
Sparrows are chirping and flirting on the wires, the summer breeze is warm, and the flowers at the entrance of the shooting site are brightly colored.

Yin Qingxue, who had just arrived at the crew, looked at the bench at the entrance and was startled!

"Lin Quan, didn't you sleep yesterday?"

"Your dark circles are too heavy!"

With such heavy dark circles, people who don't know would think that this popular star was pulled out to work illegally by someone!

Yin Qingxue's concerned voice made other staff members look over here, and they were all a little surprised.

Lin Quan had never been like this before.

What happened yesterday?

Did you break up?

Or did something happen at home?

Seeing Lin Quan like this, many people couldn't help but imagine.

However, when Lin Quan saw Yin Qingxue, he immediately took out a notebook from his arms.

"Look at the music score I wrote!"

There is no cartoon "Magic Ah Yo" in this world.

Naturally, there is no song "You and Me".

Lin Quan knew very well that if he said that the song was written by someone else, it would become a lie, and he would be in trouble because of this matter.

It would be better to just say that he wrote it himself, which would save him trouble and effort.

For Lin Quan, who has a memory palace, it is not too difficult to create such a song.


Yin Qingxue was stunned. She didn't expect that Lin Quan stayed up late yesterday to write a song?

In other words...

She really wanted to take the difficult path she said.

Thinking of this, Yin Qingxue couldn't help but feel mixed emotions.

After all, the two of them are colleagues now.

Although Lin Quan is a boy, he plays a role in a cross-dressing role and takes on the female lead with her.

Usually they are like friends and besties, and the relationship between them is much closer than that of ordinary friends.

Seeing that he is going to take the same path as herself, countless hardships flashed through Yin Qingxue's mind.

"Okay, let me see."

Putting away her thoughts, Yin Qingxue picked up the music score in Lin Quan's hand and began to check it.

The handwriting on it is very neat, and it can be seen that the owner of the handwriting has practiced hard pen calligraphy very well.

However, when Yin Qingxue noticed the music score and lyrics, she was a little surprised.

This looks.

Very professional!

The lyrics are catchy and the melody is natural and lively.

She can imagine the little girl and boy singing, sunny and cheerful, singing this song in that catchy voice.

Even after Yin Qingxue read the notes and melody a little, she hummed in her heart, and her throat couldn't help but make some sounds.

"Not bad."

"Did you write this yourself?"

Yin Qingxue looked at Lin Quan in surprise.

Although she knew that Lin Quan was engaged in the entertainment art industry before, his previous job was a renderer in an animation company!

It should have nothing to do with composing and writing lyrics.

Lin Quan shrugged very sincerely.

"I learned some music in college to attract girls. I wrote this yesterday."

"What do you think of me singing this song?"

Yin Qingxue nodded.


Anyway, in her opinion, this song is no worse than the hit songs created by the teams behind those star idols.

Even the lyrics are positive. Overall, it is a very good song.

It's just that whether it can become popular or not...

Yin Qingxue knows very well that this kind of thing depends largely on luck!

Either there is capital behind crazy push, relying on hard and soft advertising to promote, it will naturally become popular.

Or, by chance, it just happens to catch up with a social sentiment, a living environment, and a good stage and opportunity.

The song and the person can also become popular by themselves.

It's just...

The former depends on identity. If it's not in your destiny, it won't happen naturally.

The latter depends on luck...

But even if the quality of this song will not become popular, it can allow Lin Quan to gain a stable fan base.

What's even better is.

This is a song he wrote and composed himself, which is his unique advantage over all other star idol singers!

Good-looking, cross-dressing, and can write songs.

Never mind whether the writing is good or not, with such conditions, even if placed in an idol training group, they will be trained as core players.

Seeing Lin Quan's expectant eyes, Yin Qingxue sighed.

"I don't have a role this afternoon, you come with me to a place."

Lin Quan blinked, not sure what Yin Qingxue said, but obviously, she seemed to have made up her mind.


It was soon afternoon.

Lin Quan came to the crew early.

Yin Qingxue had changed her clothes and removed her makeup and stood at the door waiting.

After seeing Lin Quan, Yin Qingxue nodded to him.

"Let's go."

Yin Qingxue shrugged.

"Come with me to buyA gift! Let's meet someone together."

Knock, knock, knock--

With the knock on the door, a middle-aged woman opened the door.

Her face was very clean and looked very young, but some signs of aging could be seen from some details.


Before Lin Quan finished his greeting, the woman smiled and nodded to Lin Quan.

She also took Yin Qingxue, who was standing at the door with a nervous face and holding a gift, into the room.

"Come in."

"I've made some hot tea, so we can drink and chat. "

The woman led the two into the house and was very considerate. She was not overly concerned and would not make people feel awkward or inappropriate.

However, even so, Yin Qingxue's expression was still very nervous.

During the subsequent chat, Lin Quan learned that.

The woman Yin Qingxue brought him to see.

She is a milestone figure in China's animation and film industries!

This also involves the difference between this world and the world line of Lin Quan's previous life!

The China in this world is the same as the world of Lin Quan's previous life.

They have all experienced an era of super-fast development.

In the early days of that era, everyone was actively engaged in various careers!

Various industries in the country are developing rapidly.

Entertainment industries such as movies, animation and TV series, financial industries such as real estate stocks, and various corpse industries are developing rapidly. Speed!

But unlike the previous life, there was no leader who could really change the entire industry in the animation industry.

Three people appeared in the animation industry of this world.

Although if you want to say it, you can find many brilliant figures from that era...

However, these three people are the ones who led the animation of that era in everyone's mouth!

If they hadn't sold their pots and irons, persisted, and recruited a team...

I'm afraid that the animation industry in China would be the same as in the previous life. After the industry developed, it would enter the low-cost 3D animation era.

And what Lin Quan learned was.

The woman in front of him was one of the three leaders of the year!

Wang Yongping!

Yin Qingxue brought him to her.

It was to allow him to be in this industry without the need for unspoken rules to mix into the industry.

A legitimate reason!

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