Lin Quan rubbed his eyes, which were still a little sleepy because he hadn't woken up yet.

He didn't even hear who was on the other end of the phone! Not to mention what link he clicked on.

After the other end shouted several times, he finally woke up.

Maybe because of the excitement yesterday, Lin Quan slept very deeply all night.

Although he was woken up by the phone at just over seven o'clock, he was still energetic after being completely awake.

"What link?"

"Okay, okay, don't go crazy, I'll take a look first, and then hang up."

Listening to the constant noise on the other end of the phone, Lin Quan rubbed his ears in protest speechlessly.

As soon as he woke up, he heard someone howling in his ear at a speed of 10,000 words per hour, which really made people doubt their lives.

The website address is Phoenix.

Title: Annual Asian Most Beautiful Women Voting List.

When Lin Quan saw this list, he hadn't reacted to what might happen.

When a group of fans and all kinds of people were partying yesterday, he didn't participate at all and didn't know what happened.

Even the fan group of the cross-dressing boss at the Yun City Comic Exhibition did not include him.

Lin Quan's fan group, but Lin Quan did not join.

This is also quite funny.

He took a look at the first place on the list.

The second place.

Lin Quan did not have any special expression.

Very good-looking!

But, just very good-looking.

Even looking at this Chinese girl and another beauty from a Southeast Asian country, Sri Lanka, with a high nose bridge and big eyes, delicate features, very good-looking, and a good figure in the following photos.

Lin Quan simply praised in his heart.

But what he actually wanted to say...

That's it? ? ?

It seems.

Not as good-looking as his cross-dressing!

While thinking shamelessly, Lin Quan shrugged his shoulders, and when he was about to close the website, suddenly, he saw a picture that seemed to be a familiar figure!


"This stage looks so familiar."

"Wait, this third place..."

Lin Quan saw a corner of the photo, and found that the stage was very familiar before he saw the face. When he turned over and saw the person in the photo.

His eyes widened instantly!

What do you mean by looking a little familiar...

The figure in the photo was Lin Quan himself!

When was he photographed by someone else?

After taking a look at the photo, the person in the photo had red lips and white teeth, and her skin was white and snow-free. The ultra-high image quality made the pores on it clearly visible. However, if you look carefully, you can't find any flaws.

What's more amazing is her expression, her eyes are charming, and her expression is calm and her temperament is elegant and stable, but when you see that face, you feel a heartbeat.

It's like the melting snow in early spring, as if it hasn't reacted to the cold, but in fact, it has already heralded the arrival of spring.

"This photo is pretty good..."

"The other photos are also good. Were they taken by others when I was performing on stage? It seems that some of them were taken by someone on the scene with a large aperture lens of a SLR camera?"

Inadvertently, Lin Quan even admired the photos one by one.

But he just saw two photos and reacted.

"Wait, isn't this the list of the most beautiful women in Asia on"

"Why am I on this list?"

Before Lin Quan thought about it, a shout came from downstairs.

Lin Quan was stunned.

What sound?

Because Lin Quan went to college in Yun City, after graduation, he directly got a job in the studio founded by his former seniors in this city.

The main work content is the creation of some two-dimensional animations, and Lin Quan is responsible for rendering the work content.

Therefore, Lin Quan has many familiar friends in this city.

Even many people know that his family lives here... But before, except for a few people in the studio, Lin Quan didn't usually come into contact with anyone else.

After all, after graduation, everyone is busy with work, and many people have gone to work in other first-tier cities all over the world.

Not many people stayed in Yun City, and the younger students in the school also had their own social circles. To be honest, the time and topics were not suitable for them who had already entered the society and worked.

It was the first time that someone called his name downstairs.

As soon as he leaned out of the window.

Lin Quan was stunned.

There were more than a dozen students standing downstairs! !

The leader was Lin Quan's younger student from Jiangnan University of Science and Technology... One or two familiar faces could be seen in the crowd, but more of them were the faces of a group of unfamiliar younger students!

Lin Quan blinked in disbelief.These people...

Are they all here to look for me? ? When they saw Lin Quan, a school girl screamed instantly! Even Lin Quan was startled.

"Wow!! It's really Lin Quan himself! The real person is even more handsome than the one in the video!"

"The proportion of his facial features is so good, just like the sculpture portraits I learned before. According to the teacher, this is the standard example of beautiful bones and golden ratio!"

"Lin Quan, come down quickly! These are all your fans! Hahahaha! I didn't expect it, you're famous! There are still many people in the school who want to come... But it's mainly because it's vacation now, and many people are not in school! Basically, those who are in school all ran over to catch you!"

The group of people below were excited and excited.

When they saw Lin Quan, they wanted to climb up the wall directly to take a photo with him, pinch his face, and see if this person was real.

How could he look so good?

But Lin Quan, who had never seen such a scene, was of course shocked at this time!

The cute expression made the group of juniors and seniors burst out laughing.


"Too cute, this expression is too cute!"

The junior who was familiar with Lin Quan apologized to Lin Quan and told him why they came. They just came to take a photo. Some people just came to see what the cross-dressing man who became popular overnight looked like.

After all...

This cross-dressing man who became popular overnight was actually a senior in their school, and he was even working in the city now?

This was something that these students could not imagine.

It was as if they were saying.

The protagonist of the popular Kuangbiao was actually a senior in the same school or even an ordinary person...

It was just a science fiction plot!

Liu Cixin would have to sigh that he was inferior to him. Or you can write science fiction, but you dare to think about this?

That's why these people were so excited and came to watch.

After a while, Lin Quan hurriedly washed up and put on a hoodie and jeans, without taking time to tidy up his slightly messy hair from sleeping.

He ran downstairs directly.

After going downstairs... he saw how many people ran to his door to block him...

Not only the dozen downstairs, but there were also a dozen in the corridor!

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