I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 125: If you have the ability to say that I am the overall situation!

  Chapter 125 If you have the ability to say that I am the overall situation!

  In the early morning of the next day, when everyone was packing their things and preparing to leave, Wilderness Knight Balin came over like a street runner, with empty hands and a certain kind of joke in his expression.

Lan Site looked at the other party, and when he saw the other party's appearance, he felt a little disdainful in his heart. As a knight, he was so unmannered. You can be poor and sloppy, but the other party's demeanor was a kind that made him feel very awkward. Feel.

   "What are you doing here again?" Lan Site asked vigilantly, the opponent's strength was good, although he didn't like it, he didn't take it lightly, but was very cautious.

   "Don't be so nervous, just come here to ask, do you need manpower? My strength is not bad, and you can't find the same knight at the same price~" Bahrain said a little frivolously.

  Xiao Bai at the side raised his head and replied with a strong voice: "Yo?"

   "Xiaobai is asking why you want to eat clay baked noodles in a tavern with a kunk at the end." Gu Shanhai kindly translated it for Bahrain.


   This embarrasses Bahrain, who would have thought that a single onomatopoeia of yo would have such a wonderful translation in the language of a deer.

   "Okay, our team is no longer recruiting, you can go where you want to go, we are about to set off." Seeing that the other party is so embarrassed, Gu Shanhai also took this opportunity to let the other party go, so as not to cause further complications.

   "Cough, then I'm going to challenge your strongest!" Balin changed his mind.

  Seeing this, Gu Shanhai decisively led Xiaobai back. This scene made Bahrain feel black.

   Lan Si Te stood up, with a displeased expression on his face, there is indeed a problem, so let's kill it directly.

   "Wait, isn't he the strongest in your team?" Bahrain was shocked, are all current druids so shameless?

   Gu Shanhai from behind showed a slight smile, nodded and said: Yes, it's me, but I just don't make a move.

  In fact, Gu Shanhai was also a little surprised. This Bahrain's perception is still very good. The other party may not be able to perceive how strong he is, but he can perceive that he is the strongest.

"You!" Seeing Balin pointing at Gu Shanhai, Lan Site felt a surge of anger rising from his chest. This was simply provocative. In his eyes, Gu Shanhai was clearly the weakest, but he still dared to pick the weakest. The weak will fight.

"Ah, if you want to say that, I admit defeat, you win." Gu Shanhai spread his hands, indicating that he is a weak chicken, but, he secretly used the telepathic link to tell everyone present that this guy is here Those who provoke trouble, don't talk to him about morality, just swarm him and take him down.

   Lan Site was a little hesitant. Gu Shanhai's method did not conform to the knight's principles, and then Gu Shanhai said that the opponent did not follow the knight's principles to challenge the weakest him, and even turned black and white and went directly.

   This matter was agreed by the wizards. The druids thought for a while and felt that what Gu Shanhai said made sense, and the knights finally followed suit.

  So, with Bahrain's face full of crap, he was pushed to the ground by thirty people and tied up.

  The mouth is cursing, this group of people is too much.

   "Lan Si Te, what do you plan to do with this Bahrain?" Gu Shanhai asked, what he meant was just to chop off his head and bury it in the ground, plot characters? Legendary hero? Forget it, it's just a handful of loess when you die, so how can there be so many preferential treatment.

  Lanste obviously didn't understand what Gu Shanhai meant, but said solemnly: "When we get to the town ahead, entrust the magistrate to send him to the capital. He can serve His Majesty."

  In Lan Site's eyes, the other party is a talent, and there is indeed a problem with his character, but there are so many ruthless people in the capital, there will always be someone to correct his character.

  They are a group of people who have conquered the whole world with real swords and guns. They are not ordinary people, and cherishing talents is also a serious one.

   "Okay, don't mind if I collect the spoils." Gu Shanhai felt that it was a pity, and thought he could chop one up, but he was not reconciled to letting the other party go like this.

  Bahrain, who was bound firmly, kept struggling and whimpering, as if he wanted to say something, but no one paid attention to it at all. After searching for a while, Gu Shanhai didn't find anything of value.

