conspicuous no matter how they go, and they are easily spotted.

Since it is easy to be targeted, the merchants simply confided in their hearts, and they simply assembled the team...

But a lone ranger like Kong Qing can pass through that area alone!

Anyway, his goal is small, as long as he is not too bad luck, he can go across without disturbing the bandits.

Maybe, even if he is discovered by the bandit, the bandit will not pay attention to him...because he doesn't look like a greasy person.

Therefore, there is no need for Kong Qing to join the team of merchants.

But since he likes it, feel free to.

Chen Hao stayed with Kong Qing all the time, just wanting to see if Kong Qing would open the package and see the scarlet blood before reaching Jingyuezong.

After all, this was the first time that Scarlet Sword was so left out.

Think about it, it's really humorous...

After the businessman checked into a small inn, Kong Qing chatted with the businessman.

The businessman was more talkative. After a few words, Kong Qing knew that the other party was Ma Haolin. The original Xu Guoren had a better cultivation base than him, but he was not much stronger.

Ma Haolin has always made a living by doing business.

Three years ago, his business improved slightly, but after a big business bet, he lost all his savings and owed a debt. After a period of depression, he was persuaded by his wife and borrowed some money. Starting over, ran the business.

"When I went out, Cai Guo was still very safe, all places were unimpeded, and the road was not picking up..." Ma Haolin said distressed, "As a result, when I was going back, Aurora Pavilion fell."

"Aurora Pavilion is down. Does it have anything to do with Ma's business?"

"Of course it does matter!" Ma Haolin said, "If Aurora Pavilion is still there, do you think I will worry about those bandits and bandits?"

Kong Qing sighed: "I don't know where Senior Deng has gone!"

Kong Qing grew up after hearing the legend of Deng Yifei.

He even spent a gold coin that he finally saved and sold a portrait of Deng Yifei and hung it in his bedroom.

It is said that worshipping once a day makes cultivation faster...

"I don't know, I blame the gangsters of the Martial Arts Alliance!" Ma Haolin lowered his voice and said to Kong Qing. "You might not know the little brother. If it weren't for the words Senior Deng said in the Tiancheng Mountains, most of Cai Guo It's about to fight!"

"What is it?"

"Just forbid war in the South!" Ma Haolin looked at Kong Qing's eyes with doubts, "Don't you know?"

Kong Qing laughed and said, "I know, I know, I just didn't remember it all of a sudden!"

"I'm telling you, didn't Cai Guo betray Senior Deng?" Ma Haolin whispered, "After the Aurora Pavilion was disbanded, many areas began to be out of Cai Guo's control. We heard that there was Cai Guo in our hometown. The appointed city lord was killed...Without the Aurora Pavilion, without Senior Deng, with Cai Guo's strength, he could not control such a large area. If it were not for the words of Senior Deng leaving, Cai Guo would have been embarrassed on all sides. Up!"

Kong Qing cursed: "This **** martial arts alliance!"

Ma Haolin also laughed and said, "Yes! The **** martial arts alliance!"

If it weren't for the people of the Martial Arts Alliance to target Jiguang Pavilion and Deng Yifei, he would not stay in Xikou City and dare not go home because of the fear of bandits.

The two had just cursed, and a loud voice sounded behind them:

"Right, right, right! The people in the Budo League are stupid!" Kong Qing and Ma Haolin all turned around, looking in the direction of the sound, a rude man raised his wine glass and shouted, "The Budo League is a bunch of stupid men. , Who thinks it?"


"well said!"

"We drink!"


Ma Haolin shrugged and drank another drink: "Now we are very popular here to scold the Martial Arts Alliance...if you scold you, you feel comfortable."


After spending three days in the inn, Ma Haolin informed Kong Qing to set off on the fourth day.

On the morning of the fourth day, countless teams of convoys, guards, and mercenaries started to leave the city.

Kong Qing followed Ma Haolin and followed the people out of the city.

Ma Haolin's business was incomparable with those caravans, so he drove a cart that pulled goods.

There were other businessmen beside him, similar to Ma Haolin, who seemed to be Ma Haolin's acquaintances, and everyone was talking and laughing, but they didn't see any nervousness.

Kong Qing glanced at Ma Haolin's wheels, and heard the sound that the cargo should not be very heavy.

"Brother Ma, what are you pulling?"

"Perfume and rouge!" Ma Haolin smiled triumphantly, "These perfumes and rouge are all top-notch goods, but I don't know why, they don't seem to be famous and the price is not high, as long as I can bring the goods to my hometown. Over there, even if you can't make a big profit, there is no problem with a small profit!"


Ma Haolin and Kong Qing came to the gate of Xikou City, and a warrior dressed as a mercenary ran over and said: "Come on, everyone walk together, don't hang too far!"

"Okay, let's keep up!"


After walking a certain distance, Ma Haolin whispered to Kong Qing: "The mercenary just now was invited by a member of the Stone Chamber of Commerce. This time the person who organized us to break through together is the Stone Chamber of Commerce. The mercenaries and guards have collected more than 3,000 people in total, so powerful!"

"Stone Chamber of Commerce, is it strong?"

"Behind the Sitong Chamber of Commerce is the He family of Tonghai City. The daughter of the Patriarch of the He family married the third young master of the Songyang and Hao family. The Songyang and Hao family is just a branch of the Xu Guo and Hao family. Pavilion master, do you say that the four trade associations are powerful?"

Kong Qing sighed: "That's really amazing!"

In the Scarlet Blood Sword, Chen Hao after listening to Ma Haolin's words, he just wanted to curse "fuck"!

Among more than 3,000 people, Kong Qing was very inconspicuous.

Seven days later, most of the dangerous journey had passed. Many merchants and warriors were optimistic that the bandits would definitely not dare to make their minds.

Ma Haolin waved the whip to let the horse go faster. He looked at the bright sunshine and the dark green mountains in the distance and said with emotion: "I haven't seen my son for a year, and I don't know how much he has grown. Have you practiced martial arts well? I don't know if he is as naughty as before!"

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