I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 141: Snow Mountain Pie was limped

  Chapter 141 The Snow Mountain faction was fooled into lameness

  In the Snow Mountain School, Gu Shanhai was warmly welcomed by the head of the Snow Mountain School, especially after seeing the Qibaoling Shen Dan handed in by his elders, he couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear.

  Tianshan snow lotus may be very rare in other places, but here it is everywhere, even disciples can post a lot.

   No matter how much this stuff is eaten, it is impossible to increase the skill of thirty years, let alone hang one's life.

   "I never imagined that there could be such a beautiful scenery on top of this snow-capped mountain." Gu Shanhai is also talking about people when he sees people, talking nonsense to the devil, and it seems that he has no emotional intelligence to tear down the stage at this time.

   "It's a pity that it's very cold, otherwise it would be a good place to live in seclusion." Miao Shan, the head of the Snow Mountain School, also said with emotion.

"I don't know if Gu Shaoxia still needs snow lotus? Although the young hero got this mountain lotus, it is only one plant after all. If you want to refine medicine into a pill, you need more. Zhushang waits for the snow lotus from Shaoxia, and makes friends with sincerity." Miao Shan added.

  Good friends, it must be a gift, don’t look at these hundred premium snow lotuses that sound bluffing, but in fact they are really just a drop in the bucket for the Snow Mountain School.

   But it is indeed very generous. Putting it on the market, this plant will cost a hundred taels of silver, which is equivalent to giving him 10,000 taels of silver directly.

   "This plant is enough for me. I just want to refine a furnace of Jiucao Pill. Too much is useless." Gu Shanhai shook his head.

  Hearing this, Miao Shan's eyes flashed brightly. He naturally knew what the nine grasses were. He didn't expect Gu Shanhai to have such a big appetite.

  Even if you don’t know what the elixir is for, the fact that the opponent needs these nine kinds of celestial herbs is not an ordinary variety is enough to prove that the elixir is extraordinary.

   "Young man, I have something to ask you!" At this moment, Miao Shan couldn't care less about anything else, so he hurriedly said.

   "You also want a Jiucao Pill?" Gu Shanhai asked back.

also? When Miao Shan heard this word, he also made up the cause and effect in his mind. He can be sure that the spirit ginseng in the Seven Treasures Spirit Ginseng Pill in his hand is definitely the king of all herbs, and it should be a gift from others. Gu Shanhai's, and then asked for a Nine Grass Pill.

   "Exactly, if you have any needs, you can just ask the young hero, and my Xueshan faction will definitely go all out!" Miao Shan hurriedly expressed his opinion.

  He can't take out the king of herbs, not even one of the nine immortal herbs of the corresponding level. He may have had it before, but it has become Qibaolingshendan.

  He didn't regret it, the opponent was so powerful, how could the Tianshan snow lotus plant fall into their hands.

   "Your sincerity is great, so it's okay to leave you one, but I don't have anything to ask for now, or else I owe you this favor first?" Gu Shanhai said.

  Before, he thought that the Snow Mountain Sect was just a small sect with about a thousand people, but the actual situation is very outrageous. They have at least 30,000 people and occupy a very large area.

  Comprehensive strength can be ranked among the top ten sects in the world.

  Snow Mountain School not only sells snow lotus, but also a series of rare products such as snow clams and snow ginseng. The rich and powerful are a very good help.

  Don't look at Miao Shan, the head of the Snow Mountain Sect, who is beside Gu Shanhai like a licking dog. This body's skill is also top-notch in the world, not to mention the existence of the Supreme Elder, etc., which cannot be underestimated at all.

   It's just that he hides deeply on weekdays and there are few disciples who were born and traveled, so he gave Gu Shanhai such an impression.

  This kind of medicinal materials, no matter which sect they belong to, needs to be bought in large quantities, so they are really rich.

  Miao Shan also saw Gu Shanhai's ability, so he made a big bet. Of course, how to see the ability is naturally based on the Qibaolingshen Dan.

  But when he heard that favors were needed, Miao Shan also hesitated. He gritted his teeth and could do it if he wanted money or things, but favors are the hardest thing to repay.

  The rivers and lakes are people's sophistication, and people's favors come first, so he can break the appointment, but it's just that there will be endless troubles.

   What's more important is that the better and stronger the effect of the Jiucao Pill, the greater the favor will be.

   "I don't know what effect this Jiucao Pill has?" At this time, Miao Shan didn't dare to promise rashly, so he could only inquire first.