   "Is it so obvious to be poor?" Gu Shanhai was a little speechless.

   "Wait, wait, I'm sent by Ms. Morrigana" Barin, who finally struggled to get rid of the **** on his mouth, said hastily.

   "???" Gu Shanhai was a little confused, so he asked directly, "Why did you come here?"

"She wants to know what the person who rejected her marriage is like, and if possible, she will tie you back by the way." Balin confessed honestly at this time, it was definitely not because Gu Shanhai let him when he was groping on him shudder.

"Hiss~ It's so terrifying!" Gu Shanhai gasped, and almost said that he must not stay, but after thinking about it, this Morrigana didn't have the qualifications, if it was Artoris good.

   Lan Si Te also narrowed his eyes, his expression changed slightly, he was causing trouble for him, knowing that he was in charge of security, yet Morrigana dared to hit him in the face.

   "I'll write a letter to His Majesty, Merlin and others." Gu Shanhai's idea was very simple, he didn't have the heart to play tricks with the other party, so he just made a small report and attacked Morrigana from the source.

  Artoris can tolerate Morrigana's small actions, but if this small action involves the Kingdom of Camelot, then she doesn't have much willful capital.

  The letter was written quickly, and then he glanced at Bahrain.

   "Untie the rope on him and let him deliver the letter." Gu Shanhai said calmly.

  Hearing this, Lan Site hesitated to speak, but in the end he followed Gu Shanhai's order. He was indeed in charge, but Gu Shanhai's behavior was obviously prophetic.

   "You take these letters to the capital and give them to His Majesty, Merlin, Kai, Morrico and others. I think you should know their names."

"Don't even think about intercepting it. I will arrange for someone to send another letter to confirm later. You should know which one is more serious if you offend Morrigana, His Majesty, and the dukes and marquises. My connections and background in the entire kingdom , the Duke of Lancaster can testify."

As Gu Shanhai said, he handed over the letter to the other party. If he dared to do this, it must have been predicted by divination. Otherwise, how could he entrust the other party? If he went to the town ahead to let others deliver the letter, he would never be able to deliver it to the capital. It will be intercepted by Morrigana on the way.

   Only with the strength of Bahrain can it be delivered. Of course, the other party was also appreciated by Artorius because of this, which is a blessing in disguise.

  Bahrain swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and felt like crying for a while, what kind of hornet's nest did he poke, you are so powerful and brought out this group of crooked melons and cracked dates?

  After Gu Shanhai's "kindness" and "tactful" expression of his power, Bahrain could only agree to Gu Shanhai's request. If he didn't agree, he would most likely have to bury him on the spot.

   After dealing with this matter, everyone continued to set off.

   "Morgana has gone too far." Lansite said with deep eyes.

   "Ah, indeed, if it were someone else, it would probably not be my way of handling it. Crazy criticism of beauties can still poke a lot of cute spots in A Zhai." Gu Shanhai complained.

   It is that the housekeepers may not have enough strength to control this crazy beauty, and it is easy to lose their own people.

However, Morrigana probably doesn't like A Zhai either. The other party has the ability, ambition and platform to display it. Naturally, she should choose a strong alliance or a person like Gu Shanhai who has very strong connections but does not have much desire for power. , easy to control and can be a helper.

   Otherwise, what are you doing after you have nothing to do, the other party is not interested in him, but his identity and network.

   Gu Shanhai understood this very well.

   "Mr. Shanhai is right, the other party is not a good person, and he is not suitable for you, Mr. Shanhai." Lansite didn't understand the meaning behind it at all, but he could hear the general outline, after all, there was a crazy word.

"Huh? So in your next sentence, you don't want to say that you have a younger sister in your family or that you know a certain virtuous and virtuous lady who is going to introduce it to me." Gu Shanhai continued this sentence in an instant. He has gone through a lot during that time, he was a big boss at that time, and people who don't know how many people want to put women around him.

  At that time, Gu Shanhai said that what is so good about a woman, where there is a sense of game, even pets and followers have to be cultivated, and he doesn’t have enough game coins and skill points, so naturally he can’t afford it.

   Lan Site was a little embarrassed when he heard this, he really wanted to say that, but Gu Shanhai gave him the right answer.

