God has pity on him. That innocent-looking shepherd boy can reach the pinnacle of life by relying on his appearance and temperament...

It shows that humans actually only care about appearance, not the heart.

At least a large part of people are like this!

Therefore, Lin Quan's cosplay of Kafka, whose appearance and temperament surpass most people's cognition, spread in various groups at the speed of a virus.

If it weren't for the fact that many people haven't seen the news in the morning.

If it weren't for the fact that it takes time for the news to ferment.

Fan points, 15,000?

It can't be just this number!

Of course, Lin Quan didn't know these.

After thinking about it for a while and knowing the reason, he decided to draw a lottery first to see what kind of rewards the system can give him.

"Draw, draw five silver draws and one gold draw."

A silver draw costs 1,000 points.

A gold draw costs 10,000 points.

This distribution is just enough to use up all the points just obtained.

Spend 15,000 points!

It's not that Lin Quan likes to squander... He just wants to know what results he can get in the system!

Click, click, click--

Soon the results of this lottery appeared in front of Lin Quan.

"Silver lottery:

First prize: 100,000 cash!

Second prize: 50,000 cash!

Third prize: Modified fatbob114 Harley motorcycle!

Fourth prize: Primary charm card*1!

Fifth prize: 150,000 cash!"

"Gold lottery:

First prize: Yunshi high-end villa residence*1!"

"100,000, 50,000...150,000, that's 300,000??"

"300,000 cash?"

"These are just three rewards in the silver lottery!!"

Lin Quan was a little surprised. Originally, in his imagination, he should not get any good rewards for the thousands of fan points he got so easily.

He thought.

Maybe only the gold lottery has the possibility of getting something good.

However, now, just a few ordinary rewards in the silver lottery add up to 300,000 in cash.

This number is not small!

Although he earns a lot of money as an animation rendering artist, his living expenses are very high, so it is difficult to save much.

Take out 300,000 in cash at once?

It is definitely a "huge sum"!

Many multi-million-dollar projects have only earned this much profit after working for several years! (Of course, several projects can be carried out at the same time.)

However, Lin Quan, who just saw this reward, did not let himself indulge in excitement and excitement.

He still opened his mobile phone and checked the bank account under his name.

Because according to the system's instructions, the money won from the lottery can be directly transferred to his bank card.

Moreover, this amount comes from the system, which guarantees that no one can find any problems. It comes from a regular source and has already paid personal tax.

And before he saw the money...

He couldn't be sure if he was crazy or hallucinating.

"Bank card transaction:

Amount: 300,000.00

Time: *month**day**hour**minute

Account: Savings card*9015

Current balance: 301,951.80"

"It's true!"

After taking a look at his phone, Lin Quan immediately saw the message.

Bank card deposit... 300,000 yuan! Adding his original balance of almost 2,000 yuan, the total is 300,190 yuan!

After calculation, his assets have increased by about 150 times in just a moment...


"This is just the reward for the three silver draws!"

After thinking about this, Lin Quan hurriedly looked at the other rewards.

After Baidu...

He found that the motorcycle with a bunch of English letters in the silver draw...

One car is worth 200,000 yuan.

And you can't buy it in China at all!

If you want to buy it, you have to add shipping costs, tariffs, and various troublesome methods. ...

At least it is doubled in value!

What's more.

The system rewarded Lin Quan with a modified motorcycle. It was quite troublesome to pass the inspection and get a license plate, to be honest.

If he sold this motorcycle right now, he could get nearly one million RMB directly!

After a quick check, Lin Quan found that the motorcycle was parked in the underground garage of a high-end community next to his school.

As for the high-end villa in Yun City that he won in the gold-level lottery, Lin Quan also checked it out briefly and found that he did have another villa under his name.

It was in the high-end villa area of ​​QingbuyuanIn.

Although Yun City is not the best first-tier city, nor is it the best developed among the new first-tier cities, in Lin Quan's memory, the average price of that villa area has reached a minimum of 30,000 per square meter, and there are even prices of 60,000 to 70,000 per square meter.

It is also a state of having a price but no market. Some ordinary real estates are sold at low prices, but this kind of high-end luxury villa area is inhabited by truly hidden rich people. They are bought and kept in various cities. Since their circles need privacy, they are generally not sold.

So having a house like this can be regarded as a preliminary ticket to enter the upper circle.

Of course, all this is not important to him. He only knows that he has done nothing and has an expensive villa under his name!

These are all the contents of his Baidu search.

But what makes Lin Quan a little strange is, what is this primary charm card? After a group of extravagant material rewards, there is another thing like this.

It doesn't look very eye-catching, but because it is obtained from the system, Lin Quan does not underestimate this thing.

After all, the things obtained before are valuable and sincere.

Lin Quan also felt that the saying that system products must be high-quality products is indeed true.

"Let me read the instructions carefully. To be honest... I didn't read the notes so carefully in class before!"

Lin Quan looked up and looked carefully.

"Props: Primary Charm Card

Limited to 10 minutes, increase charm by 100%.

Start the task: Capture fans! Get fan points by critical hits within the time limit, and you can complete the task by reaching 100,000. Complete the task and get a cash reward of 1 million! (Fan points obtained within the time limit cannot be used for lottery, and will be automatically submitted and disappeared after the task is completed; if the task is not completed, the points will automatically disappear; the extra fan points will be retained.)"


This reward is a prop to start the task!

After using it, the task will be started, and the task is limited to 10 minutes.

The number of fans obtained within 10 minutes will be critical hits, and the original 1 point will become 2 points, or even 3 points, 10 points.

If you reach 100,000 fans in 10 minutes, you can complete the task!

The reward for completing the task is a cash reward of 1 million.

This is definitely a very suitable task.

"One million cash?"

Lin Quan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Although the previous two rewards, motorcycles and high-end villas, are worth about the same or even more.

But it is real estate after all. If you want to convert it into cash, you need a lot of means. If you are too anxious, you can't find a suitable buyer and the price will be greatly discounted.

Discount on the original value.

However, the one million cash given directly is a real cash flow.

Of course, compared with the number of 100,000 fan points, the reward of one million cash does not seem to be much.

However, if there is no primary charm card to double the charm and critical hit to obtain fan value, it may not be easy to get such a large number of fan points.

It is equivalent to using the charm card.

You have to find a way to get 100,000 fan points.

The more you get, the better!

If you reach 100,000, you will get a basic reward of one million cash!

If you can get more fan points by doubling your charm and getting a critical hit to get a fan value boost...

Then all the remaining fan points can be used for the lottery.

It can be said that this primary charm card is worthy of the quality of the system, and it is indeed a very powerful prop!

Lin Quan glanced at the big stage of the A3 area and the exhibition area not far away...He had an idea in his mind.

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