"Hahaha! Still offering 100,000? If this guy knew that the 'girl' cosplaying Kafka on the scene was actually a boy, I wonder what his expression would be?"

"Pfft! Feng Qianfu, shut up! It's too wicked! I'm afraid this big boss will cancel his account overnight?"

Several of Lin Quan's colleagues laughed loudly beside him, and then Cheng Runyu's faint voice came from the side.

"What if... after hearing that it's a man, he gets more excited and goes to the offline store to pay?"


Suddenly, the few people who were laughing suddenly coughed and choked, almost coughing out their lungs.

"You turned too fast."

"Damn, this is not the car for the kindergarten, let me down! I want to get off!"

"Well... buddy, you are a bit perverted! 100,000, the beauty who came to WeChat found out that it was a man... How perverted would he have to be to think that he could make a profit..."


"Fuck, I always feel out of tune with you because I am not Nan Tong!"

Amid the laughter of several people, more and more people gathered around.

Soon, the lights in this exhibition hall were turned off.

Several people knew that the show was about to start.

Changes also occurred in the live broadcast room, and fans belonging to Yin Qingxue swept in again.

After all, this is a big Internet celebrity with tens of millions of fans on the entire network. Many people came to this show just for her, although there were more discussions about Lin Quan in the short interlude just now.

But, this is Yin Qingxue's home court after all!

"Come on, Miss Qingxue!"

"Call for Miss Qingxue!"

Such comments instantly filled the screen again.

As the lights turned off one by one, the noisy sounds in the entire comic exhibition also became less tense.

At the same time, all the audiences on the scene and the audiences in the live broadcast room began to look forward to it.

And more netizens were waiting for the live broadcast to officially start, and they would come over after shouting in the group.

At this time, they gradually poured into the live broadcast room.

20,000 people, 30,000 people... 50,000 people... Soon, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room reached 80,000, close to 100,000 viewers!

You know, this is calculated by the latest number of people counting method of B station.

If it is calculated according to the previous live broadcast room's heat calculation method.

You will know that at this moment, it is at least a million-level heat! !

The discussion of the entire network even topped the real-time hot search in an instant.

"Oh my god! This 2k picture is really awesome! And it's not stuck at all... This is not like Bilibili at all. Did they change the server?"

"Upstairs, I heard that the Yun City officials also spent money on publicity, wanting to make their city a pioneer in the two-dimensional culture!"

"Awesome! When I was a kid, the two-dimensional world was still synonymous with otakus and housegirls. Now it's so popular that even the official wants to get involved?"

"It's really awesome. I'm a professional stage student. The stage effects, lighting, venues... at least a million-level investment, although many things can be disassembled and reused.

But this time, Yun City did invest a lot of money in this comic exhibition!"

"Awesome! I just know it looks awesome!"

"Awesome is over!"

In such an atmosphere, the last light was also turned off... The next second, the light beam lit up in the center of the stage, attracting everyone's attention.

This is the most commonly used effect on the stage, and it is also the idea that all lighting engineers need to learn and learn from.

That is to highlight the key points and attract attention.

Simple and efficient.

This is the most useful time.

"Welcome everyone to Yun City... Today's comic exhibition..."

Then, there was a very fast opening speech. It seemed that the official deliberately shortened this process just to let all the spectators enjoy the effect on the stage today.

I have to say that there are definitely young people in this team! Only young people know what young people want most.

No so much nonsense, get to the point!

"Please welcome our guests today!!"

"Oh oh oh! So fast, get to the point!!"

"Awesome, no nonsense at all, good! I like this wave! Unlike some variety shows, they are put on for a long time, and they don't know how to edit or make up the time??"

"Funny! What the above said reminded me of the speeches of those leaders when I was in school... They were really boring and long..."

Soon, well-known Internet celebrities came on the stage one by one.

Many of them are well-known live broadcasts in the second dimension, life area, or game area, andUp master!

Even many netizens can only see some up masters who appeared briefly once a year on BW and B Station official.

There are also some well-known voice actors, musicians, and producers of domestic comics and overseas animation games.

This scene is luxurious!

"Oh my! That's..."

Many people recognized the production team members of their familiar works, as well as their favorite voice actors, etc.

Exclaimed and screamed in ecstasy on the barrage.

The program on the stage is also very good.

Many of them are linked with the currently popular and well-known animations and games.


The number of people in the live broadcast room has steadily increased.

The atmosphere on the scene has also been very active.

It can only be said that this time not only the money was spent in place, but the people invited were also very professional.

The level is indeed good.

Behind the stage, everyone's expressions are good.

"The effect is pretty good."

"Well, the number of people in the live broadcast room has steadily increased, 0.7 percentage points higher than the estimated number of people. It can achieve the expected effect, which is a very good effect."

"However, don't get too excited, lights! Music! Don't be too happy, the stage performance is not over yet!"

Everyone cheered and nodded.

"Then the next program..."

"It is the finale of this stage!!"

The finale, the farewell play, is also called the main play! Usually refers to the most exciting play! However, in the original meaning, the finale of the troupe means the second to last play, but the meaning is not much different.

After all, in the past, the audience would not watch the last play of the troupe. The second to last play has been about four or five hours, and the audience is ready to leave. At this time, the best drama and actors are shown, which can leave the best impression.

Therefore, there is no problem in calling the most important play the finale.

"Our very popular... Miss Yin Qingxue! Dances presented by many internet celebrities, and a very famous voice actor from abroad! Mr. Gu Shanji Zhang, who has voiced in many of our familiar works!"

"Oh oh oh!" Countless people began to cheer.

However, Lin Quan in the backstage frowned after hearing this name.

Gu Shanji Zhang? ?

This guy... he is not unfamiliar! He is indeed a famous voice actor... But didn't he collapse directly because of his stupidity in his previous life? (Those who are interested can search what this guy has done, but it is not convenient for me to write it out in detail. I changed his name to Zhang here, remember to change it back to the original Zhang when searching.)

How come he can still be invited to perform now? ?

A simple recollection... As expected, in this world, he has not performed the stupid behavior of his previous life.

But Lin Quan knows that if a person's personality and life path are the same, his essence will not change.

This person in this world is probably born the same way.

It's just that it hasn't been exposed yet.

But when he thought about being on the same stage with such a person later, Lin Quan couldn't hold it in.

"Why did the comic exhibition invite him here..."

Lin Quan frowned, looking at this guy who was a bit against the sky, and felt unhappy.


However, in the little expression of Lin Quan drawing circles and cursing in his heart, he didn't know that.

Taniyama Ji Zhang, who came here today because he was very satisfied with the amount of the invitation, accidentally hurt his voice when he was having fun with friends a few days ago, and he has been hoarse for a while.

But judging from his personality, it is already very good to accept the invitation to sing here for the sake of these Chinese bumpkins. Why should he be so serious?

Of course.

If he was in China.

Naturally, he would pay attention to professional ethics.

Otherwise, it would be bad if he lost his job.

However, facing the Chinese.

He was hostile and looked down on them in his heart.

Therefore, he thought that he just needed to go up and sing casually!

However, what he didn't know was... after a few days of no management and deterioration.

The condition of his voice is already very bad.

If he only sings in the chorus, it would be fine.

Or if there is music playing in the backstage, he can go up and lip-sync, which is naturally no problem.

But he has to sing the whole time?

Breaking the voice, being out of tune, or even singing the whole song badly... is almost an inevitable result!

Maybe he doesn't care.

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