I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 139: Take advantage of fate, discount your life by three thousand for three taels

  Chapter 139 Destiny to find fate, life discount three thousand for two

   "Oh my god, this thing can run like a meow, and it can run so fast." Gu Shanhai couldn't help but complain.

  A month ago, he left the capital for Mobei. The main reason was that he found a treasure of heaven and earth. It was not his chance, but he forced it.

  Ginseng is one of the nine immortal grasses, and it is not just an ordinary ginseng. It is the king of hundreds of herbs with three or two weights. It has the ability to sense the cicada before the autumn wind moves, and has been playing hide-and-seek with Gu Shanhai.

  The main reason is that this thing can walk through the soil, which is simply too outrageous, Gu Shanhai almost doubts life.

Gu Shanhai has seen ginseng become a ginseng doll, earth spirit, etc., and has eaten a lot in his previous life, but this all happened in the world of fairy tales and fantasy. Such a thing popping up in a world of middle martial arts is really challenging his three views.

  If it wasn't because he didn't make a perfect deduction, but because he was very talented, then he would feel relieved to catch it.

   "Xiaobai, do you have any ideas?" Gu Shanhai looked at Xiaobai, and he didn't know where he went at this time, and he couldn't even find out his perception.

  However, in Mobei, his sense of hunting for money found a lot of precious gems and metals, but unfortunately they were of no use to him.

   Grasping ginseng is the most important thing. This King of Herbs is definitely in its infancy, and the current aura cannot support its growth. As long as you catch it, you will definitely make money.

The value of this King of Herbs is still higher than his Qibao Tianhualian, as long as he gathers Dendrobium nobile, Tianshan snow lotus, three-two-fold ginseng, 120-year-old Shouwu, and sixty-year-old Poria cocos among the nine immortal grasses , Cistanche cistanche, at least the main medicine will not be missing in the future.

Why are there only six of the Nine Great Immortal Grasses, because the other three are Millennium Ganoderma lucidum, Undersea Pearl, and Cordyceps sinensis, not to mention the Undersea Pearl, which cannot be grown, and the Millennium Ganoderma and Cordyceps are fungi, not plants. No, he didn't think about putting the whole fungus symbiosis on his body, and the fusion of plants was enough for him to play.

  It’s not that if you look like a plant, you really have to plant it in your body.

   "Yo~" Xiaobai said what can it do, that thing can not only make holes, but also drift, and it can't keep up.

   "Then there's no other way, I can only die." It's not impossible, it's either the gold or the life, don't even think about the gold, he can't make it, so he can only die.

   "It will take a lot of money, otherwise it may not be able to catch it."

  Gu Shanhai is going to use visceral divination, which is quite useful. As for whose viscera to look at, of course it depends on his own.

   "Thanks to my magic eye, mystic eye, and power eye, otherwise I would have trouble seeing my internal organs."

  After positioning the eyeballs, Gu Shanhai tore open his chest and most of his abdomen.

   "Hiss~ It still hurts to strike me." Gu Shanhai gasped in pain.

   It’s just that at this time, he doesn’t care about the pain anymore. Through the vision of the eyeball, Gu Shanhai uses visceral divination. On the one hand, he manipulates the vitality to suppress the wound and continues to tear through the spirit blade. On the other hand, he manipulates his internal organs with two hands to perform divination.

   Along with the divination, a large number of pictures and prophecies kept pouring into his mind, giving him the illusion that he was connected to the whole world.

   This must be an illusion, it's just that there are too many and too many pictures pouring in, which made him feel a little confused.

  Time passed by every minute and every second, the severe pain suppressed Gu Shanhai's nerves, and the internal organs exposed to the air kept wriggling.

  The sky gradually dimmed, and Gu Shanhai finally woke up.

   "It's done, all we need to do next is to invite you into the urn." Gu Shanhai casually stitched up the huge wounds on his chest and abdomen, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

   "It hurts both the body and the life. The internal organ divination is easy to use, but it is not very friendly to me."

   Gu Shanhai didn’t only do divination once, this king of herbs does not belong to his chance, nor is he a virtuous person, so naturally he can’t just take it casually.

Unlike Qibao Tianhualian, which belongs to Wuzhu, his force is not meant to be intercepted by violence, which can indeed be obtained. Unlocking the limit state, this king of herbs is faster than him, so there is no need to be so troublesome Divination of internal organs is also required.

