After thinking for a long time, Lin Quan finally accepted the invitation from MiHoYo.

First of all, MiHoYo was really sincere and offered very generous conditions.

The more important reason was that Lin Quan had always liked the character of Shark Girl.

Being able to show the charm of the character of Shark Girl on stage was also something to be proud of.

In addition, there was another very important reason, that Lin Quan felt that the track of cosplaying Shark Girl would be very broad.

Because of Shark Girl's tail, not many cosplayers would choose to challenge this role.

Experienced cosplayers would know that if they only made a prop tail that would not move, it would seriously affect the charm of the character, and then affect the performance of the game and the audience's perception.

But the current technology cannot accurately create a tail that can move freely...

This formed a contradiction.

Through the experience of cosplaying Alicia last time, Lin Quan also realized that if he wanted to stand out, he had to challenge some difficult roles.

Just like last time, it is really difficult to cosplay well for Alicia, but once the cosplay is wonderful, both the audience and the judges will not be stingy with their applause.

The same is true for Shark Girl this time.

The only difference is that the difficulty of last time for Alicia was the costume and temperament.

The difficulty of Shark Girl this time is the props.

As long as the props problem is solved, Lin Quan has enough confidence to perfectly control this role.

After agreeing to the official Mihoyo, Lin Quan immediately started to act.

He and Yin Qingxue went to find people in the industry who make cosplay props. Almost in just two days, they visited all the well-known people who make cosplay props in the whole Jiangnan Province.

However, there was no good way.

At this time, Yin Qingxue called and told Lin Quan a piece of news that excited Lin Quan.

In a university in Jiangnan Province, it is said that a big guy has used machinery to imitate the structure of realistic animals.

Upon hearing the news, Lin Quan became excited and hurriedly took a taxi to the university to find the big guy.

In a huge and extremely tidy laboratory, Lin Quan finally met the big guy who used machinery to create bionic structures.

The big guy was wearing a work suit with spots of oil splashing all over it. He also smelled of oil and wore a pair of black-framed glasses on his nose.

"Teacher Zhao, I heard that you used machinery to create works that imitate biological structures."

"I don't know if my idea can be realized?"

As he said that, Lin Quan roughly described the shark tail of the shark girl to the big guy.

After hearing this, the big guy shook his head helplessly.

"Young man, your idea is really too advanced."

"I can almost conclude that no one in the whole of China can create such a precise bionic structure."

As he said that, the big guy sighed deeply.

This mechanical structure has a very advanced design concept. If there are scientists in China who can make it now, then China's technology can leap forward by ten years!

"Teacher Zhao, is this thing so complicated?"

Lin Quan was a little panicked.

He had already promised the official Mihoyo that he would cosplay the character of Shark Girl.

If he regretted it at the last minute, it would not only be against Lin Quan's character, but also a huge blow to Lin Quan's reputation.

No one would like to cooperate with people who have no integrity.

The audience would not like artists with black materials.

But if he bites the bullet and uses a shark tail that does not move to participate in the competition, it will definitely not be able to perfectly restore the image of Shark Girl, which will inevitably affect Lin Quan's performance.

Things seem to have entered a dead end.

"Teacher Zhao, I don't think this design is complicated. Why can't it be realized?"

Although he knew that asking was equivalent to asking in vain, Lin Quan always had a stubborn heart that would not give up until the Yellow River.

Even if it is impossible, he must do his best.

Teacher Zhao pushed the black-framed glasses on his nose, stood up and walked to the whiteboard next to him, picked up a marker, and began to draw on the whiteboard.

"Mr. Lin Quan, according to your idea, to make a shark tail that can move freely, it needs several mechanical joints to connect it."

"If there are too many joints, if the directions are inconsistent, the direction of force will change, and it will be difficult to achieve perfect control."

As Teacher Zhao spoke, he drew a sketch on the whiteboard, and thenThe direction of the force was marked with arrows.

Lin Quan looked at Teacher Zhao's orderly drawings and understood what Teacher Zhao meant.

This kind of structure that requires multiple mechanical joints to work together will fall apart if the force directions are inconsistent and cannot be completed at all.

Lin Quan fell into deep helplessness.

Is this the only way for this matter?

Could it be that I really have to wear a fake shark tail that doesn't move to participate in the finals?

In that case, can I win?

At this moment, Lin Quan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Because he found that the reward he won in the lottery before actually included a master-level mechanical design skill!

It was precisely because Lin Quan unexpectedly discovered that he could understand what Teacher Zhao explained throughout the whole process that he discovered that he actually had such a skill.

Originally thought it was a useless skill, but I didn't expect it to be useful at this time.

Lin Quan hurriedly got up, said goodbye to Teacher Zhao, and then hurried back to his home.

Lin Quan bought the necessary materials, locked himself in the house, and tinkered with it without sleep.

Hard work pays off, and he actually tinkered with a mechanical structure that can perfectly mimic the dynamics of sharks!

This mechanical structure is made of leather-like materials on the outside, and mechanical inside.

Putting this mechanical structure on the table, looking at the almost perfect effect, Lin Quan couldn't help but feel excited.

But soon, Lin Quan helplessly discovered another problem.

This thing is too heavy...

After all, it is a full metal structure, and the weight must be not light.

To make matters worse, this thing is tied to the hot pants worn by the shark girl... There is not much contact with the body.

If you want to control this thing perfectly, it will greatly test Lin Quan's core strength.

Lin Quan tried to wear this thing on his body, and then sadly found that he couldn't wear it at all!

What to do?

Lin Quan gritted his teeth, giving up is not his character.

Now that the hardest part has been solved, how can he give up now?

Since this thing tests core strength, I have no choice but to start exercising!

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