At night, Lin Quan stood up from his desk and stretched comfortably.

Today's update has been uploaded.

Recently, readers have responded very well to the book written by Lin Quan. Not only has the number of subscriptions increased sharply, but the interaction in the comment area has also become more and more.

At present, the most heated topic in the comment area is the identity of the author.

After checking more than 100 contestants one by one, the readers found helplessly that none of them seemed to be able to write such a vivid and interesting book...

The helpless readers have now started the second round of screening.

Lin Quan felt secretly happy about the readers' curiosity.

What kind of expression will the readers have when they find out that he is the author of the book one day?

Lin Quan left the study, found some food in the refrigerator, and picked up the mobile phone on the desk.

Because he was busy updating just now, he had not checked his mobile phone. Lin Quan was afraid that he would miss some important news.

Sure enough, there were unread messages from Weixin on the mobile phone.

Opening his phone, Lin Quan found that the message was from his former boss.

Boss: "Lin Quan, I have already found a voice actor for the novel you sent me."

"Although the young man is young, he is very experienced. I have posted the audio novel he recorded on the Internet. It is a big hit!"

"You can listen to it when you have time."

After seeing the message, Lin Quan also grinned happily.

Then, his slender fingers tapped lightly on the screen of the mobile phone, and soon a message was edited. Lin Quan decisively pressed the send button.

"Thank you, boss. This is really troublesome for you."

"I am sure you can trust the person you found. The effect will definitely be very good."

Unexpectedly, the message from the former boss of the company arrived very quickly.

It seemed as if he had been waiting for Lin Quan to reply.

Boss: "Lin Quan, I really admire you. How did you come up with such a popular dubbing novel in such a short time?"

"Please update quickly. I have to listen to this novel every night before going to bed. I can't sleep without it!"

After seeing the boss's message, Lin Quan understood instantly...

This is urging for updates!

Lin Quan was also a little speechless about the taste of his former boss...

Who would listen to tomb-robbing novels every day before going to bed?

Some time ago, Lin Quan moved several tomb-robbing novels that were popular in his previous life to this world based on his memory.

In order to maximize the influence of tomb-robbing novels, Lin Quan did not choose to publish tomb-robbing novels on the Internet in the form of text.

Instead, he contacted the boss of the former company and asked him to help find a better dubbing actor to record the content of the novel into audio and then publish it on the Internet.

Facts have proved that Lin Quan's choice was not wrong.

Different novels require different carriers.

Only in the form of audio novels can the horror, thriller, and suspense of tomb-robbing novels be expressed through intonation and special dubbing.

This is also the experience of the previous life. Many tomb-robbing novels were not particularly popular when they were printed as paper books, but they became extremely popular after being recorded as audio books.

Moreover, the main audience of tomb-robbing novels are young people who seek excitement. These young people have relatively little spare time, and listening to novels while doing other things is more in line with their needs.

As soon as it was released, it was sought after and loved by many young people.

Lin Quan was also very happy about this result.

After traveling to this world, of course, he had to try his best to fill the gaps in this world, and at the same time make his life more exciting.

Although he had resigned from the previous company, Lin Quan did not stop doing animation.

The animation industry and the cosplay industry have many things in common. A popular animation may give rise to the market demand for cosplay.

Moreover, Lin Quan also likes animation very much.

The reason for choosing to resign is that working in the company has affected Lin Quan's other careers.

Nowadays, when Lin Quan is free, he will also make some comics by himself and then publish them on the BB station.

The main works published are the animation clips of "Ancient God Ghost Suzie".

Lin Quan's excellent animation skills and the wonderful plot of "Ancient God and Ghost Suzie" have attracted the attention of many viewers.

Lin Quan's number of fans on the BB station has also increased from the initial single digits to the current scale of over 10,000.

"Okay, Lin Quan."

"Let's talk about this today. If you have time, update the audiobook quickly. I still rely on it to sleep at night!"

The former boss said something to Lin Quan and stopped talking..

Seeing that the former boss was silent, Lin Quan also put down his phone and prepared to continue editing the video.

However, just after putting down his phone, Lin Quan saw his phone flash again.

"What is the former boss doing? He told me to update quickly..."

Lin Quan muttered, but still picked up the phone as soon as possible to see what the former boss said.

Unexpectedly, this message was not sent by the former boss.

The message was sent by the comic studio of "Non-Human Zai", who sent a private message to Lin Quan's BB station account.

"Hello, UP host."

"We are from the "Non-Human Zai" comic studio. We accidentally saw the comics you posted on the Internet. We think you are a very talented person."

"We sincerely invite you to join our "Non-Human Zai" comic studio to create more popular animations together. What do you think?"

After putting down the phone, Lin Quan fell into deep thought.

At this stage, he has too many things to do.

I have to cosplay in competitions, write books, update audiobooks, and update my own animation videos.

Each of these things takes up a lot of energy, not to mention taking care of them all at the same time.

If I join the "Non-Human" animation studio, I will definitely be too busy.

Moreover, he used to make comics, so he definitely can't go back to making comics. Not only will it affect his other careers, but it will also be difficult to explain to his former boss.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Quan finally decided that he couldn't go back to work.

However, Lin Quan still likes the comic "Non-Human" very much.

This team, whether it is creativity or painting, is very much in line with Lin Quan's appetite.

After considering for a long time, Lin Quan replied to the other party.

"Sorry, I don't plan to go to work for the time being,"

"But I am indeed a loyal fan of your "Non-Human" comics. If there is a chance in the future, we can discuss with each other."

The account of the "Non-Human" comic studio quickly responded.

"Okay, I look forward to your valuable advice!"

They were somewhat disappointed that Lin Quan did not agree to join them.

However, at least the relationship was established, and it was not impossible to cooperate again in the future.

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