  So if you want to get it legally, you have to let this King of Herbs come to your door.

   It is equivalent to exchanging life for this opportunity.

   "Let's go, we should wait for this thing to be delivered to your door." Gu Shanhai did not continue to pursue this king of herbs, but let Xiaobai leave this area.

Take the opportunity, you have to pay attention to the method, the best method is not to touch the body, instead of stepping on the protagonist and grabbing the heroine, if it is so easy for you to get it, then it is not called a chance, but a delivery .

The reason why Gu Shanhai is so proficient is that in his previous life, he had no money after finishing the krypton gold flow, and finally had no choice but to take the opportunity to subsidize his family. At that time, he took up the game of Tianji flow, so he knew how to take the opportunity, How to deal with the aftermath, or how to run away and fail to escape the operation of hacking the creditor.

   As long as he is not unable to pay back, Gu Shanhai will not take the risk of hacking the creditor to death, at most he will pass the debt on to others.

  Currently, his relevant system does not have the knowledge of debt transfer, otherwise he would have passed on the debt in the last world, and if he wants to learn it, he has to find a special world.

  Tianji flow is not too grand, it is more like using life to get answers in advance and barter to get what you need, run away when the car overturns, let people take over, and Gu Shanhai finally hacked to death the creditor.

  It is equivalent to directly trading with the world, something that is illusory but real.

  In this process, in fact, it is not to intercept opportunities, but to buy opportunities. Those who overturn are generally evil ways of playing, and the righteous way of playing is unlikely to overturn.

  It seems that before, Gu Shanhai used evil means to take chances, similar to a hundred yuan of goods, he got them for one yuan by collecting wool, and whoever loses will be unlucky.

  As for the original opportunity owner? What does it have to do with Tianjiliu players, let them go to the world, Tianjiliu players bought their chances from the world, not the owner of the chance, you didn't get it, so why do you say it was yours.

This time, for the King of Herbs, Gu Shanhai paid an equivalent lifespan to buy this opportunity, but this opportunity is not delivered to the door, he needs to pick it up by himself, if he does not mention it within the time limit, it will lead to problems with the chance, and the world will also suffer. irresponsible.

  So now Gu Shanhai is ready to pick up the goods, and after the money is paid, naturally he has to pick it up.

   "It's just such a thing that cost me three thousand years of life. No wonder everyone in Tianjiliu is an evil gambling dog." Gu Shanhai complained.

   "Oh, my chance seems to be a coincidence."

   After realizing it, Gu Shanhai realized that if he scolded him like that, wouldn't he even scold himself.

Divination, predicting good and bad luck is only the most basic usage of Tianji flow. Most of the players are locusts, especially Tianji flow, because in their eyes, lifespan is just a price, and they have various ways to prolong life. With a lot of life-consuming expenditure.

  He just hasn't developed the foundation yet. Although Gu Shanhai is mainly based on spiritual plants, his actions are based on the flow of secrets.

"When I get the King of Herbs, I will trick Huang Yanshan to come out and pick up things with me when I go back. He should have enough strength by then." The reason why Gu Shanhai is close to the protagonist is a way of taking advantage of Tianjiliu. The favor of the protagonist, and then get it with the help of the protagonist and then donate it to yourself. This process will definitely consume lifespan.

  Because it is necessary to locate opportunities, find opportunities, etc., all of which need to be carried out in detail, but compared with Gu Shanhai's 3,000-year lifespan, he estimates that if Huang Yanshan is brought, it will take up to 30 years.

   It’s just that Huang Yanshan is just a weak chicken, bringing him out will delay his becoming stronger.

As a qualified Tianji player, the protagonist should not be regarded as a tool for treasure hunting, but should be regarded as a real friend, except for those protagonists who are wolf-hearted or dark, because as long as they are mixed with the protagonist, they will be able to have a good enough life. Under the premise of sensitivity, if you really want to have various secrets to counterattack or be hunted down, the protagonist will also come forward to help you.

   It will even find you various life-extending exercises, skills and even one-time props.

  So players of Tianjiliu, in addition to good divination and divination, must also ensure that they treat people with sincerity.