   "Thousands of skills, increase lifespan for thousands of years, rejuvenate, stay youthful." Gu Shanhai only said sixteen words.

   But as soon as these sixteen words came out, Miao Shan's breathing became heavy.

   "The young man was joking, there is no such ridiculous thing in the world." Miao Shan was moved, but also very rational.

   "Whether it is absurd or not, we will know when the alchemy is completed. The medicinal materials I use are all natural treasures." Gu Shanhai's words are true, the effect is a little watery, not as outrageous as a thousand years.

  However, he pays more attention to the first two functions. He is ready to take the elixir, which must be mass-produced. As for the latter two functions, they are actually just incidental.

   "Sect Leader Miao doesn't believe it, you can go to the rivers and lakes to find out the age of the old man." Gu Youyou said jokingly.

"Young man can really joke, you are only double ten years old, and you can..." At first, Miao Shan really didn't realize it, but as he talked, he thought of Gu Shanhai's outrageous qi. How could a twenty-year-old boy have a whole body of true energy.

  Even if it is soaked in a medicine jar and fed by feeding, it is impossible. His son is so long, and it is not so outrageous.

  So the truth is that this young boy who looks like a young man is actually an old monster who has lived for a long time, and the reason why he wants to practice this Jiucao Pill again must be to increase his life by thousands of years.

   "Yeah, how many can there be? Head Miao might as well guess." Gu Shanhai naturally read the other party's thoughts, so he continued to follow the other party's words.

   At this time, Miao Shan didn't dare to speak casually. If it was true, then... did the other party really only live for a thousand years?

   After all, this Jiucao Dan can't only be refined once.

   Those heavenly beings appeared in my mind.

  ‘Martial Dao True Immortal! No wonder, no wonder.’

  When the thoughts in his heart were tense, Gu Shanhai also interrupted the other party's words.

"It's almost time, and I should go down the mountain. If Sect Master Miao changes his mind, he can send someone down the mountain to find me. It's easier for me to inquire about it." Gu Shanhai didn't wait for the other party to recover, but directly opened his mouth, He is indeed going down the mountain.

  The intention was actually to give Xiaobai a rest. It probably already has medium cold resistance. If it is advanced, he doesn't know whether he can develop this talent before going down the mountain.

   If it can’t be developed, then Gu Shanhai will use Tianshan snow lotus as the main medicine to refine a corresponding elixir for it.

  Gu Shanhai doesn't need it, he has the corresponding resistance talent, unlike Xiaobai, he has not experienced such extreme environments.

  Miao Shanben wanted to speak, but he saw Xiaobai carrying Gu Shanhai away and disappearing, leaving only a long string of deer hooves on the snow.

  ‘It’s really exciting to run after pretending to be tough! '

   It wasn't that Gu Shanhai wanted to stay, but that he was about to lose his grip, and if he went any further, he might reveal his secrets, so he ran quickly.

He is a fool himself and let the other party make up his mind. He doesn't want to refine any Nine Grass Pills at all. This thing is not suitable for compatibility. Only people who don't understand like Miao Shan will believe it. flicker.

  Of course, it is true to refine the elixir that increases lifespan and power, but they will not refine it according to their ideas.

  The other party's brain supplement is also unexpected by Gu Shanhai. The Snow Mountain School may be a help for him, but it is only a possibility. Whether it can be successful is another matter.

The sect spends most of their time on the snow-capped mountains, more like a well-established rich man, if they really ask their disciples to come down the mountain to help, I'm afraid it won't be of much help. The disciple here, Gu Shanhai, has seen it. Although he also practices martial arts, But most of the time, they look like company employees, and there should not be many **** ones.

   Fortunately, every drink and peck has a fixed number, and Gu Shanhai still gains something from being kind to others.

  Currently, he is changing towards the genre of Tianji and krypton gold. Even if he doesn't need it, he has to make some plans in advance, in case it becomes a dark one.

"The things I want in this area are gone. Let's go to Huang Yanshan next. His electric current should be 100,000 volts." Gu Shanhai made a simple estimate, but he didn't make a divination, mainly because he didn't necessary.

   Then, with a thought, I noticed something.

   "Interesting, I didn't expect the Xueshan faction to discuss it with me. It seems that I was really fooled by me." Gu Shanhai also sensed something with his sixth sense, which shows that his secret flow has gone a step further.

   Probably since the last time I used myself as a material for visceral divination, my perception has been greatly improved, and the improvement is not the five senses, but the sixth sense, intuition and so on.

