I Am A Match Maker

1 1.0 My Life without You

"Sorry Miss but we did what we can do..."

"It's all your fault! Now my Xiao Ru is gone because of you!"

"Why don't you move on and find another guy? He's not coming back you know..."

"Time won't be reverse no matter how much you regret..."


"... If only I didn't wish for us to meet then maybe you'll be here..."


I was walking down the street to meet up with my old friend, it's been years since we met so I'm kinda excited to see her.

Looking at my phone for directions, soon I saw the café that we're meeting at.

I went inside and ordered for hot chocolate while I wait for my friend.

I look outside the window and made me reminisce the time your still alive.

It made me wonder of the possible future we could have if I haven't insist on meeting that time.

Will you still be alive? Will we still be together, I wonder? Will your mom have accepted me by now? Will we have our own family perhaps?

So many possible outcomes entered my head but I knew one fact that remains...

The fact that all of it will never come true since you're no longer here with me.

As I am in my own world, I didn't notice my friend have come until she tapped me on my shoulder.

We talked about many things that have happened in our lives especially the ones that we did when we're still in school, soon we touch about the subject about him.

"Xia Rin are you still not over him? It's been seven years since then, I bet Xie Ru will be sad seeing you like this."

"Ling Ling, you know that it's not that easy since I'm the one..."



"that accident is not your fault... None of it is so please forgive yourself... Not just for you but for Xie Ru as well."

".... I'll try Ling Ling"

After that we continued our talk before we decided to call it a day and set up another get together, this time with our other friends.

As we got out of the café, a dirty and suspicious looking man appeared.

I immediately usher Ling Ling to the side to avoid the man but when Ling Ling saw him, she went rigid and started to tremble by that I knew the manbis bad news.

"Xiao Ling, honey I've come to get you home..."

"Ling Ling?"

Ling Ling seems not to hear anything that was said and just started to shake more while chanting some words.

So I took initiative to take Ling Ling away from this man.

When the man saw that we ignored him, he starts to shout some cursed words at us but I still continue to ignore him.

Soon he took a knife out and rushed towards us.

My reaction was late so I was stabbed but before I fell down, I took the knife that was stabbed at my heart and stabbed him as well.

'If I'm going down, you're coming with me' is what I thought at that time.

Then both of us fell, before I closed my eyes I look at Ling Ling and said...

"Now I can be with him..."

Soon I closed my eyes and welcome death

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