  Some players with talents such as hints, insights, or simulators, these talents are actually talents of the sky, similar to compound talents formed through divination and prophecy such as causality and luck.

  So Gu Shanhai is not envious of these talents at all, he can do it himself, the only flaw is that it takes a long time, but it is much better than these talents in terms of flexibility.

In the previous life, with a lifespan of three thousand years, Gu Shanhai didn't even blink his eyes. Now it's just a bit of a pain in the flesh, and it's not even a lot of reconciliation, let alone the injury of the Tianjiliu players. The moving bone refers to the kind whose lifespan is less than ten days.

   "This is the position."

  Xiaobai walked with Gu Shanhai on his back for more than half an hour. According to the predicted conditions, Gu Shanhai determined the location, and after repeated calculations, he relaxed.

  Then got off the deer, dug a hole at the predetermined position, and poured a lot of dew into the hole continuously.

  The water flow is continuously absorbed, making the soil gradually moist.

  He just waited quietly, until the small pit was full of muddy water and then stopped.

  Then just wait and wait. There is no need to do extravagant things. The most taboo thing for Tianji Flow is to be smart and do things that are not in the plan, especially when you take the opportunity.

  See the jade rabbit sinking to the west, and the golden crow rising to the east.

  A small bud suddenly emerged from the small puddle, bearing a small fiery red fruit.

   This three-two-weight ginseng, the king of herbs, has already arrived, but Gu Shanhai knows that this is not the time to do it, and he can't let out the slightest breath, and he can't do it right away.

  The king of herbs is absorbing water to replenish itself. For plants, the importance of water is self-evident.

  Because it has absorbed enough water, the tips of the buds also appear a little bloated, and even the fruit looks fatter.

  As the water in the small pit was absorbed, the bud tip and the fruit also retracted back to the ground.

  Gu Shanhai also showed a smile when he saw this. It was considered a success. The King of Herbs did not leave, but grew on the spot. He would not leave unless he encountered danger next time or something like that.

  Seeing a ray of sun set in the distance, covering the puddle.

  In an instant, Gu Shanhai made a move, the huge force pierced through the soil directly, and he stretched out his hand and pinched a twisting ginseng plant in his hand.

   With a skillful shake of his hand, all the dirt fell.

   After the soil was gone, the King of Herbs, who was still able to move, became quiet in an instant, like a robot that was powered off.

   "Sure enough, it's a pity that I didn't become a master." Gu Shanhai felt a little regretful. It would be better if he became a master.

  After checking it once, it was planted in the body, and refined and cultivated into a spiritual plant.

   "Strong vitality, this wave directly made up for my 3,000-year lifespan, and I made a lot of money. Next, I will continue to let the king of spiritual grass improve the level of spiritual plants, and I will give back even more."

   "The name of the King of Herbs seems to be a bit powerful. It can improve the medicinal effects of other spiritual plants, and can also enhance my absorption efficiency and provide me with extra vitality at critical moments. It can even hang my life when I am seriously injured."

   "It is worthy of being the king of all herbs among the nine immortal grasses."

  Actually, Gu Shanhai was even more curious about Dendrobium nobile, the number one among the nine immortal grasses.

   "The king of herbs can be used as medicine, but the whole can't be destroyed, but you can borrow some ginseng to use it, anyway, it can regenerate."

It is not impossible to use the whole plant as medicine, but the regeneration may be a little troublesome, and at this stage, the medicinal power of the third-level king of herbs does not have enough auxiliary medicines to match, and the ginseng will be enough. After one step further, there is room for use.

"Come here, not only didn't lose money, but also made money, tsk, it's unbelievable." Gu Shanhai actually thought that he might lose a lifespan before, but he never thought that he is indeed the world's top talent Dibao, compared with this ginseng, the king of hundreds of herbs, the previous Qibao Tianhualian is too inferior, it just provides him with a Qibao body protection aura. Wang took medicine together.

   "The next step is to go to the snow mountain to find the Tianshan snow lotus, or go back and fool Huang Yanshan to come and get it together?"

  The former can be obtained in three to five days at most, but it is estimated that it will consume lifespan, and if you go back, it will take at least two months to go back and forth.

  One is life-consuming and the other is time-consuming.

  In the end, Gu Shanhai chose the former, life expectancy can increase, but it is not so easy to go back in time.

  (end of this chapter)

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