I Am A Match Maker

3 1.2 Ru Lin and Tai Shui

I opened my eyes and saw an ordinary room, a typical messy guys room.

My head seem a bit jumbled but as soon as I organise my thoughts, I started to fume and called 07.

"07, what the hell is this?!

I didn't sign up for this nor did it have my approval!" (XR)

"Pertaining to that, host doesn't have any say for this according to the head." (07)

"Wha?! That frickin!" (XR)

"If host wants to meed the head then host should start accumulating points by completing the missions" (07)

"If I get enough points I can meet that guy right?" (XR)

"Affirmative host" (07)

"Okay I get it, I'll play his little game then next will be him.. So 07 what is my mission?" (XR)

"Your mission is to ensure that the ML, Ru Lin, and the FL, Ming Yu, got married.

You are now the gay best friend of Ru Lin, Yun Wei and currently you are a student of Hong Ning Academy." (07)

"What the-?! I'm gay?! How? Why? Explain!" (XR)

"Host please remember that you are currently a guy and to ensure that the FL will not fall for you, the head have set for you to be gay in all of your mission..." (07)

"Wha-.. That frickin guy, he'll get it once I see him.." (XR)

"Also the head said and I quote 'It doesn't matter whether she's gay or not since she's a girl inside a guy's body now so why not just go with it' unquote" (07)

".... Sigh, fine let's think about that later back to the topic, I just need get them married and the mission will be complete.. Is that right?" (XR)

"Yes host, but there will also side-mission for additional points..." (07)

"Hmm... Okay I think I got the gist of things but wait didn't you say that I'm currently a high schooler?" (XR)

"Yes, that is correct host and by my prediction you will be late for school" (07)

"What?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" (XR)

I quickly dressed up and rush out of the house, luckily I have the previous owner's memories so I knew where to go. I got to the room 5 seconde before the bell rang.

"phew, that was a close call..." (XR)

"I'll say, it's rare for you to be late Wei" (RL)

'Who again is this guy? Oh right, he's the ML, Ru Lin.'

"I overslept this morning that's all..."(XR)

"Hmm..." (RL)

Soon the teacher came and save me from future interrogation.

Looking at the Ru Lin, I gotta say that he truly fits the category of ML.

Having a shaggy black hair and emerald eyes, showing his half bloodline. Good in all sports, have top grades, loved by both guys and girls, got nice body built and to top it off a pure gentleman. A true jackpot for the ladies, sigh if only I was also a girl I bet I would go for him as well but wait I'm a gay now so is that mean I could go for him as well?

"Negative host" (07)

"Wha-" (XR)

"Is there something wrong Yun Wei?" (Teacher)

"Nothing Miss, I am very sorry for the disturbance" (XR)

The teacher went back to her lessons while I began my questioning to 07.

"The heck was that?! Is that you 07?" (XR)

"Affirmative host" (07)

"But how?" (XR)

"Answeing to that, we can communicate telepathically" (07)

"Oh I see, is what I like to say but who gave you permission to read my mind?!"(XR)

"Answeing host, it is prerequisite according to the head" (07)


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