   "Hey, Mr. Shanhai, it's not good for you to use prophecy in this regard." Lan Site could only reply with embarrassment.

   "What's not so good, why don't you try to persuade Merlin, Morrico and others, they don't have it." Gu Shanhai felt that this was a bit unfair, why did you just focus on him alone?

   "Not without it," Lan Si Te whispered.

   "." Gu Shanhai didn't expect that some nobles would dare to tell these personalities such things, and it seems that it failed.

  Then the two of them skipped this topic in a tacit understanding and changed it to another topic.

"Mr. Shanhai, are you sure these letters are useful? Morrigana is unlikely to give up." Lan Site asked, as one of the most powerful knights in Artoris, he had a very good impression of Morrigana. Deep, exactly the kind of crazy and rational situation.

   "How could she give up, but someone will help her give up." Gu Shanhai never thought of letting the other party calm down, but the overall situation can make her stable.

  When all the nobles in the entire capital told her to focus on the overall situation, she had to submit, otherwise the overall situation would have crushed her to death.

   Not everyone can call out the five words that I am the overall situation, and more often they are overwhelmed by the overall situation.

  If Morrigana still wants her power, she must back down, otherwise someone will help her back down.

"In the final analysis, it's still an innocent disaster. I have only met the other party once, and I didn't even say a word. Fortunately, there is a solution now. Otherwise, I will go back and kill her and hang her at the gate of the city." Gu Shanhai thought of it This is very uncomfortable, and I still feel a little bit at a loss.

   It's just that the matter of the Holy Grail is the focus now, and the benefits are so great that Gu Shanhai can ignore this discomfort, so he just uses some connections to make her feel uncomfortable.

"During the war, Morrigana did her own thing. Now that she has settled down and has His Majesty around, she is naturally even more arrogant, but she is not arrogant for no reason. She knows the bottom line." There is a saying that it is because she knows the bottom line that she can be arrogant.

  A person who is so arrogant that he does not know the bottom line cannot live to this day.

  That's why the opponent just sent the wilderness knight Bahrain to test, and Bahrain didn't have murderous intentions or malice, let alone dare to make too much fanfare.

   "Perhaps." Gu Shanhai felt a little discouraged, fighting for power was just a game in his eyes, unless they could become power monsters like Artorius, otherwise it would be meaningless.

  He never limited his eyes to this world, even if he didn't have the memory of his domineering behavior in his previous life, but the habit of the true spirit made his vision jump out of the original frame.

   Lan Site also saw that Gu Shanhai didn't want to continue the chat, so he didn't continue, but wentssip and then lost his voice, which made the atmosphere of the whole team quite dull.

  Gu Shanhai didn't care about the so-called atmosphere, but he was constantly deducing the data of the Spiral Demon Sword in his mind. This thing is definitely a magic weapon, and he wants to use it.

  Through the deduction, Gu Shanhai discovered one thing, the spiral magic sword was cursed and caused a mutation, in fact it was still the sword of the king, but the sword of the king that was cursed.

  The effect that affected his fortune has completely disappeared, obviously the transformation is complete.

  ‘This curse is a bit vicious. '

  Gu Shanhai looked at the data he deduced, and felt a little bit crazy.

  The holder can become a king, but in the process, no matter if they are friends or family members, as long as they have a relationship with them, they will suffer misfortune and die, making the holder a real loner.

  ‘So the name of this sword is called a sword with only one page in the account book? ’ Gu Shanhai complained in his heart, he dare not use it anymore, the process of becoming a king itself is a cursed process.

  ‘But it’s not that no one is suitable, Gan! Don't make me another monster. ’ Gu Shanhai was thinking about the next world, or else he could find a suitable world and sell it to the protagonist, maybe he could get some good stuff.

   It may lead the whole world astray. Sometimes, one person can change the world, just like He Lingyun, Artorius and others, they themselves are the leaders of the times.

   As for the benefits of changing the world? Of course, Gu Shanhai made a lot of money in these two worlds, and even made more money each time. This is the feedback after mixing with the protagonist and letting him break free from the original shackles.

  (end of this chapter)

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