Yin Qingxue's abnormal behavior immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the private room.

Although Yin Qingxue is beautiful and has a good status.

But she has always given people a very kind impression.

Now, she suddenly got so angry that people couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"Qingxue, what happened?"

The director looked at Yin Qingxue in surprise and asked.

Yin Qingxue also felt that her behavior just now was a bit out of control. Her beautiful face blushed and she immediately recounted the whole story.

"The competition team called me just now."

"They said there was a problem with their work."

"There was a problem during the backstage input process, and Lin Quan's information was not entered into the system."

After Yin Qingxue finished speaking, there was a sound of people sucking in cold air in the whole private room.

This competition team is really outrageous, outrageous to the extreme!

According to Lin Quan's strength and his performance so far, there is no doubt that he will enter the national competition preliminaries.

But the competition team didn't enter Lin Quan's information into the system?

What's going on? !

Not to mention the competition team of this national level competition, even the previous lower-level competition teams have never made such a mistake!

Everyone fell into silence.

There is no way, dumbfounded.

Because according to the normal rules of the competition team, such a situation cannot be participated in the competition at all.

Lin Quan frowned when he heard the news.

He has been well prepared.

Not only did he prepare a perfect role-playing card, which can increase the restoration degree to more than 100%.

He also spent a lot of money to create a set of costumes for the Herrscher of the Elysia.

Now, all this has been in vain?

However, Lin Quan's character has never been a person who gives up easily.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Quan turned his head and looked at Yin Qingxue.

"Qingxue, what did the competition team say?"

"Is there any way to remedy the situation?"

Lin Quan was still thinking, make the last effort, once there is a way to remedy the situation, wouldn't it be better?

Hearing Lin Quan ask this, a crew member next to him secretly swallowed his saliva and muttered in a low voice.

"Will Lin Quan be unable to participate in the competition for such an inexplicable reason?"

"If there is no way to participate in the competition, you have to wait another year."

The man spoke in a low voice, but it was enough for several people around him to hear.

"Puh, phuh, phuh, you crow's mouth!"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and phuh, phuh, phuh!"

"Yes, things are not at the end of the road yet, think of a way and maybe there will be a chance to remedy the situation!"

"Yes, Lin Quan, this guy is a person who talks without thinking, don't take him too seriously."

The crew knew that Lin Quan must be in a very bad mood now, and hurriedly comforted him.

Lin Quan didn't say anything about the staff member's bad mouth.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Quan waved his hand, signaling everyone not to speak.

Following Lin Quan's action, everyone shut up and quietly waited for the final result.

Yin Qingxue's slender fingers kept clicking on the phone and began to communicate with the people in the event group.

"Qingxue, what did the event group say?"

Seeing Yin Qingxue stop typing, Lin Quan hurriedly asked.

Yin Qingxue's beautiful eyebrows wrinkled into two small earthworms, and her tone of voice became a little irritable.

"The event group means that this matter has become a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed."

"They mean that you will definitely not be able to participate in tomorrow's competition. If you are willing to participate next year, they can let you sign up in advance."

Hearing this, the crew members on the scene were immediately angry.

What kind of solution is this?

They all knew when Lin Quan signed up.

Now, due to the reasons of the competition team, Lin Quan's information was not entered in time, resulting in such a major mistake.

Just a casual sentence, will you be allowed to register in advance next year?

"Ms. Yin, the reply from the competition team is too irresponsible!"

"After all, it was their fault that Lin Quan could not register normally."

The makeup artist who stayed in the crew asked carefully.

An angry expression appeared on Yin Qingxue's face.

"What they mean is that even if Lin Quan participated in the competition, he would be just an ordinary contestant and might not be able to get a result."

"So there is no need to make an exception for Lin Quan."

"It's really shameless!"

Yin Qingxue stretched out her snow-white little hand and wanted to slap the table again, venting his anger.

But thinking that there were so many people in the room, he put it back awkwardly.

"They are simply stupid!"

"How many people in Jiangnan Province don't know about Lin Quan's cosplay ability?"

"As long as Lin Quan participates, I won't be surprised if he wins the championship, let alone getting a name!"

"Now you use such a weird reason to refuse Lin Quan's participation?"

A crew member, not knowing whether it was because of drinking or anger, cursed with a red face.

"Yes, they made a mistake themselves, but Lin Quan has to pay for it?"

"Why do I feel that their words are so shameless... I went to buy lottery tickets, and you said that I might not win the prize, so you won't give me the lottery ticket?"

"Yes, Lin Quan's cosplay ability is so strong, it's not surprising that he won the championship, but they actually refused Lin Quan to participate."

"The so-called national-level competition is just like this..."

"That's right, they always say it is the largest and most formal cosplay competition in the country, but now it seems that it is not even as good as some small-scale competitions."


After cursing for a while, several crew members finally calmed down.

There is a weirdness in this matter.

Lin Quan had already registered with the competition group, and everyone knew it.

The competition group did not deny this, but just said that they had a problem and did not enter Lin Quan's information into the computer.

Now there is only one day before the competition. If it is not solved quickly, Lin Quan may really find it difficult to participate in this competition.

That is a considerable loss for Lin Quan.

"Is there something fishy going on?"

"Is someone secretly doing something to Lin Quan?"

Although the crew members are not from the entertainment industry, they have seen a lot of such things.

In an instant, they thought of a possibility that made their backs cold.

If that's the case, it's really hard for Lin Quan to participate in this competition this year.

Several people looked at each other and saw worried looks in each other's eyes.

This year, we can organize Lin Quan to participate in the competition in this way, but what about next year?

If something weird happens again, Lin Quan will never be able to participate in this competition in his life!

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