"Ah? It's already 11th place so soon?"

"It seems that the number of voters this year is more than last year... How can it be so outrageous? The tenth place has more than 500,000 votes, and last year it seemed that the tenth place only had 300,000 votes!"

"After all, last year a newly debuted Korean star won the first place on the list. Before that, many people in China didn't care about this list. Since they promoted it in Korea, many people in China have also started to pay attention to this vote... However, people in China can't vote randomly. Only when the background AI audit determines that the face meets the user's preference standards in the big data will the vote be counted, so the result of this list is still relatively real."

"Hiss... Then what does the AI ​​big data result say about the cross-dressing big brother?"

In this world, the development of AI big data is much better than that of Lin Quan in his previous life.

Even some websites have already applied this function to assist the website with some data and the results of things that are difficult to judge.

For example, the annual voting list of the most beautiful women in Asia on Phoenix.com has the latest domestic AI code and model library access.

It can judge how regions, countries, and even groups of people evaluate various aspects of appearance.

Therefore, even the top ten women in the beauty list in recent years.

It does not mean that all data are full values. After all, there is no perfect human being in the eyes of AI, and there is no face that everyone likes.

[Name: Kafka]

[Number of photos uploaded: 137. ]

[Comprehensive evaluation of appearance from various angles——]

[Face shape: Chinese standard: 9.9 (full score 10), Korean standard: 9.9, Japanese standard: 9.6, two-dimensional standard: 10, model standard: 9.9, ... average: 9.9! ]

[Body shape: Chinese standard: 10, Korean standard: 9.8 ... average: 9.9! ]

[Temperament: ... average: 9.9! ]

[Evaluation: The overall style tends to be high and cold, royal sister, gentle temperament ... different from the group preference of those who like childish and cute faces, but because the average score is too high, the overall appearance reaches 9.9 points. 】

"Oh my god! AI's rating is full!!"

"I pay attention to the beauty list every year... There has never been such an outrageous parameter, such an exaggerated hexagonal warrior! The face shape, figure and temperament are all full. I also looked at the evaluation criteria of some key details. The bridge of the nose, proportions, eye proportions and various parameters are basically full."

"This is too exaggerated!"

When this picture appeared in the fan group, everyone in the group was quiet for a moment.

Because AI, which can judge whether the votes behind the beauty list count, gave such a high rating to Kafka, who was cosplayed by the cross-dressing big brother.

It can be said that some people originally wondered if their brains were broken and they actually started to like men.

However, the rating given by AI can prove it now.

They really don't have special fetishes.

It's just that this cross-dressing big brother is really good-looking.

After this picture appeared.

Instantly let some boys in the group who thought that their hobbies had deviations and problems feel relieved!

Fortunately, it's not a pervert.

It's because this guy's looks are too amazing!

This also explains why Lin Quan received more than 500,000 valid votes in such a short time.

You know, after a large number of people in China participated in the voting for the beauty list, it is often inevitable that there will be vote-rigging.

But under AI supervision, as long as the region, account identity, daily bound identity information environment, video viewing and purchased content do not match the appearance and temperament of the girl who voted.

Then this vote will not count at all.

The possibility of vote-rigging is completely eliminated.

Even the insincere voting results recommended by others will not be adopted by the list.

However, even so, Lin Quan still quickly received more than 500,000 votes.

This shows that the Kafka he cosplays is indeed impeccable in the public's aesthetics!

In fact, it is not difficult to explain this matter.

Lin Quan's own appearance is naturally not at the level of beating women across the country.

But after the system was added, the excellent face and talent of this body were optimized again, and even 99.9% restored the character created in the game, which was created based on many male fantasies.

Such a character's personality, temperament and face that only exist in the fantasy world and cannot be found in reality.

Perfectly reproduced in reality, of course there will be such a stunning effect.

In addition, it has not yet doubled the charm of the primary charm card he used in the past 10 minutes, so Lin Quan's cosplay of Kafka looks so capableIf he fights, there is nothing to question.

Lin Quan on the stage is still speaking.

He first said his identity, that he is actually a boy, and it is his first time to cosplay in women's clothing, and even his first time on stage.

The audience listened with interest.

On the beauty list, the number of votes for 'Kafka' is also steadily increasing.

It was not until Lin Quan finished speaking and led the audience to laugh with a hot online meme that he bowed and left the stage.

However, even if everything on the stage was completely over, the carnival for him on the Internet was still going on.


After Lin Quan finished the last speech on the stage, the live broadcast inserted an advertisement for two minutes.

This comic exhibition live broadcast in Yun City successfully ranked first in the number of real-time live broadcasts on the entire network!

Even several major live broadcast platforms came late, after seeing this live broadcast room that suddenly and inexplicably stole the limelight of their platform live broadcasts.

Come in to see what happened.

After discovering that it was a cosplayer in women's clothing, who brought huge popularity after singing a song on stage.

Douyu, Huya... and short videos, but now Douyin, which has also become one of the largest live streaming platforms, have staff members contacting Lin Quan in the background.

As for the most excited people now... it is still the backstage of the Yunshi Comic Exhibition, which has just ended successfully and has even exceeded the original expected popularity by twice!

The moment Lin Quan returned to the backstage, the director, several staff members, and Li Huipeng came over and hugged Lin Quan warmly, their faces full of excitement, and they wanted to pick him up and throw him into the air!


"Lin Quan, so awesome! I really didn't know that the appeal of a cross-dressing big brother was so strong... I don't know if everyone is here for fun or really loves to watch, but the live broadcast is booming!"

A staff member next to him rolled his eyes at Li Huipeng speechlessly.

"I think you don't understand the charm of our cross-dressing boss at all... Isn't he prettier than all the cosplayers I've seen before? The song he just sang almost made me cry! Lin Quan definitely won the popularity today with his strength!"

"Hahaha! Yes, yes! I say Lin Quan, when the comic exhibition is completely over in the next few days, you must come and have a meal with us, just as a celebration banquet!"

"You have made an indispensable contribution to the success of this comic exhibition stage!!"

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