  It is a pity that such methods are limited, and there is no way to improve through continuous death.

What improved his perception was not visceral divination, but because Gu Shanhai obtained some small improvements after spending a lot of life for in-depth divination, so it was actually a gift after krypton life, not as long as the divination can be improved. The kind of krypton life.

  And next time if you want to get an upgrade, the lifespan of Krypton's three thousand years is not enough, it has to be more than three thousand years, and the more Krypton you have, the more you will improve.

  Gu Shanhai didn't pay much attention to the follow-up of the Snow Mountain School. If he wanted to pay attention, he could spend some time to watch the live broadcast, but it didn't make much sense.

   On the way down the mountain, Xiaobai's pace was much more cheerful. Coupled with the talent of stepping into the air, he just jumped all the way down anyway.

  Before going up the mountain, I used Shishan, but if I go down the mountain, it is more cost-effective to use Takong.

  As the altitude gradually decreased, the original temperature, air pressure, etc. also gradually rose back, and the wind and snow naturally stopped, and then gradually dissipated.

  The flora and fauna also began to flourish, and Gu Shanhai even saw sporadic families, probably herdsmen or others.

   "Yo~" Xiaobai reminded Gu Shanhai, saying that there seemed to be a few people from the rivers and lakes preparing to go up the mountain.

  Gu Shanhai poked his head out to take a look, because Xiaobai's antlers are too big, he has been relying on the mystic eye and magic eye to observe the front, but the vision of these two things is really not as good as his.

There are three men and two women in total, and they are wearing thick clothes. This is not the point. The point is that there seems to be a woman who is not good enough. She looks like the one who rewarded herself for not dying sixty times and hasn't slept for three days. kind.

They should be planning to go to the Snow Mountain School to ask for medicine. There are quite a few of them. The main reason is that most of the medicinal materials in the market are of relatively ordinary quality. Zong Momen as a special offer.

   Therefore, if you want to obtain such good medicinal materials, you have to go to the place of origin.

   "The whole family is from the rivers and lakes, no wonder this kind of thing happened." Gu Shanhai could tell at a glance that the woman was injured internally, which was obviously caused by a fight with someone.

  So he was thinking whether to meddle in his own business and make a good relationship.

  As soon as the thought arises, he forgets it. It's none of his business, just take care of yourself.

  Oh, the main reason is that he made a fortune-telling just now and got no good results.

  The purpose of forming a good relationship is to get a good fruit, but if there is no good fruit, why would he lick his face and go there? This world doesn't pay attention to the cycle of karma and retribution.

  Even Gu Shanhai will be fine if he grabs the opportunity directly, but he has always been cautious, and things that can be solved with his life are basically not a problem, why bother to save this little life for himself.

   Most of the Tianjiliu players are evil gamblers, but what they bet on is life and not life. There is still a difference between the two. Life can increase if life is gone. If life is gone, there is a high probability that it is really gone.

When the two sides passed by each other, the five people also looked at Gu Shanhai in surprise. Riding such a big deer was indeed more eye-catching. As for whether Gu Shanhai's identity had been detected, Gu Shanhai also had no choice. Did not explore.

  While staggering, Gu Shanhai also glanced at the seriously injured woman. The injury has temporarily stabilized and will not continue to deteriorate in the near future, but if it doesn't get the corresponding treatment, then it might be.

   "Father, he seems to be the world's number one deer master according to rumors in the world."

   After Gu Shanhai walked away, one of the teenagers hesitated and said.

   "It's him. He came from the Snow Mountain School and only wears single clothes. He is probably the only one who has such genuine energy." A middle-aged man said with a sigh.

   "Then why don't we ask him to save Sister, he is really powerful, and he will surely heal Sister's internal injuries." The boy asked again.

   "What do we have that is worth his shot? Just because he is number one in the world? Jianghu has never been about love and romance." The middle-aged man said calmly.

Even if they open their mouths, it is impossible for the other party to help a stranger and an unknown person. If it is so good, they will go to Tianzong to ask the suzerain of Tianzong, but in fact they can't even go to Tianzong, let alone see Tianzong Sovereign.

  Even if he went to the Snow Mountain School to ask for medicine, he didn't know what to do, and he was only a second-rate master in Jianghu, and he didn't have any reputation at all.

   "It's better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. Wouldn't it be better to ask for medicine from the Snow Mountain School?" The middle-aged man said again.

  The so-called asking for medicine is not to ask the other party to give it to you, but to hope that they will sell it to you, and the price is easy to negotiate.

  (end of this chapter)

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